《The Demon's Little Wolf》CHAPTER 6
After all these years of being between the walls of the school, it was finally time to say goodbye. Graduation was finally here. It was time to part company with my friends and teachers. I would finally leave, taking with me nothing but memories of the past few years- Memories about my first day here, my first meeting with Evelyne, training with Malcom, the first time I learnt about my powers and many more- which will stay with me till the day I die.
As I applied a last coat of mascara, I could not help the bundle of nerves in my stomach. With every passing second, it tightened, making me uneasy and on edge. My graduation speech was already a worry but it was nothing compared to what awaited me once graduation was over. In my list of problems, graduation speech was at the bottom while the reunion with my family claimed the first place.
In three hours, graduation would be over.
In four hours, I would be on my way back home
In ten hours I would be home with the people I called family.
Just the thought was enough to make me feel several emotions at once- joy, sorrow, angst, anticipation, anxiousness. All of these emotions combined were enough to make me nearly throw up my breakfast. Looking in the mirror, I saw my reflection staring back at me. Even if time passed by and I changed, deep inside, I still saw the 7 year old girl who craved her family's attention, who wanted to be loved and did everything in her abilities to make her parents proud and this time, there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes along with familiar look of longing.
Releasing a breath, I placed the mascara in my make up bag before stuffing it in my suitcase. As I closed the bag, someone knocked on my door. Before opening the door I already knew who it was and a smiled played on my lips. Swinging the door open, I was met with a beaming Evelyne.
"Ready for graduation?" She smiled.
"Hmm." I nodded. "You look stunning Evie." Indeed, in her black spaghetti strap jumpsuit with flared bottoms paired with simple gold accessories and black stilettos she looked gorgeous. Her ethereal makeup and long, curled dirty blond hair made her facial features stand out.
"Thanks Ana." She twirled, showing me her entire outfit. "You look absolutely gorgeous too. I swear when the people at the palace will see you, the will swoon over your beauty and your stupid family will realise their mistakes." As for me, I was dresses in a knee length beige dress with puffy sleeve and a belt of the same material, giving the whole dress an elegant and chic look. I paired it with nude heels and neutral make with my black hair in a half up half down hairstyle.
I let out a small laugh. "Thanks."
"Let's go now. We don't want to miss anything." She squealed excitedly as I went back inside to grab my phone.
"Even the headmaster's speech?" I commented, closing my door behind me. Evelyne linked our arms and we walked towards the hall. "I think I could endure one last and final boring speech of the old man." I just shook my head at her comment.
As we neared the hall, the hallways were bustling with students, teachers and parents here to support their children. Excited chatters and laughter of students accompanied by their family filled the beautifully decorated hallways. Flowers in vases stood on stands at regular interval on both sides of the hallways and fairy lights adorned the walls along with balloons of theme gold, white and rose gold. With the help of the witches magic, sparkles fell on everybody passing the hallway all the way till the hall. Despite the convivial atmosphere some were still in a rush ensuring their outfits were on point or for the last minute decorations.
I found myself smiling at the scene as we walked towards the entrance of the hall. It was different from the hallways with the same theme going on though it was more detailed. A big chandelier hug in the middle of the room with almond-shaped pendants strewn about. The lighting reflected in the glass, casting little rainbow all over the place, being more prominent with a little touch of magic. In the middle, a long red carpet was laid with stanchions on both side. The two sides of the stanchions were filled with perfectly lined up rows of chairs. The usually dull stage was shining with the fairy lights handing over the place and smaller chandeliers hanging. Magical letters reading 'HAPPY GRADUATION' floated on the walls. On one side stood a mic and a podium. Not wasting anytime, Evelyne and I rushed to take our seats and waited for the ceremony to start as the excited chatter of students filled the room.
Few minutes later, the hall was filled with attendees. The proud look on the parents did not go unnoticed as they sat and talked with their kids and for a second I felt a pang of jealousy but I pushed the feeling away as the headmaster- dressed in one of his finest suits I have seen him wore -went up the stage. Standing behind the podium, he cleared his throat.
"Good morning to you all. I will start by congratulating the lot of you for making it up till here. It was only because of your hard work, patience and practice that you are all here today. Even if you cause a bit of trouble on the way here, you all truly deserve this day. I am proud that from the little troublemakers you were when you entered the school grounds, you are now grown ups who are mature and know what to do for the well being of others. It was my honour to be able to contribute to your journey of becoming who you are today. The entire school is proud to have you amongst us and I am sure you have also made your parents today." A round of applause went off in the audience. "I won't take any longer and torture you with my boring speeches today." The crowd laughed. "However, I hope you have a great life ahead of you. Make the right choice for you as well as others. Use your gifts carefully and wisely for the good causes. I wish you all the best for the new, long journey awaiting you all. Thank you." More applauses went off. "Now I would invite Analise to make her speech." He said before leaving.
