《The Demon's Little Wolf》NO SHIT SHERLOCK


"King Denver"

He turned around and looked at me with confusion over his face. I took a few steps closer but kept a decent distant between us. Otherwise I would not be able to control Cresent and maybe just a little bit of myself. A little bit!

"How can I help you, Princess Analise?" He stressed on the last part. I had to bite my lip so that I don't say anything I will regret.

This stupid mate bond.

I cleared my throat "I have a question I want to ask you." He nodded his head and I took it as my cue to continue. "Can you tell me the reason why you told me not to tell anyone about us being mates?" I said in my serious tone, all jokes and awkwardness aside.

As if sensing my seriousness, he replied in a cold and strong voice. "Because I don't want people to know."

Cresent whined a bit before she went quiet again and retreated to the back of my mind.

Ok how should I interpret this again? That one, simple sentence, could be taken in many ways. It could be in a good one or either a bad one. I really hope it was a good one but as he did not care to give me details, I don't know nor do I have a clue on which one it is.

"Right. If you don't mind can you give a bit more details?"

"What do you want to know more? Just don't tell anyone about the fact of us being mate. Is it not simple?" He just stood there as if we were conversing about mundane things. As if it is not about us and what we have or at least what we could have between us for god sake. Being mates, is supposed to be the best thing to happen to us. It is like a pure relation and both person should do their best to make this work. Going against it would be going against the moon goddess' wish.


And trust me, you don't want that to happen because even if the mood goddess is seen as a relatively calm and loving person, she has her moments too.

I resisted the urge to scoff "In fact, it is a simple thing to do. So could I know the reason on why we need to do this simple thing?" I stared at him dead in the eyes.

"I think it would be best for us to keep it like this and keep our distance." And shit if that did not just hurt as hell. Well nothing new though, another person not wanting me in their lives. The classic.

He is our mate!

Then why is not fucking acting like one? Why is he pushing us away? We are supposed to be there for each other!

"Fine we will keep our distance and I will try so that you won't have to see me but at least tell me the reason for god's sake" I was starting to lose my cool. I don't care he is the demon king, the incarnation of devil or the fucking Satan himself. He can't just treat me like this.

"I said it earlier and I don't like repeating myself" He said with gritted teeth, clearly displeased by the disrespect I was showing him. "I. Don't. Want. People. To. Know."

I looked at him in disbelief. "No shit Sherlock, as if I did not already know that"

Before we could continue our nice little conversation, dear sister Rayna decided to pop out of nowhere and her screeching voice reached my ears making me grimace.

"I know you just came back little sis but that does not mean you forget how to talk to others." I swear I held back a gag at her overly sickening voice. I would rather hear the sound of an alarm clock rather than her voice.


Considering how I hate alarms with passion, that's a lot to say. I looked over at Alexander to see him looking unamused at my sister who was as sexy as a seal walking.

No wait, comparing her to seals would be an insult to seals. Sorry poor seals.

She made her way towards us. She looped her arms with mine and I seriously needed to puke. Her perfume was making me get a headache and I could not help but scrunch my nose a bit.

"I am sorry if my sister has somehow disrespected you. She was not living with us for sometime and she just came back." She tried to say it seductively. Keyword tried. Instead it came out high pitched and bless my sensitive hears that were about to start bleeding.

Before Alexander could say anything, she continued. "My little sister is very nice although not like me since she did not really live in the castle" geez how can someone insult another person in every sentence they say.

Now that is what I call some talent that only she could have.

"But she is really sweet." She added

Well two could play this game. Time to have a little bit of fun.

"Glad you know you think so good of me" I smiled at her obviously a fake one.

She looked at me warily. "Of course I will. You are my sister and I love you."

While both us were having our lovely sisters talk, Alexander just stood there and looked at us warily.

"Aww I love you too just like I love my dog"

"Thanks but you never told me you have a dog."

I smirked as I took my hand out of her grasp. "Because I don't have one."

As realisation dawned upon her, she flushed red. I looked over at Alexander and he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. As an evil though made its way to my mind, I spoke as I turned away "Oh and I think that King Denver needed some help with the directions" I said in a sing song voice.

Looking over my shoulder I found Rayna let out a small squeal. Was she not just trying to get back with her ex mate? As for Alexander, he looked at me with a frown and my hands itched to show him the middle finger. Instead I just smirked and winked at him before walking away.

For how he treated me, this is just a small thing to pay.

Why did you leave him with that bitch?

Might as well make him pay a bit. By the way, do you want to go for a run tonight?

Care to tell me where we will go princess? Because last time I checked even the forests have guards and they will smell us.

Don't worry. I know just the right place.

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