《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 20


The waitress came and set their food in front of them. Everything looked really delicious and Jolie thanked the waitress and smiled at her.

"So what are your plans after high school?" she asked Ryan and he finished chewing before talking.

"I'm not positive yet but the plan is to go to Yale because my Dad went there and I want to join the rowing team. I'll probably get a degree in Business or FInance, something boring like that and become bored and miserable like my old man. I might run for a political office one day, like a Senator. Not sure yet. What about you?"

"I'm planning on going to Harvard and getting a law degree and then working at my Dad's law firm with him in New York. That's been the plan for as long as I can remember so I never really thought about doing anything else."

"Don't you need to be really smart to get into Harvard?" he asked her and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"What makes you think I'm not really smart?"

He laughed and said, "Sorry I didn't mean that offensively. I just didn't see you as the brainiac nerd type."

"Well that just goes to show that you don't know me very well at all. I've actually already gotten accepted to Harvard. I've got a 5.0 GPA because I take all weighted classes to get the extra GPA boost. I also already took the SAT's and scored a 1590 which qualifies me to get into pretty much any college I want to. My old high school had over 1,000 people in the senior class and I was set to be the valedictorian.

"Wow. That's pretty cool. I had no idea. I guess that goes to show that you don't judge a book by it's cover. It sounds like you and Austin really are a match then. He's the smartest guy I know. He's had the highest GPA in our class ever since freshman year."

"What do you mean 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'? Are you saying I look stupid?" she asked glaring at him.

"No but girls as beautiful as you are usually more interested in what's on their head instead of in it. They're superficial and shallow and you can't even have a serious conversation with them about important topics because they don't know what you're talking about or don't care. They're too worried about clothes or makeup or some other stupid crap that doesn't matter. Austin was right. You really are special Jolie," he said smiling at her as he took another bite.


Hearing that Austin said she was special made her insides ache a little and she missed him. They finished their food and then Ryan led her outside.

"So where are we going now?" Jolie asked.

"You'll see," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her out the back door of the clubhouse. She didn't really want to hold his hand but she thought it would be rude to pull her hand away from his. Maybe to him holding someone's hand was no big deal and meant nothing. To her it meant a lot.

They went to a big storage building where there was equipment and golf carts and Ryan hopped in a golf cart and motioned for Jolie to join him. She got on and he started it up and backed it out of the building and started driving down one of the trails. It was a really nice day and really warm for September, so the country club was busier than it normally would be.

They drove for a while down the golf trails until Ryan turned onto a little side trail that was almost completely hidden. If you weren't looking for it, you wouldn't even notice it was there. The trail went right through the forest and over a covered wooden bridge that was beautiful. He kept on going and finally made it to the top of a hill where there was a wooden lookout post that was several stories high that you could climb up to get a good view.

"Come on," Ryan said getting out and holding his hand out to her. She put her hand in his and he led her over to the lookout and they walked up several flights of stairs together. She was surprised that Ryan actually had a great sense of humor and she was finding out that they had a lot more in common than she thought. Their families and the way they were raised were very similar. At the top of the lookout, the view over top of the trees for as far as you could see was so amazing that it took her breath away.

"Wow. It's beautiful Ryan," she said in awe.

She turned around and was shocked that he was right up against her, looking down into her eyes.

"You're beautiful Jolie" he said right before he grabbed her and pressed his lips against hers rather aggressively.

She tensed up not sure what to do. She didn't like Ryan like that even though he was good looking and wealthy and seemed really nice. She just didn't have feelings for him the way she did for Austin. She only had friend feelings towards him.


She stepped back and pushed against his chest and said, "Ryan I'm sorry. I can't. I'm falling in love with Austin. Even if he is the one that started the website and isn't the person I thought he was, my heart still belongs to him and kissing someone else just doesn't feel right. I'm sorry," she said, hanging her head and starting to cry. She missed Austin so much and her heart ached to be with him.

"Are you serious Jolie? Even when you find out he's behind the website and that he's been trying to humiliate you and destroy your honor, you STILL choose him over me?"

She hung her head and felt a tear getting ready to fall from her eye.

"I'm sorry Ryan," she sniffled. "It might not make sense to you but that's how I feel. I miss him so much."

When he saw her crying his anger melted away and his compassionate side took over.

"No I'm the one that should be sorry Jolie," he exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know what I was thinking. I should've known you weren't ready for that. Will you forgive me?" he asked softly.

"Yeah. I forgive you Ryan. Could you please take me home though? It's been a long couple of days and I'm pretty exhausted."

"Sure Jolie. I'll take you home," he said turning around and heading back down the steps towards the golf cart.

The car ride home was quiet and awkward. When they got back and Ryan pulled up in front of Jolie's house, she got out and said, "Thanks again for trying to cheer me up today Ryan. I had a good time."

"Sure any time," he said as she shut the door and she watched him drive away down the road. As she was walking towards her house she looked up and saw Austin in his bedroom window looking at her. She smiled slightly and waved. He must have seen Ryan dropping her off and she wondered what he thought about it.

A few minutes later her phone dinged and she thought it might be Austin but it was from her Dad instead.



"Dad says he's having his detectives start working on my case tomorrow," she told her Mom as she walked into the kitchen. She looked surprised about that.

"So you ready for some more Twilight?" her Mom asked smiling.

"Of course! Aren't I always?" she answered and they headed back up to Jolie's room.

"So your Dad's really helping with this case huh? Maybe he feels guilty about what he's done and this is his way of trying to butter you up to make up for it."

"Maybe. I figure at least he's taking an interest for once and wants to help," Jolie said, shrugging.

"Well maybe he can go help his secretary ........ right off a cliff," her Mom said laughing. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean that. It's the wine talking," she laughed, taking another sip of her red wine

"Who needs men!" her Mom shouted, raising her wine glass. "I have Robert Pattinson and that's enough for me."

"Amen!" Jolie said laughing as her Mom stood there putting the DVD into the player.

"I didn't realize Austin's window was right outside of yours like that!" her Mom said sounding shocked and her jaw dropped.

Jolie looked over and saw a shirtless Austin walking past in his boxer briefs. He turned and saw her Mom looking at him and he looked horrified and put the blinds down really quick.

"That was awkward Mom," Jolie laughed throwing a piece of popcorn at her.

"You're telling me! Now every time I see him I'll be picturing him in his underwear. That's just not right!" she laughed.

Jolie laughed and shook her head. Her Mom was crazy but she was always fun. "Come on Mom! Sit down so we can watch!" she said laughing and she sat down on the bed next to her and they turned on the second Twilight movie.

"So who was that boy earlier that came to pick you up? He's really good looking isn't he?"

"That's Austin's best friend Ryan and he's made it pretty clear that he likes me. He took me to the country club earlier and we had lunch and went for a walk. Then he kissed me but it just didn't feel right. It made me feel guilty because I think I'm falling for Austin."

"You're falling for Austin?" her Mom asked.

"Yeah. Being away from him physically hurts and I can't stop thinking about him and wishing I was with him. I don't want anyone else but him. I just wish I knew if he was really behind the website or not. I need to know for sure before I can move on, with or without him.

"Well hopefully your Dad can get you some answers soon," her Mom said.

"Yeah hopefully," she sighed.

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