《Chasing the New Girl - (Complete)》Chapter 15


He sniffled and said, "Yeah I'm here. I'm just so sorry that I hurt you and your Mom. I hadn't been happy for a long time and I should've just told your Mom that instead of going behind her back with another woman. I'll regret that decision for the rest of my life. I've made a lot of mistakes and for that I'm sorry but I don't regret being with Amber because she makes me happier than I've been in a very long time. But I know I went about everything the wrong way and I hurt you and your Mom and for that I'm truly sorry."

She could hear him sniffling on the phone and she couldn't remember ever hearing him cry in her entire life.

"Jolie I love you and I don't want things between me and your Mom to come between my relationship with you. I know I've missed out on a lot of time with you because I was working so much because I thought money and a big mansion would make us all happy. If I could go back and do it over, I'd spend as much time with you growing up as I could. You're already a Senior in high school. I blinked and my little baby was a full grown woman that I hardly know and I know that's my fault."

She had never heard her Dad talk like this, all reflective and sentimental. Usually he was all business.

"Well maybe it's not too late Dad. Maybe we could talk sometimes and get to know each other better. Make up for lost time?"

"That would be great. Why don't we start now? Tell me all about Illinois and your new school."

She told him all about moving in, getting a makeover and meeting the neighbors who had a son her age that she's starting to like. She told him about how small the school is and how everyone is in her business and knows everything about her when she's never met them. Then she actually let it slip about the 'Chasing the New Girl' website and all about the bets and how the police wouldn't do anything about it. He was furious.

"You've got to be kidding me! The police there won't investigate it? Do they not know that your father is the top defense attorney in the whole state of New York and the wrath I could bring down upon them in the press and media over this?"


"Dad PLEASE don't! I'm begging you! Do NOT tell anyone about this! If it was in the press that would only humiliate me even more! I'm just ignoring the website and pretending it doesn't exist and the guy that I was telling you about, Austin, he's trying to find out who's behind it so he can make them take it down. That's working out for me right now."

"Ok I won't go to the press but I want to help. I'm gonna have my people look into it and see if I can find out who's behind it and get it taken down."

"Thank you Dad. I appreciate that ......... but no press at all! Promise?"

"Yeah I promise. Hey, call me more often kiddo. I miss talking to you. I love you."

"I love you too Dad. We'll talk soon. Bye."

She felt so much better after talking to her Dad and it was like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. All the anger and hate that she had been carrying around was weighing her down and she felt some of that lift off after talking things over with him. He messed up. He wasn't perfect but he apologized and still loved her and wanted to be in her life. That was a start at least.

Jolie took a shower and put on some clean clothes, before fixing her hair and makeup. She felt like looking nice for watching movies tonight with Austin. Her phone dinged and she looked down to see a text from him.


She looked at that text and her heart melted. He actually missed her.

' she sent back giving herself a final look in the mirror. She had put on some high-waisted shorts and a cute navy blue sleeveless crop top that tied behind her neck and had a little cutout to show her cleavage.

Being a D cup it was hard not to show cleavage sometimes. She threw on some cute strappy sandals and stood back and looked in the mirror, surprised by how sexy she actually looked. She grabbed her phone and headed out the door. She couldn't wait to see Austin.

She knocked on his door and he was there to answer it in about 30 seconds and when he saw her outfit his eyes widened.

"Wow! Jolie you look great!" he said, stepping forward and putting his hands on her waist, pulling her body against his and kissing her mouth. Kissing him still gave her butterflies in her stomach and made her feel like the luckiest woman on the planet.


His hands slipped under her shirt and the feel of his hands on her bare skin made her tremble.

"My Mom's not home," he whispered into her ear as he started kissing on her neck, making her close her eyes and lean her head back.

"I thought you said you were okay with waiting?" she asked breathlessly as he nibbled at her neck, making goosebumps pop up on her arms.

"I am okay with waiting. There are other physical things we can do besides having sex," he offered in his deep sexy voice making her insides flutter, before kissing her lips softly.

Just then they heard a car door slam loudly behind them and they jumped apart, thinking it was his Mom. Ryan appeared behind them from the driveway.

"Hey man!" Ryan said.

Austin's eyes got big. "Oh sh*t! I totally forgot I made plans with you today dude. I invited Jolie over to hang out."

"Well I'm your best friend so if you guys are going to be together she's gonna be hanging out with me eventually, so why don't we all hang out together?"

"What were you guys planning to do?" she asked.

Ryan said, "We were going to drive up to Chicago and go to this indoor wave pool place where you can surf. I spend my summers at my parents house in California and I surf there a lot so during the school year that indoor place is as close as I can get to surfing around here. Do you want to come with us?"

Jolie thought about it for a second and said, "Yeah, I think that would be fun. I've never been surfing."

Austin smiled and gave her a kiss before saying, "I'm really glad you want to come with us. Go home and change into your swim suit and I'll go get my trunks on."

Jolie ran home and rummaged through her closet until she found the box that had her swimsuits in it and she put on her favorite orange bikini and threw on a t-shirt and sweats over it.

When she got outside the boys were outside her house waiting in Ryan's Audi R-8 and Austin was in the back so that Jolie could have the front seat. 'He's so sweet,' she thought.

She climbed into the passenger seat and was stunned by how beautiful his car was for a high school student. It had a really nice light tan leather interior. "Wow your car is amazing!" Jolie said.

"Now you see why he's such a chick magnet? It's all the car," Austin said.

"Ha ha! Very funny. More like it's because I'm so charming!" Ryan said defensively, pretending to be offended.

Austin laughed and said, "You wish!" as Ryan sped away down the road towards Chicago.

"I can't believe your parents bought a teenager this nice of a car," Jolie said in awe, looking around at the beautiful leather interior.

"So Ryan here is what you called a spoiled rich kid. A trust fund baby," Austin informed her. "His parents were part of the group that started Apple years ago and so they have a house in California in Silicon Valley but his parents wanted to raise him in the Midwest where they grew up so they bought a house here too. He spends the school year here with his parents being gone a lot on business trips for work and then his summers are spent in his beach house in California," Austin said.

"Hey! You make me sound terrible. I'm not that spoiled!" Ryan protested.

"Oh yeah? You always get everything you want. That makes you spoiled!" Austin laughed.

Ryan looked over at Jolie in the passenger seat, looking her up and down and said, "No I don't get everything I want."

Jolie was shocked by what he said and looked back at Austin who was on his phone and hadn't heard him. She wondered what he meant by that. Maybe she was just taking it the wrong way and he wasn't trying to flirt with her, but her gut instinct told her he was and it made her feel uncomfortable.

The trip to Chicago was two hours away and when they were almost there Austin asked Ryan to pull off to a gas station so he could run in and use the bathroom. That left Jolie out in the car with Ryan and she tried to distract herself from the awkward silence by looking at her phone.

"Jolie? I'm sorry about my comment earlier. I should've just kept that to myself."

Jolie looked over into his hazel eyes and asked "What did you mean by it?"

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