《The Stone King's Lover》Special Chapter ~ "The Birthday"


Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night

Hei’an Palace

Wen Reian found his own way up the stairs without any direction, relying instead on the growing connection he felt in his heart. Approaching perhaps the largest doors he’d ever seen, he took a deep breath, glancing around shyly before knocking twice.

From within, the King’s voice could be heard...

“Come in,”

With a nervous sigh, Reian pushed, stepping into the bedroom and immediately closing the door behind him when he saw what was happening.

Xie Yi-jun smiled at him from where he sat on the bed. Behind him, his husband Jin Songcai was slowly kissing his neck, running his hands down the King’s bare chest where his crimson robes had been partially untied.

Swallowing, heat rising on his face, Wen Reian’s heart raced at the sight...

Songcai seemed to laugh, still lingering kisses on Yi-jun’s skin.

“I’m glad to see you Reian,” the King hummed. “How are you?”

It was such a simple, innocent question. Reian didn’t know how to answer it, watching as Yi-jun’s eyes closed, his husband’s hands caressing everywhere-

Eyes darkening by the second, Reian only nodded...

“Better now.”

With a joyful grin, Jin Songcai’s piercing blue eyes finally found him. As always, Reian saw a familiar gleam in them. An understanding of wanting to heal the world, one heart at a time. He found himself in Songcai’s eyes, and even in a moment like this, Reian wasn’t surprised by that fact.

The man’s gaze beckoned Reian closer and without further discussion, he came. When Reian stood before them both, Xie Yi-jun’s eyes finally flickered open again.

Acting on impulse alone, Reian reached out a hand to the King’s shoulder, steadying himself as he moved to sit on his lap. The whole time he watched Yi-jun’s eyes, the warmth in them growing until Wen Rei saw the irises swirl with violet...

This close to both of them, he could feel their unique auras; Yi-jun’s like sunshine and the sense of coming home. Songcai’s like the coolness of fresh air in spring-

Xie Yi-jun was staring rather lustfully at Reian’s mouth but instead, Reian raised his eyes to Songcai’s knowing smile.

Drawing Yi-jun’s hair behind his ear, Songcai whispered to both of them;

“Xie-jun was worried you’d be too busy to attend… but I knew you wouldn’t miss his birthday-”

Wen Rei’s heart fluttered when he felt the King’s fingers eagerly tugging at the sash around his waist, but a thrill of heat shot through him at the shine in Jin Songcai’s eyes.

Leaning closer as if to kiss the King, Reian went past him, meeting Songcai’s amused smile halfway and kissing him on the lips. Not their first kiss, but their first in front of Xie Yi-jun.

It was a gentle thing, but when Reian heard Yi-jun groan between them and then Songcai’s sweet laugh, Reian couldn’t help but need more...

Jin Songcai was skilled at this too, yet he let Reian take his time. Easing his tongue in between his lips slowly and purposefully, cheeks grew redder by the second as the King’s breathing seemed to shift from relaxed to desperate.

Already aware of Yi-jun’s growing desire pressing against his stomach, it was no shock when the King abruptly yanked off Reian’s belt, hands finding his skin between this heartbeat and the next. Reian was already flying, and when he eventually pulled away from Songcai’s kiss, he almost wanted to laugh out loud at how happy and excited he was to be with them like this.

Feeling not only his own need, but that of the King and his lover as well, Wen Reian was not hesitant. His whole body burned and ached, crying out only for the pleasure he knew was not so far away.


Leaning in to Yi-jun’s ear, Reian whispered as he heard the man’s ragged breaths;

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world…”

The King huffed, “Stand up. I want to see you-”

Reian did, Xie Yi-jun pushing his robes off his shoulders just like that, eyes flickering over every inch of him as the King wet his lips…

Yi-jun reached up and held Reian’s waist, thumbs slowly stroking his skin as Songcai moved to take Yi-jun’s clothes off too. Reian swallowed again as the King’s upper body was revealed, but he felt something was missing-

Looking at Songcai, he blinked…

“You too.”

Jin Songcai’s surprise at Reian’s commanding tone was replaced in an instant with a pleased smile and a chuckle as he said; “Please, go ahead.”

Songcai sat up on his knees beside Yi-jun, and without asking anything more Reian untied Songcai’s robes as fast as his fingers would allow, more than eager to see the man’s body for the first time outside of his dreams. When all of them were half-bare, Reian blushing deeply due to the startling beauty of both men before him, Xie Yi-jun suddenly sighed.

