《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》First Dungeon Cleared


JJ had just finished the second to last room of the dungeon, now only the boss room remained. She had gotten quite proficient with the conjuring of different weapons. It wasn't easy to master as she had panicked in the previous room and conjured up a bowl of macaroni and cheese instead of a weapon as this was her comfort food and she had felt a small pang of hunger. Of course, she immediately rectified her mistake but had been poisoned with a goblin archers arrows.

"That was quite an amusing battle that you just had. It's not every day you bring macaroni and cheese into a battle," M playfully joked at JJ’s expense.

"Hey, shut the full cup. Ouch, this poison hurts a bit. I won't die will I?" JJ asked.

"Don't worry about that. You would have to be quite talented to die in this beginner dungeon. However, you should probably take this as you will be facing the boss in the next room."

A small potion of green liquid appeared in front of her which she grabbed immediately and drank.

"Ack, that is disgusting. I do feel a bit better but I hope the taste doesn't linger in my mouth. So, what's in the next room? Is it some sort of boss?"

"Let me check it out... Ohhh. Well, this next fight should be interesting."

"Why do you say that?"

"You will be fighting a jackalope. It is basically a bunny with deer horns or antlers. It looks to be about a meter tall and is pretty cute."

"I used to have a pet bunny, I don't know if I can bring myself to do this."

"Oh, don't worry. Once it starts to attack you, I'm sure you'll be too distracted to care about it’s long, streamlined and extremely soft fur. But again, I have no doubt that you will kill it in the end.”

"Wha-Am I really that cold and bloodthirsty already?"

"I don't know, a few chapters can really change a person's entire perspective on life."

"Answer the question!"

"I actually don't know, JJ. I'm not actually all-knowing, this is for you to figure out and me to bear witness to your journey."

"You’re really going to be like that? Fine. One more question before I go fight that Jackalope. I have been trying to imagine a few more modern weapons like guns, nuclear-powered tanks, etc, why don't they appear."


"Oh, I do know the answer to that one. It is because I locked your power so that you will only be able to conjure up basic weapons and short-range ballistic weapons. It wouldn't really be a challenge for you if you were able to make guns. Where is the fun in that?"

"Will I ever be able to?"

"Maybe, if you are in like a super-deep pile of black jellybean situation. Plus, I've made it possible for you to have an unlimited supply of some of the more important survival must-haves like matches, raincoats, toilet paper, and the like. Also, a little booze now and then isn't too bad right? Haha."

"Alright, I hope you remember your words, M."

"I will. Now go kill that adorable bunny. Oh! Speaking of, I think I read somewhere that the Jackalope is fond of alcohol as well, I don't really know if it's true or not."

"Ok, ok. I'm going. I'm glad that I have infrared vision, now I am able to see all of my targets."

"I'm glad you like it, I was getting tired of having to light up the room for you every time you entered into another dimly lit room."


JJ began walking down the corridor to the last room of the dungeon while thinking of what weapon was best to be used in this situation. She decided on going with the repeating crossbow and loaded as many bolts as she could in and conjured up a bottle of booze. Then, turning on her infrared vision so that the position of the big bunny could be determined.

"What exactly do you plan on doing with that bottle of alcohol, JJ?"

"Watch me."

JJ threw the bottle right in between the door and the position of the bunny and it shattered, spilling its contents all over the floor. The Jackalope heard the shattered glass immediately and went to go check it out. Once it sniffed what was on the floor, it stayed there and started licking it.

"Goodness me! Looks like that tidbit was right after all. Who would have thought."

"I'm just glad that it took the bait." She said as she conjured up a few more bottles and chucked it around the beast.

Once all of the bottles shattered, effectively creating a semi-circle of alcohol, JJ conjured up a match and lit the bolt that she was shooting on fire and aimed at the base of the beast. The shot was made and once the fiery bolt made contact with the alcohol, a small flame began to appear. In mere moments, the flame grew to a large size and managed to hurt the Jackalope. JJ had snuck into the room before all of this and now decided to move in for the kill. She fired the rest of her ammo onto the Jackalope then conjured up a spear so that she had longer reach.


The next thing she did was to charge in and see just how durable this bunny was. JJ tried all sorts of things, but even though the beast was badly burned it put up quite a bit of fight. It was obvious that the beast was on its last legs, but she was not able to get in any closer than she already had. A brilliant plan surfaced in her mind and she threw spear after spear at the bunny. Finally, the bunny had had enough and it charged at her full-force. Conjuring up a giant shield to protect herself, she braced for impact.

Nothing could prepare her for the world of pain she was about to be in as the impact from the full-frontal assault sent her flying quite a ways away. All she could muster was a weak groan and got up so that she wouldn't be easy prey to the beast. However, by this point, she could tell that it was just one hit away from dying. So, she conjured up a sword and with one good swing ended the abomination of a bunny.

"Looks like that was a rather painful experience for you. That one hit from the Jackalope took out nearly half of your health bar. Here, drink this," M said as he made a red potion appear in front of JJ's hands.


After drinking the entire potion, she felt completely invigorated, refreshed, and ready for another round of dungeons. The carcass of the Jackalope began to disappear into the nothingness from her perspective. This was done by M so that she didn't have to carry all of the loot so that she would be able to fight better.

"Seems like you didn't really feel anything for the bunny then?"

"Well, I might've if I was able to see it in normal light, but since I was in infrared mode, I could only see its heat signature. That is what comes to mind anyway."

"Heh, whatever excuse you have to tell yourself. You sure are full of surprises. I guess that's when your amazing street knowledge comes in handy. Now, do you think that you'd like to go for another dungeon, preferably something a bit more challenging?"


"Or would you like to go to town, sell your loot, get something to eat, and have a well-deserved rest?"


"I can tell from your posture and facial expressions that you want to keep going, but your innate desires compel you to take a break from all of this strenuous activity. So, which option would you prefer?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Oh yes, by the way, you are now level A3. There are multiple more stats for you to look through, but I won't do it because I have my episodes of laziness as well."

"Mmm, goodie. How do I open up my stats...oh," JJ said as a window popped up out of nowhere.

"There you go. The list goes on and on, but the first dozen or so stats are the most important. I'm going to give you control of what you want others to see your stats as, this is a precious gift that no one else has so make sure to not let anyone in on the secret, mmkay?"

JJ nodded as she walked out of her first dungeon while being distracted by her stats. Once she was out, the stat window closed and out popped a reward window showing that she received 23XP and 23 A coins. She dismissed this pop-up and opened up the stat window once more to look at it all. At the top left was her name, age, level, class, and money. On the top right was the progress bar to the next level. Below both of those were stats for strength, endurance, defence, and all of those other ones often seen in games.

"Seems like this world was built for me."

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