《Transmigrating With a 4D Chaperone》Giant Ants, Bats, and Goblins


"Nice JJ. Looks like clearing the only thing stopping you from killing monsters before was your fear of spiders. It took you only a few minutes to take care of the giant ants that were in your way," M, the almost all-knowing 4D being, said as he sucked all of the ant corpses into the 4th-dimension.

"Yea, I guess so," JJ said as she took a breath from just finishing off a dozen giant ants.

"To be honest, you are one of the few that are in my collection to actually be so easy to take a life. That is sort of impressive in a way. Kinda scary too."

"Must be desensitized from all of this killing as I would grind nonstop for days on end. Well, that's what the working theory is."

"How do you feel about the stone maul in your hands? I could sense from your motions that the first time you held it you were thinking about it being a bit heavier than you can handle."

"Oh, I haven't even given it a second thought until now. It's still on the heavier side, but I can handle it just fine now."

"Hmm, I did say I would keep the character customization away from you for motivation, but I think you deserve a little present. I can allow you to change one thing about yourself. Which hairstyle would you like?"

"Now that I am going to have to be active, I suppose it would be a bit too much of a hassle to have my hair down to my waist. How about just a bob cut down to the bottom of my neck. I imagine having shorter hair would be better for fighting in as well."

"Did you just think about it off the top of your head? That is a bit, how do you say, oddly specific."

"Well excuse me, I had been thinking about it for a while now. And since you can do it for me now, why shouldn't I take advantage of it?"

"Ok, ok, no need to get so defensive about it.” A brief ding could be heard and JJ’s hairstyle changed instantly. “There, it is done. What do you think? Here is a mirror. What do you think, pretty nice right?"

A mirror floated in front of JJ's face that was big enough to allow her to see just how the new do would suit her. From what JJ could see, it was exactly as she had wanted.


"Eh, not too bad. Maybe I shouldn't have let my insecurities prevent me from waiting so long to get it. Thanks, M. I dig it."

"Did you want to change it to another colour? I personally think that silver would look marvellous on you."

"Nah, I think I'll just let it stay black. Anyway, onto the next room. Oh! There are three paths that goes on from this one. Which one should I head into M?"

"Hmm, did you want to get the most loot or did you just want to get this done as soon as possible?"

"Get it done as soon as possible. You said this was one of the most basic dungeons right? That means it is unlikely to have that great of a loot."

"I appreciate that logic of yours. Go through the middle door and then you should only be 8 more rooms until you find your way out of this dungeon."

"Ok, what's in the next room?" She said as she started walking into the middle passageway and whipping her new hairstyle back and forth to see how it moved through the air.

"Uh, it is going to be bats. About 100 of them."

"I don't think I'll be able to get them all if I'm using a maul, let me use that crossbow thing again."

"Sure. I think if you tried to go at them with that heavy maul you'd be dead pretty quick if they were smart enough to gang up on you."

The maul slowly disappeared from JJ's hands and the crossbow appeared once more. She reloaded as fast as she could and got to the edge of the safety zone just before dashing in and shooting into the rather dark room. Many bat shrieks and noises immediately filled the room.

"Oh right, here is a little gift from me." He said as a bright light shone from the middle of the room.

Now that the bats could no longer hide and their cover was blown, JJ was able to get more accurate shots at them. She was able to get a few dozen bats down with the first volley, now that she was reloading, the offensive from the bats intensified. After a few minutes of trying to dodge and simultaneously reloading, she was able to shoot all of them down. Though she was covered in bruises and bites, she only felt a sense of pride in herself. Just a little while ago, she was willing to let an intruder kill her, now she was offing one monster after another.


"It is rather good that you have a bit more confidence in yourself. Now, in front of you are 4 doors, you can either choose to take the left path and fight some goblins, or you can go to the path second to the right and fight some imps. Your choice, they both can be considered the shortest path out of here."

"Hold on, will I be able to make the monsters my familiars?"

"That is something your A1 level so keep that in mind. Speaking of, you will be able to level up to A2 after this next room."

"Wow, let's go then." She said as she took the path to the goblins. In her mind, she thought of which weapon would best be used to kill some goblins. Once she thought of something, an object floated and seemingly followed her as she walked forward.

"Ahem! That is not something you should have figured out on your own. I was going to show you once you finished this dungeon. Way to ruin the surprise."

"This is a short sword?"


"That I made?"

"Uh, no. This is actually something that you created thanks to me. In layman's terms, you think of something and my 4th-dimensional powers will it into your 3D existence."

“Hang on, how come I couldn’t will a maul out of existence before?”

“I activated it literally 5 seconds ago! I have a lot more skills for you to try out. There are a few in mind that you might find rather enjoyable. Aren’t you glad you came with a complete stranger that you can’t even see millions of light-years away from where you were living?”

"Well, maybe just a little bit." She said as she grabbed the short sword and rushed inside the room full of goblins.

JJ had the element of surprise and with a little distraction, was able to slay 3 of the goblins that were sleeping before they made a dying shriek that chilled the bone. There were only 5 left, not too hard. 3 goblins charged right at her with another two going to either side of her. She slashed at the first one to charge her and inflicted a modest amount of damage then kicked the second one right on its head. Two down for now, but there were still 3 that were charging at her full speed all in different directions.

"Will you be alright?"

"No need to worry about me," JJ said as she pictured another short sword appearing into her left hand. And appear it did.

Now that she had two swords, she threw the one on her right hand as hard as she could onto the goblins approaching from her right then which just so happened to hit it square right in its bald green head. An instant kill. She imagined another short sword in her right hand, then once that appeared, impaled the goblin coming from her left straight through the stomach. Finally, she let go of the sword in her left hand and held both hands on the weapon on her right and slashed as fast as she could against the opponent right in front of her.

All of this happened in a mere 5 seconds, but it was near-perfectly executed by JJ. However, this was certainly not the time to stop as 4 of them were still alive, so she went up to each of the heavily injured goblins and plunged her sword right into their tiny little hearts and ending their lives.

A whistle could be heard indicating approval. This came from M who felt surprised at the efficiency of JJ when she did battle up close.

"Hey, that was pretty quick thinking back there. Although I have to warn you, don't conjure up any weapons in front of other people unless you want them to kidnap you and try to figure out your secrets, ok?"

"I got it, don't worry. Would I be able to conjure up weapons infinitely?"

"Not forever, but it would take quite a lot to exhaust it. In my experience, it is best to stick with a few weapons that you are able to train with exclusively so that you may master them to a higher degree. Being able to utilize this power that you discovered just moments ago deserves some reward, what would you like? Nothing too unreasonable now."

"Mmm, I suppose... I would like... to have infrared vision? Is that possible?"

"Kid, look who you're talking to. Wait, right, you can't. Yes, I can do that, this is a fantasy world after all. Just think about a light switch turning off and on and you should be able to see in normal and infrared. Now! Time for more killing!"

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