《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 22


"I'm not mad at you Jolie. I'm just relieved you finally know the truth. I missed you so much. Wait, how did you find out I wasn't behind the website?" he asked.

"When we were carrying him out to the car I saw Blaze's phone go off with this message asking if I fell for it and so I started messaging them back pretending to be him. Look at this conversation."

She handed Austin her phone with the screenshots and he read through the messages as his eyes widened.

"Wow. That's really messed up. So Blaze made it up because he somehow knew what we were planning to do that night?" he asked in disbelief. "Wow. I knew I hated that guy for a reason. But how did he find out? I never told anybody. I swear."

"I'm not sure. Maybe we can ask him when we confront him about it. I wanted to figure out who he's working with so I said to meet at the statue at 8:00 tomorrow morning before school. All we need to do is sit in the parking lot and watch the statue to see who shows up there at 8:00 and we'll know who was in on it with him."

She sat down on her bed and looked down at her hands. "I'm really sorry for not believing you Austin. What they said fed right into all my insecurities about not being good enough for you and I started to second guess everything I was feeling. I think I also have trouble trusting people after my Dad cheated on my Mom and I know that's something I need to work on. I'm really sorry. Do you think you could ever forgive me for not trusting you?"

Austin walked forward and sat on the bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest.

"I forgive you Jolie. I don't blame you for this. I blame them."

"Dinner's ready!" Stacy called from downstairs.

Jolie called back "Ok we'll be right down!"

She looked into Austin's eyes and said, "Thank you for not being mad at me and understanding. I wanted to trust you. I really did but a voice in the back of my head said I needed to know for sure. I'm just scared of getting my heart broken after seeing what it did to my Mom."

Austin grabbed her hand, weaving their fingers together and he leaned forward, pressing his lips softly to hers. He looked into her eyes and said, "I don't want to break your heart. I love you Jolie."

Those words made her feel a rush over her entire body and goosebumps appeared on her arm. Austin loved her. Hearing that from a guy for the first time ever made it that much more powerful.


She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with so much desperation because she had missed kissing him so much. She was so thankful that he forgave her and now she knew he loved her.

She pulled back from the kiss and looked into his eyes and said, "I love you too Austin," with a smile before kissing him again with tears in her eyes. They were happy tears this time.

"They tried to break us up but all they did was bring us closer together," Austin said getting up off the bed and heading downstairs holding Jolie's hand.

"Austin! I didn't know you were here. It's good to see you!" her Mom said with a big smile. Then she looked down and saw them holding hands and said, "OK you guys have to tell me how this happened."

Jolie smiled up at Austin. "Well, I got proof that Austin had nothing to do with the website. We found out Blaze, the guy that just came here that you met, made the whole thing up to try to split us up because he likes me."

Her Mom Stacy walked over and gave Jolie a hug and then she hugged Austin too, telling him, "I knew it couldn't be true. You're a good guy Austin."

"Thank you Mrs. Watson. Yeah they made the whole thing up to make me look bad and to break us up. We already know one of them was Blaze and we find out who the other one is tomorrow."

His Mom Katherine was sitting at the table and she smiled and said, "I'm so happy to see you two together again. I've never seen my son as happy as he was when he was with you."

Austin looked down at Jolie and smiled and said, "She's not wrong." Hearing him say that made her smile and she felt butterflies in her stomach again. She had missed those.

After dinner Austin grabbed Jolie's hand as she got up from the table. "Hey, You wanna come over for a bit? I need to talk to you."

"Sure, let me just tell my Mom."

She walked into the kitchen. "Mom I'm going next door ok? Austin needs to talk to me about something."

Stacy looked at her with concern and said "Yes you can go but remember our conversation about taking things slow."

"I know Mom. Love you," she said, kissing the side of her head.

"Love you too," Stacy said shaking her head as she watched her daughter run out the door with Austin.

When they got up to his room the first thing she did was close the blinds in case her Mom wanted to spy on them now that she knew about his window being across from hers.


