《PEACH [BXB/little space]》No
You're in for the longest damn chapter in this book. I didn't know how to split it so I just left everything in one place. It's over 29 hundred words, so read if you're patient enough.
* * *
The next morning, Aaron was first to wake up. After washing his face, he sat back down on the edge of the bed and reached for his phone on the nightstand, once again, a message from that same unknown number had been sent.
Following that was a winky face emoticon.
He felt the bed move and closed his phone. Simon wrapped his hands around him from behind and rested his chin on Aaron's shoulder. "Morning." He greeted in a groggy tone that indicated that he was still half asleep.
"Good morning. Sleep well?" Aaron asked and turned his head slightly.
"Mhm. Sorry I overslept. I'll get up and make breakfast for us." Simon replied and rubbed his eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll make us scrambled eggs." Aaron suggested.
"I don't want your scrambled eggs, I want sushi." He whined and buried his head deeper in the crook of Aaron's neck.
"Sushi? So early in the morning?" Aaron questioned.
"Yes. But we don't have seaweed. Should we run to the store and pick some up?" He placed his forefinger on his chin in thought.
"I'll just order—"
"No!" Simon cut him off abruptly. "I only eat what I make, store bought food is for uncultured swines, you hear me?" He gave Aaron a stern glare, causing the boy to gulp and nod his head quickly.
Simon smiled and placed a light peck on Aaron's cheek before climbing off the bed and stretching his arms.
They went to a small Japanese shop and got the needed ingredients along with some other small things for themselves.
After their sushi breakfast, they lounged around the house. Casper's afternoon bath time came up and now they were struggling with just making him get into the water.
"Cas, it's not that bad. You'll be the cleanest little kitten in the world." Aaron said but Casper just hissed at him and ran off.
"Somethings wrong with Casper." Simon said with his arms crossed.
"Why so?" Aaron looked up at him
"He keeps disappearing more than usual. Sometimes he'll be gone all night and then just show up early in the morning." He explained.
"Ah! Maybe he had kittens!" Aaron exclaimed with excitement.
"It's possible, but we live so far away from other people. Did he do it with a stray?"
"Oh my god! I wanna see baby kittens! We should follow him tonight!" Aaron jumped up and down and made a determined pose.
"Okay. But you're on your own. I have work tomorrow so I can't stay up late." Simon patted his head and walked passed him, going after the white fur ball.
A few hours later, it was already half passed three. He read the message again and wondered if he should go. He was dead curious on who this person was but at the same time, he was scared to death.
He put on some causal clothes and stepped out the door, making sure to be quiet. He took the bus and headed towards Suite Tea Café just as the text had said.
He reached his destination and entered the shop, looking around for anyone who might look even slightly familiar to him.
He wrote to the unknown number.
"I know." He heard a females voice behind him and jumped a little.
He turned around and stood frozen in place. "Kat." Her name slipped out. He took a step back and swallowed a lump in the back of his throat.
"Hey Aaron. Aren't you happy to see auntie Kat again?" The blonde haired girl before him said and flashed a smile.
Out of his family. Kathrine was the second most sinister person who treated Aaron badly. She was horrible and rotten just like her mother. She hated him. She would remind him constantly how she would never end up like his mother. How he was just a mistake and should die so he doesn't cause problems to the family.
They sat across from one another on the table in the café. No one spoke until the waitress brought their drinks over.
She had her leg crossed over the other and a strange smile on her face that Aaron really didn't like.
"You look pretty well put." She spoke, taking a sip of her drink and putting it back on the table. "And those clothes, they're all branded. How in the world did you afford them?" She asked, her eyes trailing up and down his body.
He stayed quiet. He didn't know what to say to her. He really just wanted to get up and leave.
"Come on. Why are you so scared? We're family aren't we?" Aaron was alarmed by the word 'family'.
He looked up at her with a blank expression. "I don't have a family." He spoke.
She scoffed. "What do you mean? You're my sisters kid, so that makes you my nephew. Which means we're family. Whether you like it or not, you're bound to us by blood and there's really nothing that can change that."
He fiddled his thumbs. "Why did you call me here?" He asked.
"Why did I call you?" She rolled her eyes. "You've changed its almost scary." She added. "you know, mom and the others are dying to see you. After I told them I found you, they flipped and got all excited, they really miss you."
