《The Demon's Little Wolf》BROKEN HEART


I was hearing a voice in the distance but I could not care less since I was having a peaceful sleep after a long time.

No school stress

No homework

No nightmares

Wait, school? Homework?

Did I not graduate already?

Snapping my eyes open, I looked around franctically before my eyes landed on the familiar figure of Richard who was looking at me with a small smile on his face. I let out a breath of relief and slumped back in the seat.

I made a complete fool out of myself.

Glad you know Cresent snickered.

"Sorry to disturb you Princess, but we arrived."

Shaking my head I said, "It's fine. Again, call me Analise."

He nodded his head with a small smile. "Ok Analise"

I just nodded and gave him a smile. He got out of the car, rounded the car and opened the door using his werewolf speed.

Even if he was fast, his movements were slow to me. Perks of being a black wolf I guess.......

Taking his hand I got out of the car "Thank you"

Looking in front, I was met the the familiar castle. It was the same colour, brown, beige a bit of white and yellow. That is your typical castle.

The walls were covered with vines but instead of looking ugly, it somehow looked pretty. It blended in with the outdoor gardens surrounding all the sides except the one where I was, which is the entrance.

Big, beige round towers dwarfed the castle walls. Arc windows were scattered around the walls symetrically in a pattern.

They really kept it as it was when it was first built. Just a few changes.

Sighing, I made my way to the big, double french doors. Both sides were decorated with bushes and guards were standing, alerted on each side of the path.

I think I even saw some of them looking at me with lust. They clearly forgot they had another princess and that it was me. I chuckled darkly at the thought.

But I could not blame them. I changed. A lot!

My appearance has changed a lot. I worked on myself and now I have a great figure with a small waist, flat stomach, toned legs and curves just in the right place. My once blue eyes turned purple.


I am no longer a shy girl. I don't take shit from people and I don't care about how princesses are supposed to behave.

As for mentally, I am stronger and control my emotions well. I have learnt during these years how to keep my emotions in check and I never let people see my weak side. And I certainly don't let people take advantage of my goodness just like my own family did.

So overall, from the bubbly girl I once was, I am now a grown, sexy, confident, strong and powerful girl.

I know that expecting my family to change might make me seem like the same old girl but no. I am not her.

I want them to change because all these years I had everything I wanted except love. I mean I had Evelyn but I really wanted someone to love me with all my flaws. And who else except your family.

I was willing to give them a second chance just so that I can experience the feeling of being cherished and loved by people.

Don't worry someone will surely love us the way we are Cresent reassured me.

Richard knocked on the door and it was soon opened by a petite woman with red hair and hazel eyes. She looked to be in her forties. She was dressed in the uniform which was a plain black dress and a small badge.

As far as I remember, the uniforms have always been elegant and classy as the royals do not wish their people to be mistreated.

If only they cared about me too.

She smiled warmly at me before looking back at Richard "Well may I know who this beauty is?" I could see Richard scowl from my peripheral vision

Okay. I must admit I was kind of hurt but I masked it with a small smile. "I am Analise." I offered my hand. Her jaw dropped to the floor when realisation dawned upon her.

"I am sorry princess. I was not informed of your arrival" she bowed her head to me. If I was hurt a while ago, my already broken heart broke even more.


These bastards did not even tell anyone I was coming. No wonder I was getting those looks from the guards. They had no idea the princess was coming.

So much for them being changed. I scoffed mentally.

I will not forgive them ever. Cresent informed me and I was starting to agree with her the more time I spent here.

"It's okay. I understand. Call me Analise please." She smiled sadly at me.

"I am really sorry. I am Lily. Let me show you to your room" I nodded and she started walking. I turned around and thanked Richard before following her through the confusing hallways.

After a walk of a good 5 minutes, we arrived at a room at the end of the hallway.

I hope the kitchen is not too far away since I do not want to walk a mile to get me something to eat.

You are exaggerating now

I love my food. And I want to be close to the thing I love the most.

I could imagine Cresent rolling her eyes and I laughed a bit. Lily looked at me suspiciously completely unaware that I was talking to my wolf.

I smiled awkwardly at her. She let it pass and opened the door and led me inside. Even if I am no longer familiar to the castle, I am sure that this was not my room.

On one side of the bed, there was a big queen size bed with white bed sheets and two white pillows. Opposite to it, there was a fireplace along with a tv with one door, leading to the walk in closet.

Right opposite to where I was standing, there was a small room with seating arrangement and a coffee table. But instead of walls, there was transparent floor to ceiling windows along with a glass door leading to the beautiful balcony. Next to the small room, there was a sliding door to go to the bathroom.

The walls were all simple beige colour with no design like I saw in the rooms when I was last here, that is, 13 years ago. Judging by the room and the empty rooms in the hallway, I would say I was given a guestroom.

No surprise. I wonder what they did to my room.

"You should take some rest. Dinner will be served at 8 00." Lily bowed and started to leave.

"Wait. Umm... where is my family?"

She looked down at the floor before answering. "They are not in the palace for the time being. They went to see a pack and they will be here tomorrow night."

"Oh" I said, trying to hide the hurt from my voice. "Okay"

She left the room and left me to myself. I want to get out of here as soon as I can. Once I know what they want, I will be out and will start living a normal human life.

I unpacked and placed my clothes properly in the closet even if it barely filled half the space.

When I was done it was around 7 30, leaving me with 30 minutes for dinner. I took a quick shower and wore my black leggings with a black sweater with "Fuck off" written in red letters on it.

A knock snapped me out of my thoughts. Shaking my head, I opened the door and met a shocked Lily. Probably because of my clothes.

Don't give a fuck Cresent said

She really is my wolf. She wagged her tail excitedly.

"Hey Lily. Could you please bring my dinner here itself?"

My voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she cleared her throat

"Sure" She left and came back in 10 min.

After eating, Lily came back again and took the plates away. I laid on my bed and waited for the sleep filled with nightmares to engulf me again. I shuddered at the thought of the nightmares.

Tomorrow I will meet my family again

Hmm those assholes

I agree with you now. They are assholes. I mean why call me and then not be here themselves!

They are idiots. Don't mind them

You are right. Goodnight Cresent. I hope tomorrow is better

Night Lizzie (nickname for Analise)

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