As more applause went off after the announcement, I felt myself becoming nervous. Preoccupied with thoughts about my family, I completely forgot about my speech. As people turned to look at me, I regretted not making my speech. Due to my lack of preparation the nervousness was now doubled. As I stayed rooted to my place, I felt some grab my hands. Evelyne looked at me, a soft and encouraging smile playing on her lips. "You got this." She whispered.
Giving her a small smile, I forced myself up. Taking a deep breath, I made my way towards the stage, feeling the gaze of the people watching my every step. As I stood behind the podium, I wiped my sweaty palms on my dress and let my eyes wander around the crowd, being met with many expectant looks. I recognised some of the faces as my classmates and others, random students I passed by in the hallways everyday.
Even if I did not prepare the speech beforehand did not mean that I should not say anything. I knew these people for a long time-many years. We all shared the same experiences together at the school, we learnt to fight together, we learnt to fall together and we learnt to get back up together. We lived the same moments one way or another. This day was not an accomplishment for only me but also for the many others and I was not going to let a foolish mistake from my part ruin this day.
'You got this.' Crescent added.
Determined, I stood up straight and faced the audience and offered a small smile. The sudden rush of confidence felt strange yet amazing, overwhelming all of senses. My heart was pounding in my ribcage but not because of nervousness or fear but because of excitement. At that moment, I knew I could do it. I never felt this way before and I loved it. It was a new side of me, a hidden side that I would not longer hide.
"Good morning everyone. Firstly, congratulations to us all students who made it here today. I know school is not exactly heaven on earth. In fact, some would say it very far from it to the point that they consider it to be a hellhole or prison." I said, using air quotes at the end and a few laughs erupted in the crowd, making me a bit at ease. "But hey, we got through it despite the countless challenges we faced on our way here. Be it our studies, our powers, training, we got through it all." I took in a deep breath, letting my words hang in the air as I thought about my next words.
"This journey has been a great and memorable one which I think none of us will soon forget. However, we owe a lot to the teachers who have been at our sides throughout this journey not only as our teacher but also parents or even friends." Students cheered in acknowledgment. "I would like to thank all the teachers here for helping us control our gifts and find our true self. Also, I apologise for all the migraines we caused to you all during this journey." Several students laughed and teachers joined in too. "Most importantly, the headmaster. Thank you for opening this school for us. I know we have not been angels. Most of the times we were far from it and I know we played a huge role in turning your hair white." He shook his head with a smile.
"But, thank you for believing in us despite the mistakes we have done. Lastly, thank you to all the students here. We have all stood with each other together and supported each other. I hope that we have a great future ahead as we leave this part of our life behind. We should use our powers and knowledge for the good. Let's not let the efforts of the teachers and headmaster go to waste. Thank you and happy graduation to us all!" Many cheers went off in the audience accompanied by thunderous applause. I found myself beaming at the scene as my nerves buzzed with excitement and satisfaction. Maybe speaking up in front of many was not so bad after all.
'You did great!" Crescent said as I descended the stairs.
"Great job girl!!" Evelyne cheered as I went back to my place.
"I can't believe I did it." I smiled at her before pulling her into a big hug, both squealing. The ceremony continued with other chosen students going to make their speech. Soon it was time to get our certificates. As I got called up on stage, I imagined my family being in the crowd, watching me get my certificate with pride in their eyes. But when the teacher handed me my certificate and I looked over in the audience, I realised it would only remain an imagination.
'Lizzie, don't care about them right now." Crescent said. 'Don't spoil your mood because of people who did not realise your worth. It's their loss. Not yours. You got this certificate without their support. Everything you are today is because you did it. You put in the effort, the hard work, the determination. Not them. What you are today is solely because of your own merit. Not even me.'
"I am so lucky to have you as my wolf Crescent." I replied.
"And I am lucky to have you. Congratulations!" Smiling I made my way down the stage, waiting for Evelyne. She was talking with her family. As soon as she was over, she came by my side and we headed to our rooms to take our suitcases.