"How exactly did you find me?"
"I convinced your mom to give me your number."
Aaron paused and looked at her with huge eyes. His mom? The women who left him? The women who never turned around? The women she thought was dead all his life? She was obviously bluffing. There's no way that women was still alive.
"What's with that look. You're acting as if you don't know who she is." She chuckled.
"What are you on about?" He glared and she scoffed. He was starting to get annoyed.
"brown hair, hazel eyes, name starts with an 'A' and ends with an 'A'." She sipped on her drink and eyed him from the cup.
"Name starts..." He thought for a while until one person popped into his head. "No way!"
"Yes way. I was just scrolling through her phone and found your name. At first I was like 'there's no way' but then I texted you and here you are. What a small world huh?" She smirked.
"You're lying!" He said a little louder than intended.
"Okay." She said with a sneer. "Whether you believe me or not, I don't really lose anything so..." she rolled her eyes.
It couldn't be true, that woman...why her? Why did it have to be her?
His blood rushed up to his face and he stood up, storming out of the café. "There's no way!" He yelled out loud. He stopped a taxi and got on, telling the driver to go somewhere far away. The didn't care where, he just wanted to be nowhere near here.
The taxi stopped somewhere in the outskirts of town. It was an empty area with nothing but windmills. He sat down, leaning his body against one.
He heard his phone ringing and saw that the call was from none other than Alexa. He ignore it, a voice mail was sent.
The message said.
A few minutes later, he got a call from Simon. After only fifteen minutes, he had gotten thirty calls from him.
He couldn't answer right now. He was in a bad state. He had cried so much he could even hear his own voice anymore, his eyes were blood shot and he felt like he'd snorted powered cayenne.
He needed to be alone, sort his emotions out before getting anymore human contact.
It was already late night, at this point he put his phone on mute. Simon had called 102 times by then, texted him more than fifty and sent so many voice mails but Aaron refused to reply. That was the same with Alexa's end as well.
After a while, he called for a taxi again, but instead of going home to Simon, he headed to the old library he used to work at.
"Whoa! White boy you come back?" Mrs Wan's voice was the first he heard.
He smiled at her. "It's been a while. Can I sleep here for tonight?" He asked.
"Wow, first you disappear without saying goodbye, now you want to come back and sleep? Crazy white boy!" She yelled at him but laughed afterwards. "What happen? Why are your eyes so red?" She asked with a slightly concerned look.
"I was sick again, bad cold." He lied.
"Ah," She shook her head. "You boys these days. Go to fifth floor, you better pay me back in the morning." She said to him.
"Thanks a lot Mrs Wan." He smiled wholeheartedly and made his way to the elevator.
The next morning, he felt a little more relaxed. He just needed some time to himself before facing his tragic reality. "I'll pay you back later Mrs Wan. Have a nice day." He yelled to the women before dashing out the door and catching the bus.
He texted Alexa.
Wrong!Song was a small karaoke bar that a lot of college students visited due to how cheap it was.
He got an 'okay' from her a few minutes later.
He reached the bar and took a room, texting her again to tell her the number he was in.
She arrived a few minutes later, looking disheveled mentally wise and physically. "Hey." She greeted, her voice quiet and hands clasped in front of her.
"Hey." He said back.
She walked over and sat across from him. For five minutes straight, they sat in silence, waiting for the other to start the conversation.
"That's really not how I wanted you to find out." Alexa started.
"When were you planning on telling me?" Aaron asked.
"I..." She paused. "I wasn't going to tell you. You have such a great life right now and...I didn't want my existence to ruin that for you." She took a deep breath. "I guess I was too ashamed of myself when I found out that it was you. I caused all the bad that ever occurred in your life, I neglected you, abandoned you... And I'm quite aware of the fact that there's no way you can forgive me." Her eyes began to water and nose became runny as she spoke.
"You ran away and left me to live in hell all by myself. I get that you didn't want to be looked down upon by your family, I don't understand why you put me in your place. If you hated me that much, you might as well had an abortion or killed me when I was born. Anything would've been better than letting me live out your nightmare." He clenched his fists.
"I know. I'm sorry. I don't know what I can say to you, if I could go back in time, I swear I wouldn't have made the same mistake!" She raised her voice.
"The mistake of leaving me? Or...the mistake of having me in the first place?" She lifted her head up in surprise.
