《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》Dungeon Proficiency


"Ehhh, why not. Let me get a few more levels higher then I'll call it a day. M, which one should I go to now?" JJ asked as she finally finished studying her stat window.

"As this is a training ground, there are a lot of things that you can get away with, like having unlimited resources. So, if you'd like to get to know how the magic in this world works, you can go to a dungeon that trains mages. There are some for warriors, rogues, knights, archers, and whatever else you can think of. But remember, you will get bored of them quite quickly if you only do the same one over and over again," M replied to JJ's question.

"Is that so? Are you suggesting that I go for a few dungeons in which I would be able to try out which classes interest me?"

"That would be the logical way to go about it. Unless of course, you are dead set on becoming a warrior class as you have for all of the games that you have played."

"The amount of information you know about me is kinda creepy. Could you keep those kinds of things to yourselves?"

"Now that I know you find this annoying, that is a solid maybe."

"You are starting to sound like a younger annoying brother that I never had."

"Haha, yeah, I'm here to help you, but I'm also here for some fun. So take it all or leave it all, your choice."

"Humph, whatever. I'll just go for another warrior dungeon then try out a few of the other ones."

"Ok, just go dig out that key again and find the statue with a big warrior with a giant 2-handed sword. This one should be a bit more challenging for you. It'll certainly be something that I look forward to seeing you achieve victory. Go, go. I'm rooting for you."

"Ok, ok, I'm going," JJ said as she went to where she dug out the key last time and dug it out once more. Once it was in her hands, she made her way back to the many rows and columns of statues to find the one that M had told her about. It didn't take long and soon enough, she was in another dungeon. "M?"

"Don't worry I'm here. I'm a bit faster than last time. So, do you really need me to guide you anymore or do you want to independent and try to go at this by yourself?"


"I think I'll try it out for myself and only come to you if I get lost or some jazz."

"Fair enough, you can't and shouldn't really rely on me for everything, after all."

"I suppose that's true."

JJ walked calmly to the first room where she was met with about 8 goblins, all of them bigger and presumably stronger than the ones that she fought in the first dungeon. With a small shield and short sword in each hand, she rushed in to fight the little demons. Individually, these posed almost no threat to her, but being in a mob allowed them to negate this weakness of theirs. However, as soon as their numbers dipped, so too did their protection.

The monsters rushed JJ all at once, but she made sure that she had her back to the wall at all times so that she would not be surrounded and ganged up on all directions. There were a few torches placed sporadically around the room, if she could take them out, then she would have the advantage with her infrared vision. First, there was one torch just beside her so she extinguished that one first, then decided to take the initiative to go get the others. She rushed into the mob backhanding a goblin with her shield which sent him flying, then slashed at another one's belly. Its contents leaked out and the shriek of pain that ensued was certainly not pleasant.

However, now she had a clear path to one of the 6 remaining torches. She managed to get to two before she was surrounded again. After a few rounds of this, all of the torches were extinguished and there was only darkness inside the room. Even if the goblin's eyes were specialized in low light situations, they weren't able to see in complete darkness all that well. With this advantage, JJ was able to clear the room fairly quickly.

"You know, if you asked, I would've done all that for you and you could've just focused on the killing part."

JJ was certainly not pleased with the way that M told her about this matter and shouted "you couldn't have said anything sooner? Whatever, say, are you able to come into the third dimension?" JJ said as she witnessed the body of the goblins disappear and headed to the next room.

"I definitely could, but it would take too much energy so I just connect to people using what we are doing right now."


"What would happen if I went to the fourth dimension?"

"...Ooooh, you really don't want that."

"Why not?"


"Come on, tell me why not."


"Tell me!"

"The last 3 people I did this to, well..."

"Well, what!"

"Well, they died."

"Oh! Uh, how?"

"Two of them committed suicide once they saw how...let's just say...how complex the fourth dimension was. The other one's mind just stopped functioning, so I'm not even sure how that happened."


"Yea, big yikes. You happy now that you got it out of me?"

"Well, I really wish I hadn't pressed you."

"Heh, bit too late for that now."

"Can you tell me what the 4th-dimension looks like?"

It is a futile endeavour trying to explain something that is completely out of your depth sense. Let me explain it to you using 2D and the 3D universe."

"Ok. Hold on, help me extinguish the light in this next room before you explain it."

"Sure, I'll do that once you go inside."

"Here goes." She said as she rushed into the room full of giant rats. The instant she stepped in, the lights all went out and this caused the rats to be in a state of confusion for a little bit. It didn't take long before JJ finished them all off and proceeded to the next room.

"As I was saying, if you brought the 2D being into your 3D world, then it doesn't really have the ability to sense all of the amazingness of your world. Think of it like this, if you brought a 2D being to a beautiful lake with yellow sand, and a cottage nearby, it will still only be able to see in 2-dimensions and see this in extremely small strips of 2D. You may be able to see the entire picture, but the 2D being sure as heck won't."

"You're saying that if you brought me to your dimension I would also only be able to see only a fraction of what you see, right?"

"Shhh, bingo. You catch on quick."

"Tell me, what can you see in your dimension that I will never be able to see?"

"So many things. For instance, remember when I told you that I could see inside locked chests?"

"Yea, what about it?"

"I can see every cell, atom, and nucleus in your body. I can also see your heart beating."

"I really thought we were having a sentimental moment. Humph, I guess not."

"You do realize that I am a 4D being using you as a form of entertainment and you are a 3D being with a quasi-identity crisis?"

"La la la, I can't hear you," JJ said as she covered her ears and ran into the next room. This time, it was a horde of the undead. Since it didn't really matter if the lights were on or off, she just rushed in to decapitate them all and it was over in an instant. A few rooms later, she got a pop-up telling her that she had reached level A4 along with a few increases in stats that she was able to manually increase. She decided to increase strength and intellect. Another few rooms down, one of the monsters that JJ had slain dropped a treasure chest.

"Hoh. Looks like you finally managed to get a chest. Let's see, inside this is a thing that you put on your neck. It seems like it is quite a good find for a beginner."

"? Do you mean a necklace?"

"Oh, yea lol. That is what you guys call it isn't it, haha. Forgot what it was called for a split second."

"How do I open it?"

"You will have to go to town and buy a key. I cannot do anything for you about this. It is just how it goes."

"Whatever, let's just finish this dungeon and move on to the next." She said as she breezed through the rest of the map and killing the boss of this dungeon, a drake, and completing the dungeon in a respectable time.

"Looks like you are already quite proficient in dungeons."

"I'm a quick learner. Let’s move on to a mage dungeon."

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