《The Demon's Little Wolf》OBSTACLES


Analise's POV

After the eventful dinner, I made my way to my room. On the way here, people had different expressions. Some were shocked, some happy, some angry, some bowed while others look at me with pity and sympathy. I do not know what to really expect of them. I am pretty sure everybody heard what happened in the dining room using their enhanced hearing, if not they must have communicated through their mind link.

Even when I felt their gaze on me, I held my head high up and kept my emotions at bay. I masked the pain I was feeling with a cold expression and made my way to the room as quickly as possible, without trying to look as shaken as I was on the inside.

As soon as I closed the doors, I leaned against the door and sat on the floor and broke down in tears. I know they never wanted me in their life but hearing it from their own mouth felt worse that having silver in your system. The words kept replaying in my head and their faces haunted me whenever I closed my eyes.

How could they? How can someone treat their own daughter like that. I know they do not like me but I am still their blood. They say your family is supposed to love you, cherish you, protect you and teach you the basic things of life but what if the same family hate you, neglects you, breaks you and abandons you in the harsh world when you needed them the most?

What should you do?

Calm down Lizzie.

Nothing seemed to calm me down as all of the memories of how I was treated came back to me. I forced myself up and went to the bathroom where I turned on the shower on cold water and sat under it. I hugged my knees and cried. I did not hold back my sobs and I just hoped that the sound of the water muffled it and that the room was soundproof.


Cresent kept trying her best to comfort me by saying sweet things to me.

After being in the shower for like an hour or so, I finally got out. I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed. It was not the strong girl I was was a moment ago when I got out of the room, instead, it was a broken version of me. My purple eyes seemed to have lost their appeal and my eyes were red with my mascara smudged around it. My dress was wet and clinging to me like a second skin.

I sighed and washed my face properly before getting out of the dress. I went to my closet and chose something comfortable to wear. I wore my black pajama set. The short was plain while the top had lovely dreams written in white. I doubt I would have lovely dreams though.

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes before my thoughts wandered to the events of today. How my family broke me in just a few seconds with just a few words. How I became weak, the opposite I wanted to be. Maybe I was still that weak girl deep inside

Shut up Analise! Do not drown yourself in self pity right now! They don't know your worth. If you are saying that you are useless, you are implying that I am weak too and I will never allow anyone to call me that. Not even you. You are not weak Analise. You are the strongest girl I have ever seen and I consider myself so lucky to be your wolf. Please, you are strong. Don't let a bunch of idiots run over you.

She was right and the fact that she used my full name meant she was angry at me and was very serious at the moment.


"I am sorry Cresent. I will not allow anyone tear me down. They were not there for me all these years but I managed to become who I am today. I was able to get past every obstacle thrown at me by the moon goddess and if this is another one of them, I will get past this too. I am strong and I will always be. For you. For us. If moon goddess is putting me to this test, there must be a reason and I will not fail her. I will not fail us"

That's my girl. Goodnight now. I am sleepy

I chuckled at her. Bipolar much. "Goodnight Crescent and sorry." I closed my eyes and welcomed sleep. Even though I was tired, I could not sleep. I had this feeling in my stomach and it was surely not because of hunger. I was having a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

I tried to talk to Cresent but she was sleeping and I did not want to wake her up. I think it is just because I am in the palace and the bad memories are just getting to me and messing with my head.

I kept tossing around when I heard someone's screams followed by sounds of things being broken.

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