“I want you both, but I don’t know where to begin.”

Songcai just hummed, “Start with Reian. He’s come a long way…”

Heart racing at the look both of them gave him now, but especially Xie Yi-jun, Wen Reian bit back his cry of surprise as he was suddenly picked up by the King and tossed onto the bed.

Blinking in confusion, he realised moments later that Xie Yi-jun was leaning over him, their bare chests pressed together as the King’s lips made their way down the length of Reian’s neck.


Eyes fluttering shut, his fingers came up to Yi-jun’s hair as he pursed his lips. Managing to control himself only barely, Reian finally cried out when he felt Yi-jun’s lips latch onto one of the dark brown buds on his chest-

“Yi-jun!” He gasped, eyes flying open at the sensation.

With that part of his body being teased and sucked so roughly between Yi-jun’s sinfully hot lips, Reian’s response was to tug harder on his hair which in turn caused the King to groan.

Unbeknownst to Wen Reian however, Jin Songcai was already up to something over there…

Hearing the deep moan from the King’s lips that ran up and down his body, Reian tilted his head up to look. His breath caught in his throat when he saw. Somehow, amidst the chaos of the last few moments, Songcai had managed to remove the rest of Yi-jun’s clothes as well as his own.

Reian watched Songcai, who was kneeling behind Xie Yi-jun, clearly in the process of easing his oiled fingers inside the King’s body-

Chest heaving, pleasure and desire spirling out from his belly, Wen Reian reached down with his hands and found where Xie Yi-jun’s desire lay pulsing, hot and hard against his thigh…

The King hissed, curving his body, his head lowering-

Reian watched his arms flex, noticed the expression of bliss that had crossed Yi-jun’s face when he finally glanced up. As the man’s hands suddenly slid to Reian’s waist, clamoring to remove his trousers as well, Wen Reian was much more focused on what Jin Songcai was doing that was causing Yi-jun to grit his teeth and whine…

Meeting the healer’s blue eyes as Yi-jun pulled off the remainder of Wen Rei’s clothes, Reian stroked the King’s member gently and muttered a faint, curious phrase-

“You’re inside him?”

Songcai smiled salaciously and nodded, just as Yi-jun at last wrapped his hand around Reian.



Before he could react further, Xie Yi-jun moved, sliding their hips together and inhaling sharply as their bodies collided and causing little sparks of pleasure to burst in Reian’s chest. He really couldn’t believe how fast his heart was racing, it was almost unreal…

Behind Yi-jun, Songcai sighed, “It’s been a while Xie, are you sure?”

The King huffed out a breath and continued sliding his length against Reian’s, issuing helpless cries from the boy.

“Just once more...” Yi-jun panted. “For my birthday-”

Songcai clicked his tongue, and as Yi-jun’s lips returned to Reian’s neck, Wen Rei glanced up at Songcai.

“Once more of what?”

The healer grinned, on his knees behind the King while one of his hands held his shoulder firmly.

“Xie-jun, do you want to tell Reian or should I? What you begged me for?”

Yi-jun seemed preoccupied with Reian’s earlobe and wasn’t able to respond. Jin Songcai just shook his head.

“It was supposed to be a punishment,” he said. “But our dear King is somewhat of a masochist…”

Reian felt Yi-jun laugh, his breath escaping his lips in a rush. Where their hips still slid against each other, Xie Yi-jun had wrapped both of their cocks in one hand, squeezing and tugging gently as Reian tried to muffle his cries.

“Don’t scare him,” the King chuckled.

Reian gulped. “What is it?”

Before Songcai could answer, Xie Yi-jun was whispering in his ear with a touch of laughter-

“I can show you if you want…”

Mere seconds later, Wen Reian felt the tension return to Yi-jun’s arms and shoulders, his jaw tightening and his lips parting in a silent gasp. He heard Songcai muttering something, but Reian could only focus on Yi-jun’s hand wrapped around him and the King’s lips on his collarbone, which eventually turned into his tongue, then teeth.

Wen Reian was aware of a certain rocking motion going on between Songcai and Yi-jun, as it traveled through the King’s body and appeared in the way Yi-jun’s hand moved on him…

Eyebrows knitted together, Xie Yi-junwas tasting Reian’s chest, sounds of his labored breathing growing with every second.

