《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》Just a few More Dungeons


"Dungeon for mages, eh? I believe in this world, mages are the second most popular class for beginners to choose from. It isn't too bad of an idea to get you a bit familiar with it as you might have to face off a few mages in your journey," M informed JJ.

"I see, how does this work? Do I get a book full of wizard chants, or is there some wands I have to get ahold of to cast magic, or… I really can't think of anything else," JJ said as she tried to think of anything she might have missed.

"You have been spending way too much time playing these kinds of games so I don't blame you for guessing, but no, that is not how the magic here works. Go get the key again then find a bear with a long wooden staff. I'll meet you inside."

"Alright," she said as she went to go dig out the key once more. After following all of M's directions, she made it into the dungeon. This dungeon was a bit creepier than the other ones that she had been through. It was almost as if there was someone constantly watching her, well, someone other than M.

"Ah, there you are. Say, you are getting pretty fast at digging, do you know why?"

"My stats for strength?"

"Yup, that should be pretty self-explanatory. Now, go straight to the first room and here, take this magic wand with you."

"Can't I get something cool like that long staff that the bear statue had?"

"Oh calm down girl. You need to get to a certain proficiency to be able to wield a staff like that. Be happy with just this. Most people come in here with no clue as to how to do magic and here you are complaining about your aesthetics."

"Aesthetics are important! At least to me. As long as I look cool, I don't really care. Alright, I see some bats again, what should I do?"

"Go into the room and chant whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind. Also, make sure to aim your wand at your enemies, duh."

"Alright." She said as she stepped into the room and activated her infrared vision. It was dark enough in the room that she could only see her enemies properly with her infrared vision. "Whirlwind, whirlwind, worruween," JJ chanted but couldn't say it as saying it three times was a bit of a tongue twister.


"Haha, try again. The bats haven't noticed you so try it with more force in your voice." He said as he kept a giggle from coming out.

"Whirlwind, whirlwind, whorlweend. Agh. This is hopeless."

"Patience, patience. Try once more."

"Whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind. It's not working."

"Use more force behind your words."

"Whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind, whirlwind." By this point she was practically shouting whirlwind at the bats, but still, nothing resembling magic came out.

However, her shouting did alert the bats to her presence and in a moment, dozens of bats were speeding right at her from the ceiling.

"Hehehehehehe. You should see your face when you were shouting whirlwind all those times. I'll confess, I knew you had a speech impediment for this. I just wanted to see you suffer.."

"WHAT!" JJ shouted angrily as M was still giggling to himself at what he had made her do. Now she was running from the bats with a vengeance.

"Calm down, calm down. Let me show you what magic actually looks like in this world." As soon as he finished his sentence, a purple barrier was erected around JJ and a blast of bright light filled the room. Even with her eyes squinted to an extreme degree, she could still see white as she had never before.

Once she opened her eyes, she was in shock, every single one of the bats were laying down on the floor dead. It was certainly a surprise to JJ.

"Woah, that was incredible. The area damage that it caused must be enormous, not to mention the range of this thing."

"Uhhm. Good news and bad news…er...again. Good news, I showed you what magic was like, bad news, I basically levelled this entire dungeon so you'll have to get out and go dig for a key again."

"Hold on. You managed to kill every monster here? How?"

"On 99% of magical worlds in your universe, I may as well be considered a god. That means that I have the power to destroy well, everything basically. This dungeon was only a beginner one so it was pretty easy to finish it in one go. I just never thought that my weakest attack was enough to do this much damage."

"Are you getting all the loot?"

"Yea, yea, don't worry. Now, go straight, left, straight, second to your right, third to your left, straight, right, second to the left, straight twice, and you should be out of this dungeon."


"Alright, so are you going to explain to me how you did that? And what level would that kind of spell require?" JJ asked as she went to go dig for another key.

"To answer your first question, you basically just imagine it, then it happens. Obviously, the damage will be limited by the amount of your mana, therefore, be mindful of how much you have at all times. You can check your stats, or, once you reach a high enough level, you will be able to sense it passively."

"I see, so if I imagine a fireball, then a fireball will come out?"

"Yes, that is the basics of it."

"I got it, meet you inside the last dungeon. Race you there." She said as she ran to the bear statue once again.

"Fool, I am a 4D being, I can do everything better than you."

"Glad to see you aren't boastful."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"Yes, your greatness."

"No more sarcasm, I don't understand it. It's like saying one thing but meaning another, truly confusing. And none of that greatness thing either. I've grown out of that phase a long time ago."

"Fine. I'm in. Are you here?"

"Of course I'm here. Now, go in and show me some magic. I'm dying to see just how this turns out."

"Oh, it's the bats again," JJ whispered as she crept into the room without being noticed. She pictured a big fireball being formed in the space in front of her chest. It was a relief to her when the fireball actually appeared. She was afraid that M had tricked her again.

"Wait, hang on-"

"And here you go bats," She said as a massive fireball appeared in front of her. Within a moment of its existence, it propelled itself towards the big brood of bats stationed together on the ceiling. A magnificent explosion came from the area of the bats and dozens of bat corpses fell from the sky. Immediately after seeing this sight, JJ collapsed to the ground, devoid of any energy or mana.

"You fool. You used all of your mana points in one go! How do you expect to complete the rest of this dungeon now?"

"Uhh, hold on, I'm a little light-headed."

"Good, you deserve it!"

JJ was taken aback at what M had just said to her, she had never been in this situation before. "Well, that's a bit rude, isn't it?"

"Maybe, but you should really think about the consequences of your actions before you act upon them, don't you think?"


"You absolute child! I know what will teach you this lesson," M said as another purple shield-like thing enveloped JJ. Once again, the bright white light flashed in the room where JJ was.

"What did you do that for? I could've finished the dungeon on my own after I rest for a bit."

"I have no such patience. Go out of this dungeon and go dig for that key again!."

"You can't be serious!" You're really going to make me go dig that stupid thing out again?"

"Yea, this should teach you to limit yourself."

"Hold on, couldn't you have just given me a potion to restore my mana."

"..Oh, yea, I guess so. Oops. Too late now I guess."

"Oh, you cheap piece of black licorice."

"Whatever! Just go dig that out again. Or, would you prefer we do this another day? You have been going at it for a few hours already. I do believe that the only other productive day you've had in your entire life was when you came out of your mother."

"Please don't make me think of that, and how dare you. I'll have you know I've had plenty of-"

"Oh, plenty of what? Productive days? Name one. Go on, I'll check for you."

"..." JJ was going to refute the absolutely annoying M and prove him wrong, but there was nothing that came to mind that she could use in her defence.

"Yea, that's what I thought."

"Oh shut your trap. I'm going to rest. Did you pick up all the loot?"

"Yes! Geez. Go find your way in this world, I'll be back tomorrow to see if you survive the night."

"You're not coming with me?"

"Again, I'm not your babysitter."

"Humph, fine, be that way."

With that, both of them went their separate ways. Unfortunately, JJ was stuck in the dungeon for another half an hour trying to find a way out as she had forgotten to ask M for directions. M just watched his new project as she stumbled out of the training grounds and into an inn in the immediate vicinity.

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