《The Demon's Little Wolf》WOLF PERIODS?


I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my sensitive ears. Groaning, I took it and threw it across the room and I heard it break into pieces. Smiling a bit that the incarnation of devil was dead, I went back to sleep.

This time I woke up by the sound of someone knocking on my door. I stayed quiet and did not move, praying that whoever was at the door would leave but obviously not. The knocking turned into banging.

"Come in" I said lazily.

"Get up Analise! This is not the time to be sleeping!" Hearing my mother's voice, my eyes snapped open and I sat up straight.

"What do you want queen Isabella?"

" What do you mean what I want? We have people over and you did not come for breakfast. How is this sort of behavior tolerable? Look at the time for god sake!" She shouted.

I rolled my eyes. "If you are here to give me a speech of how princesses should behave, the door is right there" I pointed towards the door. "As for breakfast, you remember what your dear son told me yesterday?"

Realisation crossed her features. "Hmm I think you remember. As for the time, I can't really look at it since I broke your stupid alarm clock." I motioned to the once clock on the floor.

She looked at me in disbelief. "Get ready and come down. We are having lunch with the others and we will be discussing some things with them." She turned on her heels and left the room while slamming the door shut

I grimaced and groggily got ready. Since I was being lazy, I decided to wear something casual. I just wore a plain, light pink spaghetti strap dress which reached above my knees along with my denim jacket. I wore a pair of sandals and let my hair in a ponytail.

Arriving at the hall, most of the leaders were already seated. Putting on a smile, I took a seat next to Rayna and thankfully Evelyne was seated next to me. She was wearing a sundress and she looked beautiful as always.

"Good afternoon." She laughed


"So, where were you this morning. I had to support your annoying sister and that Ivory bitch the entire breakfast. Even if I was seated next to her, she kept trying to get in a conversation with Axel."

"Wow. I wonder what her mate will go through once they meet each other." She visibly paled at my words. "Is everything alright? You look like you just saw a ghost."

She cleared her throat and whispered in my ear "Actually she met her mate but rejected him."

"What?" I nearly shouted and earned some weird looks from the people around the table. "I know she is a bitch but I did not expect her to reject her other half. Anyway how do you know this?"

"Axel told me." I raised my eyebrow at her and she continued. "Actually Axel was her mate. They met a few years ago when the royal family had gone to visit the packs. At that time, Axel had just taken over the alpha position and the pack was not of the highest ranking like it currently is. So, she rejected him. And then when I returned back from school I found out he was my mate and I was his second chance mate."


My jaw nearly dropped to the floor. I was not happy by what Rayna did but I also was kind of happy. If she did not reject him then Evie would not get her mate. "When did you know about this?"

"Yesterday night. I confronted him about why Rayna was sticking to him and what she was saying about how they once loved each other. She even said that I came between them" she huffed

"That bitch" I hissed. She nodded and spoke. "But thanks to her I now have the best mate and next time she tries to get to my mate, I'll rip her head away from her body. Royalty or not. I hope you won't mind me doing that to your sister"

"Not at all. Instead don't forget to tell me I will get some popcorn and come to enjoy the show" I winked at her

"We surely are best friends"

I shrugged. Once all the other leaders were here and yes Alexander was here too, everybody body started eating before starting the meeting. We were halfway through lunch when someone nudged me and it was none other than Rayna. I looked at her and did not bother to hide my irritation.

"If you are going to eat that much, you will become fat sister. It's not you are not already." She laughed at her own words. I gave her an uninterested look and turned my attention to the delicious food calling me from my plate. It's true that I am eating a lot but that is because I missed breakfast.

I did not want to let her words affect me but the once delicious food lost its appeal and I just played around with it. I felt someone gaze on me but I brushed it off, not wanting to have any sort of interaction of even eye contact with anybody.

"What's wrong with you?" Evelyne whispered to me.

"What "what's wrong with me?"" I mimicked her tone.

"Well, you are not eating and spending so many years with you, I know you really like your food."

I rolled my eyes. "I still do Evie I am just not really hungry at the time."

"Whatever floats your boat. And tell me something did you by any chances piss of King Denver by your feisty behavior?" She spoke in between taking bites of food

I pondered a bit before finally answering "I did not piss off anyone as far as I remember. And who the hell is King Denver?"

She looked at me with shock all over her face. "You don't know who king Denver is?"

"Umm I think I................... no I don't" I smiled sheepishly at her and she shook her head

"King Denver. AKA the demon king? The incarnation of the devil himself." She said in a 'duh' tone.

Wow I did not even know my own mate's full name. Wonderful.

First I did not know who he was. Then I do not know his name. He does not want people to know about us. Just the perfect relationship. Note the sarcasm.

"Ok great to know he is the devil. Now can you tell me why you think I 'pissed him off?'"

"Well he keeps looking....... wait scratch that. He keeps staring at you but due to his stone cold expression I can't determine what he is feeling."