Austin walked up to Jolie and gave her a kiss and looked down into her eyes. "The reason I wanted to talk to you was because I had an important question for you. I should've actually asked you this before but I never got up the nerve," he said nervously.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring box and Jolie's eyes widened. 'Is he proposing? We're only in high school!' she thought.

Austin opened the box and inside was a pretty silver ring with a black heart shaped stone in the middle. It was beautiful.

"Jolie Watson, would you like to officially be my girlfriend?" he asked. She felt her insides flutter and she couldn't help the huge smile that came across her face.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss before saying, "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend."

Austin exhaled with relief and smiled. Apparently he must've been scared she would say no. How could she have possibly said no to him? She felt like the luckiest girl in the world right now.

He pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on her right hand ring finger where she admired how pretty it was.

"Oh and you can wear my letter jacket to school tomorrow since we're official now but don't get anything on it ok?"

She smiled, "That's really sweet that you want me to wear your jacket. I won't get anything on it. I'll guard it with my life."

He leaned down and kissed her lips again, pulling on the arch of her back, drawing her towards him and pulling her body up against his. It felt so good being wrapped up in his strong arms again. She had missed this so much.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and he ran his tongue across her lips so she parted them to let him in. His tongue rubbed against hers and he turned his head, deepening the kiss and covering her mouth completely, sending chills down her entire body.

His hands found their way under her shirt and wrapped around the bare skin of her waist, making her feel all tingly inside at his touch.

Her hands ran over his chest and felt his strong muscles underneath his shirt and she felt a sudden yearning for him deep in the pit of her stomach that was so strong.

She pulled back from his kiss and looked up into his blue eyes and perfect face and said breathlessly, "I want you to win the bet tonight Austin. I want you so bad I can hardly stand it."

He looked down into her eyes, studying her face for a second, thinking before he stepped away from her shaking his head.

"We can't Jolie. I'm sorry. You have NO IDEA how bad I want you. but you're a virgin and I just know that you're not really ready yet. I don't want us to rush into that and have it change things between us. You might regret it afterwards and I don't want to hurt you."

"I promise Austin, I won't regret it after. I know I'm ready. There's not a doubt in my mind. If I hadn't gotten that stupid text message we might've already done it that night. Who knows?"

She pulled her t-shirt over her head and stood there in just her bra in front of him. He looked down at her large chest and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I think you should go Jolie. Don't forget to take my letter jacket with you on your way out."

Then he walked over to his bathroom and shut the door and she heard the shower starting up.

She stood there in shock for a minute, humiliated by his rejection. Her eyes burned and a tear streamed down her cheek before she pulled her shirt back on, grabbed his letter jacket off the back of the chair and went back home.

When she walked in the door his Mom Katherine, her Mom Stacy and her Aunt were in the kitchen having a glass of wine and laughing about something.

"Hey! Come in here for a minute!" her Mom called.

"Ugh", she grumbled, not feeling like talking to anyone right now. She trudged into the kitchen and Austin's Mom spotted the jacket in her arms.

"That's Austin's jacket," she said.

"Yeah, he asked me to be his girlfriend and he gave me this ring and told me to wear his letter jacket to school tomorrow," Jolie informed them.

In unison all three of them said, "Awwwww" and her Mom squealed with excitement. She really liked Austin.

Jolie smiled, realizing how sweet it really was. Even though he rejected having sex with her he wanted her to be his official girlfriend and wear his jacket at school. That was a big step. She had never been someone's girlfriend before. Her cheeks flushed a little bit with embarrassment as both moms and her aunt hugged her and congratulated her.

They really did help cheer her up and bring everything back into perspective. She realized Austin was right and maybe she was trying to rush things too fast. They had only just gotten back together and then she awkwardly tried to throw herself at him.

She had been feeling extra emotional from kissing him again and being so happy that he wasn't behind the website after all that she got carried away. She felt embarrassed of herself for being angry at him when he was only trying to do the right thing and she knew she needed to apologize.

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