《The Demon's Little Wolf》THE PREVIOUS QUEEN- PART 2


Third person's POV

The royal family made their way out of the office of the king and made their way to the special royal indoor garden. As they made their way through the hallways, the guards bowed their heads to show them respect.

They reached the garden and stood in front of the double oak door, with vines growing around it, forming a beautiful pattern with small flowers on them. The king motioned the guards to open the garden for them.

They entered the garden and the doors were closed behind them. The garden was the same as eighteen years ago. Even if they did not come here during these years, they made sure the place was well kept.

The garden was not too big nor too small. Big pillars on all sides supported the glass roof of the garden. Vines grew around the pillars and continued on the ground to the grass. The grasses were all cut neatly. Green bushes grew on the side of the garden along with big trees in each corner.

In the middle of the room, there was a white coffin, placed on a big white concrete structure, surrounded by rose bushes. Petals fell on the coffin from the trees. Next to the structure, stood a beautiful white pedestal with golden lines and transparent gems creating an intricate design on the structure with a white bowl on top of it, the edge decorated with golden flowers. A concrete pathway connected the structure to the double oak door, where the king and his family stood.

They made their way towards the coffin. The king brushed away the fallen petals. On the coffin "Natalia Royal" was written in bold, golden letters and golden lines created a beautiful, ancient style

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ryan questioned, "I mean there was a reason why she put herself under a sleeping spell and told us to wake her up after like a 100 years and it is has been only 13 years or so. You know how scary she can be when she is angry."


"He is not wrong dad" Rayna supported him but nonetheless they continued with what they had come to do.

"She can help us in the war. It is worth it" Queen Isabella said

"The spell can only be broken using the blood of a royal." King Gabriel said as he took a small pocket knife from his pocket and slit his palm. Squeezing his hands a bit, he let the droplets of blood fall in the big bowl.

The blood started swirling in the bowl and the golden lines started glowing, lighting the once transparent stones in the process. The glowing lines ran all the way from the pedestal to the white concrete structure on which the coffin was placed, finally reaching the coffin, making the golden lines as well as the name written to start glowing. A magical glow could be seen around the structure and the royal family watched, feeling anxious.

Once the magical glow stopped, they stepped closer to the coffin and using his strength, the king opened the coffin to show a pale yet young looking woman. Due to werewolf genes, they age really slowly. Maybe once every ten years after becoming eighteen. So the woman in her fifties, actually seemed in her late twenties.

"She is not waking up." Rayna commented.

"It will take some time for the effect to wear off. She should be awake in the next hours." Queen Isabelle informed her kids. They took her to her room and started waiting patiently for her to wake up.

"When is that old hag going to wake up" Ivory thought to herself while sitting in the large living room with the rest of the royal family. "When is she going to wake up? I am starting to get worried." She said in a sweet, soft voice while looking down at her hands that were on her lap.

The king offered her a small smile. "Don't worry Ivory. I know you are worried but she will wake up soon. I am sure she will be really happy to meet you."


She nodded with a small smile while on the inside she was bored and all she could think of was what she would do if she had money, power and the thought of becoming the only ruler of the werewolf kingdom also crossed her mind. She was not at all ecstatic to meet one of the greatest queens.

Suddenly the doors of the living room opened and a maid with worried face came in the room, panting. "Sorry for not- knocking your highness. Your mother is up and she- she is really angry and- and breaking thi-things." She said, breathless.

Without wasting more time, they dashed out of the room and reached the room. Sound of things breaking and someone shouting could be heard from the outside. As soon as the king and his mate entered the room, the king pulled his mate to the side as a vase went flying past the latter, smashing into pieces on the wall.

"Mother, calm down" King Gabriel said, trying to calm his mother. If anything was scarier than his mother, that would be his angry mother and right now she was more than just angry.

Natalia had put herself under a sleeping spell for a reason. She did not want to face the harsh reality and wanted some time to mend her broken heart. Being woken up earlier than she told them, she felt angry, tired, frustrated, betrayed and sad.

Angry because her peaceful time came to an end

Tired because of the effect of the spell as well as just thinking about what the harsh world awaits for her.

Frustrated because of not being able to get back under the spell to get away

Betrayed because the promise she once made her family made, was broken. Even if they knew how important it was to be under that spell and most importantly why she put herself under that spell.

And finally sad. Sad because of the fact that her broken heart was still as broken as when she first went under the spell.

"Calm down?" She shouted "You broke the promise you made."

The king visibly flinched at the sound of his mother's voice.

"We are really sorry but the entire werewolf kingdom is in danger and we need you help." Queen Isabella stepped forward and said in a soothing voice.

As previous queen, Natalia became worried. Even if she was no longer the queen, the kingdom was still her family and she spent years taking care of it and will continue to do so. Sighing she relaxed. "Take a seat and tell me what happened"

They all took their seats and the King explained the situation to Natalia. From the first attack, to how it became frequent, how they were really powerful, how their people dies or got severely injured and the notes.

"We were saying to go to war but the chances would be really slim we would be able to win and if we did more than half of the kingdom would be dead and the rest, injured." The King added at the end with a scowl.

"Hmm. It would be useless to go to a what and then win it but in the end the kingdom we rule would be destroyed."

"Do you have any idea of how to defeat them grandma? You managed to win the war against the demons last time." Ryan said, looking expectantly at her

"First of all I think we should gather all the alphas and work together along with their packs. Also we must make allies as quickly and as many as possible."

"Okay then. I will invite the leaders and those who wish to join us can join." King Gabriel said.

"Also..." Natalia trailed and seemed deep in thoughts "It would be better if the whole Royal family fought along the others in the war."

"Of course we would fight together. There was no need to mention this."

"I think you missing something. Or..............someone." Natalia said

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