As I rolled my suitcase to my door, Miss Jennifer came to my room, informing me about the arrival of my driver. Taking one last glace at the room that has been mine over the years, I closed the door and stepped in the hallway. I walked towards the exit with a heavy heart. I felt like I was leaving a huge part of me behind but then again, life goes on and along with it, we should move on too.
I exited the school and saw Evelyne standing there. Two black cars were parked not far away. I recognised the car that the Bloodmoon pack-Evelyne's pack- was considerate enough to send for her and the werewolf royal family's sigil- a werewolf howling with a crescent moon behind it-on the other car. As I stood beside Evelyne, I realised she had already kept her suitcase in her car. Her family were all seated in the car. She was waiting for me.
She turned, looking at me with teary eyes. It was very rare that I saw Evelyne cry. Seeing her state, I could not keep the tears at bay. It was really time to say goodbye.
Without any words, she pulled me in a hug. "I will miss you so much Evie. I will miss all your antics and your jokes. I never thanked you properly for being with me all this time. Thank you for being by my side, always listening to my problems. Thank you for not abandoning me despite the messed up life I have. If it was not for you, I would not have been able to stay strong all this time. You have been with me as my family. You have not only been my best friend but also my sister. I hope I have done my part as your bestfriend. I love you. I will always do." I cried.
"God you know how to make me cry." She pulled away but held both my hands in hers. "I will miss you too Ana. You are not just my friend or best friend but also the sister I never had. I will never forget the different memories I had with you. Even if you do not know it, without you, I would not be who I am. You also played a huge role in making me who I am today. You never treated me differently for not being part of the royal family. You were always there when I needed you and you endured my childish rants. I am really lucky to have you. I love you." As she finished, her voice broke at the end. Her eyes were red as tears trailed freely down her flushed cheeks. I had no doubt that I looked the same. Probably worse.
"One last hug?" My voice came out as whisper. She pulled me in a tight hug and we just stayed in the same position for sometime, none of us talking. The silence spoke more than words ever could.
"Goodbyes suck" She said as we pulled away. "It's time to leave now. Good luck for whatever awaits you at the palace. Take care of yourself and if they hurt you in the slightest way, please leave."
"Thanks. All the best for your new life. Make sure to teach all those who looked down upon you regret their words."
"Trust me I will. They won't know what hit them."
"That's my girl." I beamed at her despite the tears. "Goodbye Evie."
"Goodbye." With that, she turned and walked away, towards her family who engulfed her in a hug. I took the suitcase in my hand and turned the other way. The scene completely contrasted the previous one. Instead of a loving family, proud of their daughter, there was just a car with a driver dressed in uniform waiting for me. Seeing me, the driver walked towards me and took the suitcase from me.
He put my suitcase in the trunk before opening the door for me. Muttering a small thanks, I slid in the backseat. Not later, the driver entered the car and we drove away.
"Congratulations on your graduation Princess Analise." He offered me a small smile from the driver's seat.
"Thank you." I replied. "Please call me Analise."
"No princess. That would be considered disrespectful." He said apologetically.
"Ok sir."
"You should call me Richard."
"Why?" I shot back
"According to traditions only those with high posts can be addressed as 'sir'" I scoffed at his words.
"And who started these traditions?" I questioned.
"It has been going on for generations."
"That's right. It has been going on for generations." He stayed quiet, listening. "These stupid traditions were started by stupid kings long ago who were foolish enough to think that being born in the royal family or in high houses, meant you deserve respect. They did nothing to get those title. All they needed was to be born in the right family. What about those who work harder than these kings yet get treated like they are just dirt underneath shoes just because of the family they were born in?" I continued, not knowing from where the spite for these traditions came from.
"In this world, titles mean nothing. They are no longer earned. They are just handed to spoiled brats instead of going to hardworking people who would actually make the kingdom prosper and not continue following stupid traditions." Involuntarily, a small smirk played at my lips as I saw his speechless face
I don't where the courage to speak like this came from but I like it. Maybe it was the sadness that got to me or the rush of confidence from earlier was still there or simply because the traditions were wrong. Studying at a school where everybody was treated the same and ranks or titles did not matter, has changed my perspective of the hierarchy in the werewolf kingdom.
"You are right Analise." He just said and I smiled to myself, pleased that I managed to get him to change his mind.
"Glad you agree with me Richard." He nodded with a small smile before saying. "You should get some rest. It is a long journey."
Humming I leaned my head against the window, watching the trees pass by in a blur. In a matter of minutes, I found myself falling asleep as the exhaustion from the say finally took its toll.
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