《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE CAVE


Analise's POV

Just like I promised Cresent, I was going to let her out for a run. It is currently 7 30 and dinner will be served at 8 00 that is most of the people staying here, will be busy eating. As for the guards, most of them will be near the dining room but there will be some in the halls and a lot outside the castle but nothing the use of my special werewolf speed could not take care of.

I took one of my backpacks and threw some spare clothes in it as well as a bottle of water, granola bar, a towel and a book, just in case if I have some time to kill there in my human form. I plopped the bag on my bed before going into my closet and getting changed.

I wore my black ripped jeans, an oversized black hoodie and my combat boots. I tied my hair in a messy bun knowing very well that by the time I will be home, it will be actually messy. When the clock struck eight, I put my plan in motion.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I made my way to my window. Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to have a tree that would help me climb down from the room which was on the second floor.

I looked around the perimeter, making sure the guards were not here as every one hour, the guards change their shift. Like those from the inside go outside or some in the garden. That is, they interchange shifts with each other but the most experienced and trusted ones guard near the royal chambers that is where my family sleeps. They never change their places, maybe their working time but not the places they guard.

It usually took about a minute for the new guards to come as they used there werewolf speed. Not wanting to get caught, I moved quickly. I easily jumped out of the window and landed on my feet which would be very dangerous for normal wolves. They would not died but they would surely have a few broken bones. But am I a normal wolf?


I covered my face with the hood and my eyes easily adjusted to the darkness. I used half my speed to find my secret exit from the gardens but not before masking my scent. I no longer knew exactly where it was but I hope the signs were still there. I passed by a few guards but to them I was just like wind. They would not really see me or smell me.


I found my way to the smallest garden of the castle and went inside. This garden was actually very beautiful but since it was not taken care as much as the other ones, it kind of looked dull. I moved in between the bushed and looked for the sign which was a little cresent moon along with my initial A.

Yes I am obsessed with cresent moons.

Luckily, after having to move a few vines here and there, I finally found the mark. I put it there so that I could easily identify where the exit was. Right underneath, the wall was a secret tunnel that not many knew. I accidentally came across it when I was playing outside by myself one day. I tripped and fell right on the small wooden trapdoor there was.

At that time the trap door was the same color as the soil, making it difficult to see but now it was even more difficult to see because of the bushes that started growing over it. After struggling with the plants, I finally managed to open the trapdoor. I jumped in the hole and closed it after me. It was really dark inside as well as a bit cold since we were underground and the tunnel actually passed under a river.

Making the tunnel under the river was actually a pretty strategic thing to do. When people would walk under the river, in the tunnel, the ones on ground would not really be able to catch the sound of their footstep due to the loud sound of the river.

The walls, if you could even call it walls, had been reinforced with big stones. It was covered with moss and a pungent smell was coming due to the moisture in the tunnel. Water droplets could be heard dripping from the top. It was pretty cold and chilly but my wolf side was helping me keep warm. I lit a small ball of fire in the palm of my hands as I kept moving deeper in the tunnel and the darkness intensified.

Where are we going?

You will see.

Finally, I saw the light across the end of the tunnel and the sound of water kept becoming louder with each step. Smiling a bit, I let the fire in my hands die as I made my way to the end. Pushing the thick vines, I got out and found myself in one of my favorite places in the world.


WOW! Where did you find this?

I found this the same day I found the trap door but I kept this place a secret. I would come here every time I wanted to be alone or I felt low.

The place was actually a small, magical cave. The cave was found underground and there were beautiful, glowing crystals sticking out from different places, making the cave have a cozy and serene feel to it. Part of the water from the river, entered the cave through a hole in the wall, creating a waterfall and all finally creating a deep pool in the the corner of the cave, right under the waterfall.

The pool of clear yet dark water, was surrounded by smooth pebbles of different sizes around it. The only sound was that of my breathing and the waterfall.

You said I could run!

Of course you can.

I walked to the other side of the cave where there was another exit covered with vines. It lead to a forest. Even though I don't really knew where we actually are, I know that we must be in the werewolf territory. I walked out and the cold wind blew through my face. Sighing in content, I stripped off my clothes and shifted in my beautiful, big black wolf with silver eyes.

Thanks Lizzie.

No problem just make sure not to go too far from the cave because there might be guards and even if we have hide out scent, they might feel our aura.

Wagging her tail, Cresent started in a slow walk, taking in the surrounding before starting to walk briskly. After finally getting used, Cresent went all out and used all her speed and ran, avoiding several branches here and there. The wind caressed her thick, silky fur as she ran. The moon seemed to be watching us along with the stars which were shining over us. She chased some butterflies and a cute little bunny but I made sure she did not kill it because they are too cute.

Two hours or so later, she retreated back to the cave. She took the bag as well as my clothes that were now dirty due to the dirt and went to the pool. She drank a bit of water and finally shifted back.

I laid near the water, naked as I listened to the sound of the water. My body was covered with dirt everywhere.

You really like to run in the dirt.

Hmmm. Her tongue was out as she wagged her tail happily.

Honestly I am glad that she is no longer sad because of that stupid mate that we have. Does his demon or what not suffer like my wolf?

Get cleaned and change. You are gross right now!

Thanks to you! Chuckling I got in the pool. I swam around a bit and enjoyed myself before floating on my back. I stared at the glowing crystals over my head and I just hoped that time would stop. I stayed in this position for what felt like hours before I finally got out of the pool.

The dirt was long gone and my hair was also clean now, although I would have to wash them again. I opened my bag and took the towel that I thankfully remembered to bring and dried myself before slipping on my underwear and my oversized shirt I brought with me. I sat at the edge of pool and dipped my feet in it while taking my book and reading it.

I was disturbed when I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and it seemed like they were coming in this direction. I quickly got away from the water and packed all my things. The person was now extremely close by.

I sniffed the air to try and find out who it was. I caught a familiar scent but I could not remember whose it were. While I was still trying t o figure out who it was, the person made himself known by coming from behind the vines, covering the exit to the forest.

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