《The Demon's Little Wolf》UNDER ATTACK


I kept tossing around when I heard someone's screams followed by sounds of things being broken.

I immediately sat up on my bed and I felt Cresent stir in her sleep.

'Cresent wake up. I might need your help later.'

I heard a faint growl and that was all needed to reassure me that she had by back. Swinging my feet off the bed, I got up and made my way to the door.

As my enhanced hearing was better compared to our wolves, I did not need to strain my ears to hear the noise around me.

I heard footsteps rushing all over the place but none could be heard coming in my direction.

At least one advantage of being in the guest room and that whoever was attacking us did not know I was here.

I sighed before opening the door and stepping out in the empty hallway. I walked around, clueless of where I was heading to and found myself in the foyer. The strong smell of metallic blood filled my nostrils. The beige walls were covered in crimson now and dead bodies were scattered on the ground. Some were our soldiers and others, the attackers.

Avoiding their bodies, I used my sense of smell to guide me through this maze of death and pain. I caught the familiar scent of the king and I followed it but found myself at a dead end.

A trap! Cresent alerted me. Just as I was about to turn and walk away, I caught a faint blur pass by me and for sure that was no werewolf. It stopped in the darkness. I could not see anything except for his glowing red eyes.

A fucking vampire.

He stepped out of the shadows and sniffed the air. "Well what do we have here? A small human. On her own in this big castle."


Of course he mistook me for a human as I hid Cresent's scent before getting out of the room with the help of a spell I learnt at school.

I faked fear. "Oh god! I am so scared!" I deadpanned with an eye roll.

He looked at me in confusion before stepping towards me. "Guess I am going to have a good dinner" He whispered creepily as his fangs grew.

"I would not do that if I were you" I said while standing my ground for any unexpected attack. Just as expected, he lunged towards me using his vampire speed but due to my eyesight I managed to hold him by the neck just before he could bite me. He looked at me in shock. "Told ya" Smirking, I threw his body against the wall and I heard the sound of his bones cracking making my smirk grow bigger.

I felt the presence of other vampires around me. "Come out of your hiding. I know you are here" I said in a sing song voice and just as I expected, vampires popped out of nowhere in front of me.

Multiple pairs of red eyes were staring at me. Their fangs were out and blood dripped at the side of their mouth. The one in the front smirked as they realised they had me cornered.

I cracked my knuckles "Well, let's get this party started"

As soon as I said those words, I lunged towards the first one, catching his off guard and managing to snap his neck, causing him to drop dead on the spot. I continued to the second one and managed to hit him in the stomach and followed by an uppercut sending him flying to the wall.

By the time I was done with him, the rest of his friends were all over their shock state and had taken a defensive stance.


Two of them came towards me but just before they managed to get to me, I grabbed their head and bumped them against each other.

This time more of them came at once. I sprinted towards the closest one without my werewolf speed though because I did not want to take the chance of one of them escaping and rumors about my werewolf speed going around.

I kicked him in the stomach before punching him in the face and when he stumbled back, I ripped his heart out of his body.

I threw his heart to the floor and moved to my next victim. I know I sound like a physcopath right now but these fight after such a long time had a certain adrenaline pumping in my veins.

I did a roundhouse kick and he fell down. Another one managed to pull me back by my hair. Letting a small yelp, I elbowed him in the ribs and using my body weight, I flipped him over. He was on the floor, panting.

There were two more standing but the rest were all recovering fast. I went to the closest one and lunged at him with my claws our. I managed to scratch him in the face and his chest before being throw off of him.

I went crashing into the wall. Most of them were on their feet and were thirsty for blood now. My blood mo specifically.

I think it's time for the real game now. Cresent you ready?

Born ready

Using my werewolf speed, I reached the first two of them and grabbed each of them by their hands and sent them crashing to the wall. Moving on, I punched one in the gut and then ripped his heart.

I lifted his lifeless body and threw it at three of his friends. They managed to duck but they missed me then. Using my strength, I crashed into one of them, causing him to stumble. I took him and threw him on the old furniture near us, causing it to shatter.

While the two remaining ones sprinted towards me, I grabbed each of them by the neck and snapped it.

"What are you" one asked in disbelief

"Your nightmare" I said darkly, making my way to the three remaining ones who looked at me in fear.

I passed by the ones groaning in pain and smiled wickedly at them. The three started backing away.

"Now. Don't ruin the game. I was just getting started. Want to see a piece of magic?" I raised an eyebrow at them.

I placed both of my arms in front of me and the two vampires on his side were lifted off the ground. They started thrashing around but of no use.

In one small movement, I twisted my hands and their necks snapped and they dropped dead. The remaining one tried to make a run for it but was too late as I used my magic to lift a piece of wood from the broke furniture and it went straight through his heart.

"Tsk tsk. Now that you know about my powers, I can't let you all just go like that" Moving my attention back the ones on the floor, I snapped all their necks in one swift movement.

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