"I don't regret giving birth to you!"
"Then why did you run away?"
"You have no idea how hard it was to do that..."
"Then you should've just stayed. It's that simple okay. I don't wish my pain upon anyone, especially you. It's not your fault that you fell for a douchebag, it's not your fault that you got pregnant with me. It's not your fault that your family turned their back on you..." he sniffled, he hadn't even noticed that he too had started crying.
"But it is you fault that my life was shit. It's your fault that I cried as many tears as I did, it's your fault I never laughed and smiled and played with other kids, it's your fault that I never had a childhood! Because if you had any love for me, you would've turned around and came for me. I lived in hell for eighteen years, you had more than enough chances to come for me, but you didn't. I actually gave myself the idea that you had died because when I saw how other parents looked over their kids, I thought there was mo way my mother would ever just forget about me.
But little did I know you had found another and made a family of your own...without me. Do you know how messed up I am right now?" He furrowed his eyebrow so much they almost touched, he was shaking and breathing heavily, face resembling vermilion and voice cracking and breaking.
"I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose you as well as Maxi. She's most likely going to be taken away from me, you're the only one I have right now so please just hear me out." She wiped her tears and flipped her hair from her face. "Now that I found you...I don't want to lose you again."
"That's funny because...I was never lost to begin with. You knew exactly where you left me, you were too much of a coward to face me. When I was little, I always waited for you. 'mommy will be here tomorrow...next week...next month...next year?' I would say to myself. But you never came. I can't do anything about Max, she's a nice girl who deserves a bright and happy life, if you think you can give that to her then go ahead and take her.
All I ask is that you keep your life separate from mine, to me, I don't have a mother. My mother died long ago, and you're just a women I happen to meet at an ice cream parlour." He stood up. "If that's okay with you, I'd like to keep it that way." He said lastly before making his way out.
The next person he needed to straighten things out was someone he wished to never see ever again. But he knew that if he wanted to live a life of peace filled with no fears or regrets, he needed to see this person.
He rang the doorbell to the 1970 looking house. The person who opened was Kat. "Wow, look who decided to come back home." She sneered and opened the door wide for him.
He stepped inside, the disgusting familiar scent hit him hard, everywhere he looked, a bad memory connected with it and he wanted to vomit.
"Where is She?" He looked back at Kathrine.
"Up stairs in her room." She said and plopped herself on the sofa.
He walked up the stairs, he was trembling that his knees began to wobble the closer to he reached the door.
Three knocks and a 'come on' was audible.
He placed his hand on the knob and twisted it, taking a deep breath and exhaling before pushing it and stepping in.
He saw her back. Her greying hair was up in a ponytail, she sat on her chair near the nightstand. "Who is it?" She asked. She seemed to be typing something on her laptop.
"It's Aaron." She stopped typing and slowly turned around in the chair.
Her eyes were wide, her lips parted. "You got some never showing your face here." She said. She sounded like an old lady, but Aaron knew she was only in early fifties. Seeing her now, he felt as if he hadn't seen her in years.
"I know we didn't end...or start on a good note, so I wanted to clear things with you." He started.
"Child, are you here to ask for forgiveness?" She scoffed.
"Of course, I'm here to say sorry. I'm sorry for what that women did to you, for dropping me in your hands so unexpectedly, for giving you an unwanted responsibility. It wasn't right. I know you never liked me, and you probably still don't, I can't control how you think of me so all I can say is that, after today, I promise never to appear in your presence ever again. I am someone who made you constantly angry growing up and if I truly was the problem, then I should keep my distance from you.
I met her today and she seemed to have thought about what she did and wants to reconnect with her family again. I'm not saying to consider welcoming her back, that's not my choice, but do hear what she has to say." Aaron spoke and for the first time, she stood their in silence and listened.
"If you were still my responsibility, I'd smack you back into that women's stomach." She said angrily. "You look at me with such a peaceful expression, you've changed." Her expression changed to one Aaron was quite unfamiliar with. She didn't smile, but she didn't scowl or look disgusted like he remembered.
"I'll be out of your hair now." He turned around and exited the room.
When he stepped out, he nearly fainted. So much courage was put into being in her presence alone. He was just glad he was able to speak to her without showing how completely terrified he was.
* * *
Alright children, thank you for reading this long ass chapter.
It's getting to the end so stay tuned.
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