《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 14


"You're worth the wait. As soon as you're ready, you let me know and I'll be there. I might get into a car crash rushing across town to get to you, but I'll be there," he laughed. "Ok?"

"Ok," she smiled, nodding her head. She was relieved that he was willing to wait and give her time.

He leaned down and gave her one more kiss before saying, "You want to work out now?"

"Let's do it!" she said and he looked over at her raising an eyebrow. "I mean let's work out, not do ..... IT," she laughed.

He smiled and lead her over to an ab machine. They worked out together for a couple hours taking turns with the different machines and they turned on some of her workout music in the background to help hype them up for working out harder.

After they were done they took a couple cute workout photos together in the mirror and one of them both lifting their shirts up to show their abs with them both sticking their tongues out and winking.

She posted them on her instagram and the responses came flooding in right away. A friend from her old school said "Dang girl. When did you get ripped and so dang hot?!?! #goals!"

Her best friend Karragan from her old school said, "I'm so proud of you! You look great and happy. Plus .... OMG hottie alert! That man is fine! I'm not jealous, you're jealous! #couplegoals."

"Do you have an Instagram?" she asked Austin.

"No not any more. I used to but when I was dating Mandy she made me delete everything; Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter ..... all of it! She wanted to make sure I wouldn't talk to other girls on there. I've got back Snapchat, but that's it."

"Why was she so jealous? Did you talk to other girls or had you tried cheating on her before or something?"

"No! I never even looked at another girl when I was with her. She was actually the one that cheated. She went to a party one night without me because I stayed home to study for a big test I had coming up and she had sex that night with Blaze McDaniels at the party! That's why I dumped her."


"She cheated on you with Blaze McDaniels!" she asked with wide eyes. "That's terrible! Now it makes sense why you hate him so much!"

"Yeah, now you understand," he nodded.

"Ok, well I'm going home to take a shower. Do you want me to come back over later and we could hang out and watch a movie or something?" Jolie asked.

"Or ........ you could just take a shower here with me," he said in his low sexy voice, playfully pawing at her stomach and pulling her towards him. He was so gorgeous that it was hard to resist him but she knew she had to. It was too soon.

"Nice try," she laughed, giving him a kiss and then heading for the stairs.

"Hey! You can't blame a guy for trying!" he called out as she walked up them.

When she stepped inside her house her Mom said, "Where have you been?"

"Hey Mom! I went for a run and then I worked out with Austin for a while. Do you know this town doesn't have a gym but Austin has a full gym in his basement with all the equipment I was looking for?"

"Oh that's nice," she said smiling. "Hey I wanted to talk to you about something. I know you said Austin kissed you last night and he's a really good looking boy. I just want to make sure you're taking things slow and not getting too tempted or feeling pressured to rush into anything. Especially with everything going on on the website," she told her with a concerned look on her face.

"I was on it earlier and I saw where it said the guy that wins gets the total of all the bets placed because the owner will match it dollar for dollar. It's up over $9,000 now. That's a lot of money sweetie and I'm worried about you."

Jolie took a deep breath and let it out. Her Mom always tended to worry about her.

"Mom I actually already had that conversation with Austin and he said he's good with waiting for me no matter how long it takes and I told him it might be a long time and he was ok with that. He's not pressuring me at all. I promise."


"I knew I liked him," her Mom smiled.

"Yeah I like him too, a lot. Which is kind of scary because I'm so afraid of getting my heart broken."

Her Mom brushed her hair behind her ear and said, "Honey don't worry about that so much. The old saying is true. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Because when you're in love it makes you feel alive and excited and so happy. It's the greatest feeling in the world. You want to sing and dance and shout it from the rooftops. Nothing else in the world matters but that person and being with them. Even if you lose it, the fact that you got to experience it in the first place is a very special gift," her Mom said, starting to tear up.

Jolie looked at the pain in her eyes and said, "If you had to do it all over again would you still marry Dad even though he broke your heart?"

"Of course," her Mom said with tears in her eyes. "Because he gave me you and you're the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. You made it all worth it."

Jolie wrapped her arms around her Mom and gave her a long hug, and she could hear her sniffling against her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry about Dad, Mom. I'm sorry for what he did to you and I don't know if I can ever forgive him for it," she said, rubbing on her Mom's back to comfort her.

Her Mom exhaled deeply and stepped back out of the hug, wiping away her tears

"Jolie you need to have a relationship with your father or at least try your hardest to. At the end of the day he's still your Dad and no matter what he did to me that shouldn't affect your relationship with him. You need to call him."

"I don't even know what to say to him. Hey Dad, how are you and the little home wrecker doing?"

Her Mom cried and sniffled as she said, "You actually remind so much of him. You got his sense of humor. You're funny and sarcastic, adventurous and so, so smart just like your Dad. Please just try sweetheart and don't be too hard on him. Please? For me?"

"Fine. I'll call him just to make you happy," she grumbled.

"Thank you," her Mom said, leaning over and kissing the top of her head. "Why don't you just call him now since its a Saturday and he should be free."

Jolie took a deep breath and let it out, not feeling excited at all about the idea of calling her Dad. She got up and headed to her room, shutting the door and locking it. She pulled out her cell phone and pushed "Dad" in her contacts.

It rang twice and his deep voice answered, "Jolie? I'm so glad to hear from you! How is Illinois?"

Tears burned her eyes from hearing his voice again. "It's good here in Illinois. I like it."

"Good! I'm so glad to hear it. Are you making some new friends?"

"Yeah I've made a few," she said, sniffling as a tear ran down her cheek.

"What's wrong Pumpkin? Do you hate it there?"

"No," she said, wiping her tears. "I like it here but .......... I miss you Dad. Mom misses you."

"Honey," he said quietly. "I'm with Amber now. I'm trying to make a go of it with her. I just don't want you to get your hopes up about me and your Mom getting back together."

"No of course not," she sniffled.

Suddenly the image of him with his secretary, sneaking around behind her Mom's back for a year popped into her mind and she was angry. "Why did you do it Dad? Mom is a beautiful amazing woman and you had a great family. Weren't we enough for you?"

Her Dad got quiet for a minute and she almost thought he might've hung up.

"Dad?" she asked. "Are you there?"

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