《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE REUNION


The guards who were standing outside were shocked but did not do anything.

The dining room was huge. A long table which could fit around 50 people was placed in the middle of the room. Different types of food were placed in the middle of the table with cutlery at each seat.

There were two doors on one side of the room which was the entry and another one on the other side which was for the kitchen.

The room was white in colour along with some golden ancient designs on the wall. Three big chandeliers hung above the big table, all positioned at equal distance. The whole room was spotless and could be said to be shining.

On the side of the door to the kitchen, big arc windows allowed light to enter the piece and providing us a beautiful view of the outdoor garden.

I diverted my gaze to the people looking straight at me with expressions changing from shock to anger to disgust to hatred and to god knows what.

They really are crushing all of my hopes that they changed. I guess I will change too then. They are just a bunch of royal assholes not my family.

My father was sitting at the head of the table along with my mother and brother on each side. Next to my mother, sat my sister and next to my brother, sat a girl I do not know. Maybe his mate. Next to her was another woman who I recognised as my grandmother.

I moved towards them, trying my best to keep my face void of any emotions.

The king just nodded in acknowledgment and motioned for me to take a seat. As much as I hated this, I sat next to my so called sister who was just glaring daggers at me and taking in my look.

Natalia, my grandmother who was sitting across me, a smiled to which I just nodded.

Soon maids came in the room and started serving the food. I did not take much to eat compared to the others. I just lost my appetite as soon as I saw their expressions.

5 minutes into dinner, nobody spoke. Only the sound of the cutlery clashing with the plates and chewing could be heard. The tension was so much that even the maids could feel it since they just kept taking glances at me and the others. Probably wondering who I was and why we were so tensed.


I just played with the food in my plate. A few minutes later I could no longer take it. I dropped my spoon on my plate, making a cling noise, causing everyone's head to snap towards me.

I placed my elbows on the table, intertwined my fingers and placed my chin on it. "Great, now that I have your attention, may I know the reason why you called me here, King?" I stressed on the word king and I saw a flash of shock in his eyes.

Clearing her throat, my mother spoke "Is this the way to talk? What would people think!" She said not bothering to hide her irritation.

She still has not changed. She is still stuck with the rules.

A princess should do this

A princess should not do that

A princess should wear this

A princess should talk like this

A princess should walk like this

Blah blah blah

Sighing, I continued. "They won't say anything" She looked at me in confusion. "They don't even know who I am. Right?" I asked one of the maids who was standing next to the queen. She just lowered her head confirming what I said. I scoffed "How would they know? My parents, the king and queen did not find it important to tell anyone I was coming back" A few gasps from the maids and guards could be heard

"You have nothing special in you that people should know you are coming" Rayna commented under her breath.

It's now that I noticed that instead of her hazel eyes, she had blue eyes but unlike mine they seemed fake and her natural black hair was dyed blonde. Her face was caked with make up and she appeared older than her age.

"Did I talk to you, sister?" I glared at her and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat making me smirk but she quickly composed herself.

"You think now that you have changed, you are too strong. Just wearing these clothes with fake contacts do not make you powerful. You were and will always be that weak girl" She mocked

"You are right. I am not powerful because of these things. I am powerful because of what I have been through in my life and it was surely not because of you all. And for your information, I do not wear contacts unlike you. I see you still don't like your hazel eyes and black hair. That's why you wear blue contact and your hair is now dyed blonde." I said coldly and her cheeks became red.


She huffed and crossed her arms in front of her before turning to the king. "Dad look at how she is behaving. She is such a spoiled brat now" She changed her expression in that of helplessness. Who is the brat now?

The king glared at me "Watch what you are saying to my family!"

I started laughing darkly to myself, earning a few weirder looks. "Family." I said, the word sounding strange from my mouth. I stopped laughing and got up from my seat abruptly, startling the others. "I guess that I am intruding your family moment then. I will take your leave for now. I would really appreciate it if you would just tell me the reason why you called me here because I am pretty sure it was not for some family reunion."

"You have grown into a disrespectful princess." My brother, Ryan spoke.

"Oh dear brother. I am not a princess. I am just Analise now. Not Analise Royal. So don't expect me to behave like a princess singing la la la everywhere."

They all looked at me in shock. My father growled "What do you mean"

"Just what you think father" I said innocently.

But I guess I was not innocent enough since he slammed his fist on the table causing the people in the room to flinch, except me since I don't care. "Who gave you the right to do that. You are such an ungrateful girl. We gave you our name and that's what you do? You were useless with our name. What makes you think you will be better without it?" He laughed. "You are even more useless now. It would be better if you were not born" He spat with venom.

Everybody in the room was shocked and Rayna was looking at me with a smirk. Even if on the outside I had a stone expression, on the inside I was breaking and the pain was unbearable.

I don't know why but whatever he just said snapped something in Cresent and I could feel her starting to release her powerful aura. But before any body could sense it, I pushed her to the back of my mind causing her to let out an angry growl.

Ignoring her, I looked at my father dead in the eyes. "Are you fucking serious right now? When I had your name, you did not like it and now that I removed it, you have a problem with that too?" I stared at him in disbelief.

"You are crossing your limit Amelia" Ryan said.

I started laughing and they looked at me as if I was mad. "What.... what did you say? Amelia?" I could not believe him right now.

He looked somewhat confused before nodding. I shook my head. "And you call yourself my family." I scoffed "My name is Analise not Amelia."

"Talk to him properly. He is your future king" The mysterious girl spoke. I don't know why but I got the bitchy feels from her just like Rayna.

"And who are you?" I asked nonchalantly

"She is Ivory. My mate" Ryan said, pulling her closer to him.

"Good to know you remember her name" I said sarcastically "Anyway, continue your dinner and once again, tell me the reason why you called me here as soon as possible" I said as coldly as I could. "Because I can't wait to get out of this place."

"We will tell you tomorrow go rest." My grandmother who was silent all this time spoke up looking at me........... proudly?

Shaking my head I got out of the room and made my way to the room where I was staying, earning a few surprised looks from guards and some of them even bowed.

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