《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE MISSING ONE


"I think you are missing something. Or..............someone." Natalia said

"We are not missing anyone. There is Gabriel, me, Ryan, Rayna and even Ivory. Who could we be mis........" Queen Isabella did not finish her sentence as realisation dawned upon her.

The rest of the royal family were also deep in thought except for Ivory who did not really care on who the missing one was.

"No way is she going to come here and fight with us." King Gabriel exclaimed

"Yeah. Instead of helping she would probably kill us all in the process." Rayna snorted

"Young lady, she is your little sister!" Natalia glared at Rayna "And what happened years ago was not her fault. If I forgave her, why don't forgive her too?" She looked accusingly at them but it did not seem to work.

"Sorry grandma but that piece of shit is not my sister." Rayna huffed

"I agree with her. Whatever happened at that time, happened because of her. If she was not here, none of that would have happened and how can you forgive her? Because of her you had to put yourself under that spell." Ryan added

"You guys woke me up for advice and now that I am giving you, you better take it." She glared daggers at her grandchildren.

"The kids are not wrong though. She-" King Gabriel started but was interrupted when by a growl coming from his mother whose eyes were glowing yellow by now.

"If she does not fight with you, you will fall. And that is something for certain. Without her you would perish, taking this kingdom and its people with you!" Her voice boomed in the room through the hallways. The air was thick. Her voice, combined with that of her wolf, demanded obedience.


Queen Isabella, Ivory and Rayna submitted to her as she had more power compared to them. Even the guards outside the room felt the pressure and submitted. Everybody was wondering why Natalia was bent on calling her back but little did they know, that she was a gifted wolf. She could see alternative visions and just when she mentioned about making allies and meeting with packs, she got two visions.

One of them consisted only of the royal family without their youngest daughter and in that one they welcomed their doom themselves by not calling her.

In the second one, they won the war and this time, the youngest princess was also present.

During her thirteen years of being under the spell, she has come to terms that what happened, was not the princess's fault. If only her family could accept the fact and treat her properly.

Being born 2 years after the twins, Gabriel always treated her as a burden while her other siblings were treated like the prince and princess they were. Everything they wanted was given to them on a platter whereas whenever she needed something, she would be ignored and they would talk her out of it.

Isabella never acted like a mother to her. As a princess, she should have gotten everything at her feet too and all new things but instead, all she got were the clothing that were already worn by Rayna and toys already used by Ryan.

As for Ryan and Rayna, they never treated her like a sister. Following in the steps of their parents, they treated her very poorly. They bullied her and accused her for things she did not do, to which the punishments were not easy, especially not to a five year old.

She was always treated differently since she was born because of a prophecy said by a seer that she was different. This fact made her family not consider her as someone gifted or special but instead as an abnormality or abomination even if they did not know in which way she was special. Her brother, next king in line saw his own sister as threat for the throne even if the rule said that the oldest would take the place. Her sister was jealous that her parents would love her more than her.


These were the things they did at first but after that incident when she was only five, their hatred grew to a whole other level and they sent her away and never tried to know about her at all, not even if she was dead or alive. As if she never existed.

How Natalia knew about all of this? Even if she was under a sleeping spell she would get visions but could not do anything to stop them as a member of the royal family would have to break the spell. If she knew what they were going to do with that little girl earlier, she would have never had someone put a spell on her.

"We will do as you say but not because we want her back or whatever but because we need her to be here and we trust you. Not less, not more." The king said and stormed out of the room, followed by the rest and they all went to the study room to let Natalia have some more rest.

"Now that abomination will help us win a war?" The king growled and punched the wall, causing a small crack.

"Calm down. If she is saying this, there must be a reason for it." Queen said

"Don't tell me you are agreeing with her. Maybe it is because she just came out of the spell she is acting like this."

"As much as I hate to call her, we need to do it. For the kingdom and its people"

"Fine but if she causes any trouble, there will be consequences"

The queen nodded and the king started writing a letter to his youngest daughter to call her back.

"Umm if you don't mind can I ask who she is actually" Asked Ivory who was standing next to Ryan. As she it has been only a month since they found each other, Ivory never met the princess or even heard about her. There was nothing in the castle that could give out the fact that there was once one more princess living here.

No photos

No clothes

No toys

Nothing. Just nothing.

"She is our little sister" Rayna said with disgust. "Don't worry though she is a bitch and also a weakling. Pretty sure she will be our downfall" She huffed.

Ivory nodded and thought about the mysterious princess she never heard about.

"Done and sent. She will be here in a week or more." The king said before dismissing everyone.

While they were all calling her weak, little did they know who she was and what she was meant to be in the future.

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