“Ahh!” The King hissed sharply, teeth scraping Reian’s skin before he pulled away suddenly.

Songcai panted, “Too much?”

Yi-jun shook his head quickly. “No, do that again a few more times and I’m done for…”

Wen Reian’s face reddened, lust curling hot in his stomach as he realised Songcai was truly inside Xie Yi-jun now.

Inside his body-

Songcai sighed once more, gazing down at where Yi-jun was struggling to draw his lips over Reian’s skin.

“You’re terrible at multitasking,” the healer scoffed. “Come quick so poor Reian doesn’t curse your name…”

Xie Yi-jun seemed to smile, but then Reian felt and watched his breath freeze, eyes squeezing tightly. Heat suffusing his body, Wen Rei watched and listened to the two men making love right above him, Yi-jun’s hands and mouth upon his body as much as he could bare to move. Reian felt his own need clawing brutality at his chest, his mind dizzy with it..

Want to know… want to feel!

The rocking motion from before grew steadily stronger, more intense. Reian stared at Yi-jun’s face, though every now and then the King would bend his head, gasping uncontrollably as his fingers tightened.

Suddenly Xie Yi-jun could no longer contain himself, a deep, throaty moan escaping him that left Reian wrapping his hands around the King’s shoulders and dragging him down.

Pulling Yi-jun’s lower lip between his teeth, drawing his tongue inside, Wen Rei caught each and every sound as Yi-jun reacted to feeling his lover moving inside him…

“Agh! Fuck-”

Yi-jun cursed, and in that moment Reian felt several things; a surge of desire at hearing such a forbidden word, Xie Yi-jun’s entire body trembling against him, and the warm rush of something between their bodies against his belly.

“Ah, hell!” Yi-jun was gasping and when he groaned suddenly, Reian realised it was because Songcai was no longer inside him.

Glancing down between them, Reian immediately saw what Yi-jun was looking at… the evidence of his climax spread across both of their abdomens. Before Xie Yi-jun could utter an unnecessary apology, Wen Rei brought the man’s eyes up to his-

Breathing hard, he managed only short phrases; “You came…”

The King swallowed and nodded.

Reian’s body tightened with need-

“With him inside you…”

Yi-jun’s eyes darkened that much more, and he glanced down at Reian’s swollen lips. “Yes,” he whispered.

Reian nearly shivered at how deep the man’s voice was-

“…what does it feel like?”

Wen Reian was aware out of the corner of his eye that Songcai had laid down beside them on the bed, but Yi-jun was still staring wide-eyed at Wen Rei.

The King swallowed thickly, “Do you want to know?”

Reian nodded, which earned him a sweet smile from the King. Xie Yi-jun glanced over at Songcai then, seeming to be asking something…

Songcai breathed softly, curled up and resting near Reian;

“I’ve already come, you don’t need to worry about me,” then he leaned closer to Wen Rei and kissed his cheek.

“Reian doesn’t know what he’s missing.”

The boy blinked, “Yes I do.”

Songcai and Yi-jun shared a look…

“You mean, you’ve-”

Reian interrupted the King while glancing down; “No! No, I’ve never… had anyone inside. But I've… you know,”

The King tilted his head and seemed genuinely confused. Poor Reian felt as if he was going to fizzle away, or maybe just combust then and there.

“Touched myself?”

He said it so quietly, almost a whisper. Then Wen Rei heard Jin Songcai hum softly, the man placing his hand comfortingly on Reian’s bare shoulder.

“Entirely natural,” he purred. “No need to be shy…”

Then the healer smiled, “What did you think about while you did this? Forgive me for prying, but I’m curious.”

Wen Reian blushed but it truly was hard to feel embarrassed around Songcai. The man made him feel so safe. He realized he wanted them both to know. He wanted them to understand how much they meant to him.

Wen Rei met eyes with the King again, then he whispered;

“While thinking about you,”

Xie Yi-jun’s lips parted, the violet shade of his eyes growing brighter. Reian was bright red, his heart racing at confessing such a thing, but he had also wanted them to know he wasn’t completely clueless and innocent.

He watched Yi-jun swallow again…

Beside him Songcai exhaled wistfully. “Just between us three, what did you imagine?”

Reian bit his lip shyly, but when he thought about it all he’d imagined was exactly what he’d just witnessed in real life.

