《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 21


After the movie was over Jolie said, "Ok Mom. I can't sit here any more. I think I might go for a run. That always cheers me up."

"Ok honey. That's fine. I'll just keep working on getting the house situated. The laundry room is next! The house is really coming along isn't it?"

"Yeah it is. You're doing a great job on it," she nodded.

Jolie put on her yoga pants and top and went outside to go for a nice, relaxing jog. She stretched in the front yard for a bit, before putting in her ear buds and taking off. She ran for almost an hour before she started to walk and cool down. Then she went back up to her room and took a shower before dinner.

After her shower she tried on several outfits to figure out what to wear to school tomorrow. She picked a short blue pair of high-waisted shorts and a black crop top with a white pair of high top converse. She was so glad her new school was very lenient with the dress code. Her old school in New York was super strict.

She heard the doorbell ring and then she heard Katherine's voice talking to her Mom.

"Thank you for inviting me to dinner Stacy! The house is looking so nice already. You guys have really settled in fast."

'At least Austin didn't come with her,' Jolie thought, looking at his dark, empty room across from hers. His Jeep wasn't in the driveway either.

She heard another ring at the door and then Stacy yelled "Jolie! It's for you!"

"Who is it Mom?" she called downstairs. She heard her Mom ask him his name and then yell.

"Blaze McDaniels!"

"What?! How does he even know where I live?" she wondered. She went down the stairs and sure enough there was Blaze with his signature hoodie on but this time he had on a black leather jacket over it and some black ripped jeans. He turned around when he heard her coming down the stairs and the first things she noticed were his usual brooding eyebrows, mop of unruly brown hair and squinty eyes


"Blaze? How did you know where I live?" she asked curiously.

"Everyone knows you live next door to Fox so you weren't hard to find."

"So why are you here?" she asked, crossing her arms impatiently.

"Can we talk somewhere private?"

"Sure. You can come up to my room but don't touch anything, including me!" she ordered.

When they got upstairs she shut the door behind him and sat on her bed. He went to sit next to her and she said, "Nope. Don't even think about it. Just stand there. Now what is it?" she demanded.

"Feisty today aren't we?" he laughed. "That's OK. I like feisty!"

"Get to the point or get out! I'm in a really bad mood today and my patience is wearing thin," she said through gritted teeth with her arms crossed.

"A little birdie told me that you and Austin are splitsville so I wanted to come back and talk about working out a deal with you again."

"What kind of deal?" she asked impatiently.

"Before we get into that, do you have a restroom I could use?"

"Umm. Yeah sure. You can use my bathroom," she said, pointing to the door to his right.

"Thank you," he said disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door. After being in there for a few minutes he came back out and she noticed his eyes looked a little different, more glazed over.

"Blaze, what kind of deal are you trying to make with me?"

"Well, I heard that you found out Austin was behind the website all along and that you split up. I figured you might want revenge. Sleeping with me would be the best revenge considering how much he hates me. Then if you sleep with me we can split the prize money Jolie. I REALLY need that prize money right now. You have no idea. I'm desperate."

"Why are you so desperate for money?" she asked.

"That's not important ..... let's focus here," he said and she noticed he was now swaying back and forth a little bit and struggling to stay standing up as he stood there and he was starting to slur his words. She also noticed the pupils of his eyes were tiny and his eyes were looking really glossed over now.


"Blaze are you okay?" she asked, waving a hand in front of his face. It was really obvious he was on something. "What did you take?" she asked, but he didn't answer.

He stumbled over to her and grabbed her and pulled her into a kiss, shoving his tongue into her mouth. He tasted disgusting, like whiskey and stale cigarettes and she held back the urge to throw up, pushing him away.

"Ewwww," she groaned, wiping his slobber from her mouth.

"What's wrong baby doll?" he asked, slurring every word with his eyes barely open at this point.

He slumped over onto her bed and laid back on it closing his eyes.

"Blaze?" she asked, lightly smacking his cheek, but he was completely out of it.

That's when she heard the doorbell ring and a minute later Austin was standing in her doorway looking furious.

"Austin? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was in my room and saw that asshole trying to force himself on you!" he said, walking in and looking over and noticing Blaze laying on her bed, completely out.

"I was trying to get him to leave but he's completely out of it. He's not safe to drive. He went into the bathroom for a few minutes and he came out like this. I'm not sure what he's on."

Austin checked him over and said, "Damn you're right. He's completely blacked out. It's a well known fact around town that he's a drug dealer but he had a rule that he'd never touch the hard stuff himself. Apparently he broke his rule and sampled his own products. I know where he lives. I can drive him home in his car and then you could follow me there in my Jeep so I can ride back with you. Ok?" Austin said.

"Yeah I can do that," she said.

She helped Austin walk Blaze out to his black Camaro parked out front while Austin went to open the door. She heard Blaze's phone ding in his pocket. He was so messed up on whatever he took that he had no idea what was going on.

She grabbed the phone out of his pocket and looked at the message. '

She grabbed Blaze's thumb to unlock the phone and opened the message. Then she helped put Blaze in the passenger side and told Austin to wait just a second. She read through all the back and forth messages with this person and they all seemed to be about her and Austin.

On a hunch, she answered back and said ''

She wanted to see what they would say back to that.


She all of a sudden felt sick to her stomach. He had been telling the truth the whole time and she had refused to believe him. She needed to go further and figure out who this person was that was in on it with Blaze.


',' they answered.

Jolie took screen shots of the whole conversation and texted it to herself before deleting all the texts and screenshots from his phone so he'd never know.

When Austin came over and unlocked his Jeep and handed her his keys, he looked into her eyes and he looked so sad. She had an overwhelming urge to hug him and apologize right then and there but she wanted to wait until Blaze was gone and they could have some quiet time to themselves so she could explain what happened. She just hoped he could forgive her.

After dropping Blaze and his car off at his house and riding back with Austin in awkward silence, she told him that they needed to talk.

He followed her up to her bedroom where she shut her door behind her. Jolie turned around and looked up into Austin's face and a tear started to fall down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry Austin. I should have trusted you and not believed what they said. I really hope you can forgive me. I know now that you didn't have anything to do with the website and I feel so bad for not listening to you."

Austin walked forward and put his arms around her pulling her to his chest.

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