《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 13


Jolie couldn't believe that she was standing there at her window looking at a naked Austin Fox. His body was incredible and it made her feel flushed and her heart was pounding like crazy.

If her friend Bailey thought she was lucky to have him as a neighbor before she'd really think that now. His perfect body made her feel a little self conscious about her own body but she wouldn't want to change him for anything. He was absolutely perfect.

"Well I've gotta go take a shower and get ready for bed. I'll see you in the morning," she told him.

"See you in the morning beautiful," he said before hanging up.

As she stood in the shower with the water washing over her, she couldn't help but think about Austin. She found out today that Austin likes her, she got her first kiss and saw a man naked for the first time. What a crazy day today was!

She laid down on her bed with her phone and pulled up the picture from earlier that her Mom had taken of her and Austin before they left for the game. She couldn't help but think that they looked really good together. She decided to post it on her Instagram page and very quickly she started getting notification dings on her phone from likes and comments.

Someone from her old school in New York was freaking out. "Girl! You look amazing!! Is that your boyfriend? He's so flippin hot!"

So many comments came in so quickly which had never happened before on her Instagram.

As she sat there with her phone she couldn't help but be curious about the comments on the 'Chasing the New Girl' website. She pulled up the page and was shocked how many bets there were now.

There were now 210 bets on Austin, 110 on Blaze and 50 on Chaz. She went to the message board and saw that everyone was talking about her like they had been spying.

"Did you see her sitting in the bleachers talking to Blaze before the football game? Austin looked pissed about it."

"Did you see her slap Chaz across the face for touching her after the game? That was epic!"

"I saw her at the diner sitting with Austin and talking to Ryan and Blaze was there too! I'm betting 50 on Ryan. He's the biggest player ever and no one can resist him and his Daddy's money."

She couldn't believe that all these people were watching every move she made so they could bet more money! She felt like she was on a dating reality show she didn't even sign up for.


The pool of money from all the bets was now $4,350. Which means the winner would get $8,700. She couldn't believe it.

"Well I've got news for them! No one is winning that money!" she said out loud to her phone.

Then she thought about Austin looking so good in his football uniform and seeing him naked earlier and a little part of her sort of wanted him to win and she felt some of her determination to stay a virgin starting to crumble.

The next morning was a Saturday so there was no school and Jolie slept in until 8:30 before getting up and putting on some yoga pants and a zip-up, sports bra type yoga top to go for a morning run. She needed to find a good gym soon so she wouldn't lose this body she worked so hard for all summer.

Her Mom was down in the kitchen and she announced, "Good morning! I made pancakes!"

Jolie sighed. "Mom! You know I can't eat that. I'm trying to eat healthy!"

She grabbed some unsweetened yogurt, fresh fruit, plain granola and unsweetened coconut flakes out of the fridge and made a beautiful smoothie bowl out of it, sprinkling the top with chia seeds. It looked so pretty she snapped a pic for her Instagram and when she went to post she saw that she had over 2,000 likes on her post from last night with Austin! That was the most likes she had ever had on a single picture.

She ate her smoothie bowl and drank some water before heading out the front door for her run. Just as she was stretching on the front sidewalk her phone rang.

It was Austin. "Hey look up," he said and she saw him standing in the window waving.

"Hey Austin. I'm just getting ready to go for a run so I can't talk right now."

"You want some company? I'll run with you."

"Sure! That would actually be really nice."

A couple minutes later he was coming out of his front door wearing basketball shorts, running shoes and a loose tank top that was open on the sides giving a glimpse of his strong chest and ripped stomach.

"You ready?" she asked and they started jogging down the street together.

She saw him look down at her yoga pants and she said, "What? What is it!"

He laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to sound like a pig like Chaz but yoga pants are just crazy hot. They make your butt look fantastic."


She felt her cheeks flush red. "Thank you," she said shyly.

"So what are your plans for today?" he asked.

"The only thing I had planned was to try to find a gym here so I could start lifting weights and working out really hard like I did in New York over the summer."

"Well I can tell you the answer to that one right now. We don't have one."

"What? Are you serious! How can a town not have a gym?" she asked in disbelief.

"We used to have one a couple years ago but the owner retired and closed it down. My Mom actually bought a lot of the old equipment when they closed and made me a home gym down in the basement because he was selling it really cheap and she thought it would help me with my sports training."

"Could I come over and work out at your house then? You might have the machines and stuff I'm looking for."

"Sure. How about after our run we go over there and you can check it out?"


She got out her cell phone and pulled up her Apple music and went to her workout playlist. 'Bigger, better, faster stronger' by Kanye West came on and she said "I'll race you to the end of the street down there!"

"You're on!" he yelled and they sprinted full force towards the stop sign. He beat her to it pretty easily considering he was one of the fastest guys on the track team.

"I'll beat you one day. Just you wait!" she said playfully punching his arm, and smiling.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, her hands coming to rest on his chest. He stared down into her eyes and for a second they were frozen, still breathing heavy from the run. He leaned forward wrapping his arms around her body and drawing her into him.

He whispered, "Race you to that stop sign down there," before letting her go and taking off, beating her again easily.

"That's not fair! You distracted me! Cheater!" she laughed.

He laughed and reached down, slipping his hand into hers and leaning over to give her a soft kiss before they walked for a little bit, and then they continued running. After an hour of running they came back to his house and he led her down to the basement. He flipped the switch and Jolie was shocked that it looked like a real gym in there, complete with full-length wall mirrors around every wall.

There were about 20 different weight machines to work out different parts of the body, a bench press, a treadmill, a bike, a stair stepper, and even a rowing machine. He had dumbbells and ab crunch machines. He had everything she wanted.

"Wow! No wonder you're in such great shape with all this right in your house. If I had all of this in my house I would be a fitness model," she laughed, taking a big drink from her water bottle.

"You could be a fitness model now. Your body's amazing," he said, making her blush when she remembered that he had seen everything. Before yesterday she had never even kissed a boy and now Austin had seen her completely naked. It was so embarrassing to think about.

Apparently Austin was now thinking about what happened yesterday too. He stepped closer to her until his face was close enough for her to feel his warm breath on her skin. He ran his hands up her bare arms and across her collarbone, tracing up her neck. She could feel his eyes on her but she didn't dare look up into them because she knew she wouldn't be able to control herself.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and her breath was shallow. He gently put his hand under her chin and lifted it so she could look at him and she gazed into his deep blue eyes that it was so easy to get lost in. She looked down at his lips and memories of the hot kiss they shared last night crept through her mind.

He slowly moved closer, softy pressing his lips against hers and she closed her eyes, feeling a chill wash over her whole body. Her stomach fluttered and she wrapped her arms around his neck getting lost in his kiss.

His hands that had rested on her waist slid over her belly that was exposed by this yoga shirt/bra and rubbed their way down across her butt.

She felt a deep ache down inside for him and she yearned to have him but she knew that it was too soon.

She pulled back from his kiss and breathlessly said, "I'm not ready Austin. I'm sorry."

He looked down at her and said, "That's ok Jolie. I'm not trying to rush you. I can wait."

She studied his face and he looked sincere. "It might be a while before I'm ready," she said fidgeting with her hair, wondering if he would be okay with that.

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