"Then don't try to. It's simple. He want to keep a serious face on, let him." I said with a bit of frustration. I looked up and indeed he was looking at me. I not so secretly rolled my eyes and went back to talk to Evelyne.


Some time later, the meeting started.

"So as you all know we have a war coming and we will all be working together. In peace hopefully." My father glared at Alexander who just looked unbothered. "I think we should think of how we will proceed to attack them."

"I think we should try a peace treaty first." The leader of light angels, Serena said.

Typical angel things to do.

Shhh! Let me focus Cresent. And what got you in such a sour mood? You on your wolf period or something? Should I get you some pads or tampons. Wait are there actually wolf pads and tampons? Mostly are there actually wolf periods?

My inner trance was cut short when I heard someone call for my name. Everybody was already looking at me and I gulped. Could I use my magic to make the ground open and swallow me. I cleared my throat and was about to ask them to say whatever they said again but someone interrupted me and it was none other than Alexander.

"I think that a peace treaty would be useless as I already had one with them but they still attacked us. So I would say, they will not really see whether you are ally or not with them and they will continue to attack if not stopped. Right Princess Analise?"

Oh my god! Was that my name that just came out of his mouth? I never found my name so beautiful. The way it just rolled off him tongue and his deep, velvety and sexy voice just made my name the most beautiful one in the world!!! Somebody help meeee

Clearing my throat, I said. "I agree. Maybe we could do some sort of blood oath. Like they sign a treaty that is under some sort of spell and if one of the parties break the treaty, he gets affected by whatever magic was used to bind them to the treaty. But, I doubt they would actually be willing to sign something like that since clearly they want power." I shrugged

"Once again, you are really intelligent for such a young princess." King Tarsal, said. I smiled at him. "As the princess said, it would be a good idea but the vampires are not the ones who will be willing to sign it."

"I say we should attack them now itself. When they least expect us to." Ryan suggested maybe one of the most stupid things I heard since I came here and that is saying something.

"Sorry to interrupt you but do you really think they would go attack other kingdoms without having their guards up or maybe even keeping tabs on us? You never know, maybe that is what they actually expect us to do and lead us a deadly trap." I said while crocking one of my eyebrows at him. Ryan stayed frowned. "Anyone has any better idea then?" He said through gritted teeth.

He honestly was behaving like a kid who did not get the toy he wanted and is now throwing a fit.

"I agree with Princess Analise." The leader of witches spoke and a few others words of agreement could be heard. Ryan was red and I don't know if it was because of anger or embarrassment.

"I think we should prepare our defenses. Make them train harder and make sure that they will be ready for when they will be needed." Alexander said and the others agreed

I heard a low growl from my father, clearly annoyed that people are agreeing with his enemy.

"But how will we train so many people at one place itself?" The leader of oracles spoke.

"If you don't mind me asking King Gabriel, is the palace large enough for about.........." Alexander started but my dad intervened, annoyed. "Of course it is. My kingdom is definitely way bigger than yours" My father said with a smug look. Cresent wanted to claw at him for talking to her mate like that.

Ignoring his comment, Alexander continued. "As you heard him say, the palace is large. Very large might I say. So I think it would be able to fit a small army here right?" Now it was his time to look at my father with a smug look. I already imagined Cresent wagging her tail, with pride for her mate.

My father just stared at him, stunned. As far as I knew my father, he was not really keen of having other supernatural creatures in the palace since the incident. For the meeting itself, he decided to send them back and call them when needed for the war but I guess things are not going his way.

"So, I say we should get our best fighters here to train and as for the rest of your people, they will train at your kingdom itself. You can appoint someone who you trust and who is capable to train them there. When the war will be near, they will be called in." He continued with a confident face on.

"It is honestly a good idea." Leader of light angels agreed. "But should all of our people fight in the war?" When I heard how she emphasised on 'all' I already knew what she meant.

"I would say, the more people we had would be better. So I think that they should all work because if I am not wrong, all of the wolves will be fighting for us." Ivory said. "Any objection?"

"I object" I said as I glared at her. "Just like I said last time in the meeting, I don't think you should force anyone to fight because we don't know who will win and there is high risk of many dying. So it should be their choice whether they want to fight or not as I believe they have a family that would be waiting for them."

The room went silent for sometime and everybody looked in deep thoughts before Ryan spoke "What have you all decided?"

Thankfully, they all agreed with me. I know I am great. Haha

Finally it was said that those who want to fight will fight and that as planned, they will bring in their warriors to train here in a few days and leave their third in command to train the others at their kingdom.

"Feel free to ask us anything you need. " grandmother said

As everybody stood up to leave, Cresent started whining in my head and it did not take a genius to figure out why. I stared at the retreating figure of Alexander and made up my mind to ask him the question that has been bothering me.

I went out of the room as quick as my feet could take me and I finally saw him.

"King Denver"

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