Not daring to meet either of their eyes, he ended up smiling guiltily…

“Just you both. Together,” blushing he quickly added; “I… was just… curious what it… felt like-”

When he finally glanced up at Xie Yi-jun, the King was watching him with an expression full of longing and love. Reian’s heart ached at the sight.

“Tell me to stop if you don’t like it,” Yi-jun said. “I’ll be gentle…”

Swallowing his nerves, Wen Rei blinked wide eyes and nodded.

“Here, like this.” Yi-jun took hold of Reian’s knees and folded them up, then spread his legs wider and kneeled in between.

Already breathing hard from the embarrassment and rush of being in such an intimate and exposed position before Xie Yi-jun’s eyes, Reian guiltily glanced over at Songcai, feeling like it was at least bad manners or something to have him just watch while his husband made love to another man…

Jin Songcai was watching everything with a satisfied and fascinated smile on his face. He looked at Reian when he turned his head…

“I can leave for a moment if you need this to be private,” Songcai said, which evidently shocked Reian.

He shook his head and stammered, “No! Please stay! I want… you too.”

Blushing, the boy finally bit his lip to silence himself but Songcai just nodded, slowly taking Reian’s chin between his fingers and leaning in to kiss him.

Against his lips the man whispered; “You taste so sweet. Later, I want to taste more-”

Before Reian could react to his words, Xie Yi-jun was sighing loudly.

“I would be more than willing to watch that…”

Songcai chuckled, rolling away from Reian.

“Quiet you!”

Wen Rei smiled, then watched as Yi-jun grinned and playfully rolled his eyes at his husband, focusing on Reian again with a pleased smile.

The boy swallowed, recalling what Songcai had said about masochism…

“Is it going to hurt?” He asked.

The King frowned. “I will do everything in my power not to hurt you… I only want to make you deliriously happy.”

Reian blushed, then Songcai was leaning into his ear again to whisper;

“It only hurts when I do him because Xie-jun likes it rough!”

They giggled together like old friends and then Reian suddenly felt the King’s fingers on his lips. Blinking up at the man, he thought he was silencing him for some reason, but then Yi-jun slipped first his pointer, then middle finger inside Wen Reian’s mouth.

Startled, heat rising on his face all the same, Reian ended up sucking on them as if he was kissing the man’s lips. Xie Yi-jun didn’t pull his hand away until both of his fingers were completely wet…

Reian watched with interest as Yi-jun first grazed his chest with them. Reian shifted on the bed-

It wasn’t until the King’s grip on his knee tightened ever so slightly that Reian realised what he might use those fingers for.

Inhaling sharply in surprise as the King pressed just one of them between his legs where his body was the tightest, Reian shivered at the bizarre feeling. It had been such a long time since he’d felt anything similar and the sensation at first was not entirely pleasant, yet he tried his hardest to relax…

Reian watched Yi-jun’s face the whole time, and after rubbing rather firmly against the spot with his pointer finger, the boy’s eyes widened as the tip of the digit suddenly slipped inside!


“Like that…” Yi-jun nodded, and Reian felt his fists tighten as the King continued to rub and push slowly.

As long as he made it a point to relax his body, Yi-jun had no problem sliding inside. When Reian lost focus, or became distracted by the still strange feeling, his muscles would tighten all at once and hold tightly onto the finger, not letting Yi-jun move it at all.

He watched the King swallow, staring between his legs…

“Hhht!” The surprised gasp was Reian, as he suddenly felt the finger inside him move.

Yi-jun twisted it gently, moving in slow circles, and Wen Reian could feel it against every part of himself. Like that, the King worked slowly until the finger was all the way inside from nail to knuckle.

But his single finger was small compared to what Reian still longed for… he wasn’t sure how he was going to relax that much! Biting his lip, he finally decided in a moment of fear, to voice these concerns.

“Mmm, there’s no way you’ll fit! It’s too tight-”

Xie Yi-jun only smiled, a kind of devilish grin.

“Songcai, would you be so kind?”

Reian turned his head, the healer already inching closer to him until they were nose to nose. Wen Reian was lost in the deepness of the man’s crystal clear eyes. He could feel Yi-jun still rubbing and moving inside him, but he felt too tense…

Jin Songcai reached up a delicate hand and smoothed down Reian’s hair, a motion that made the boy smile shyly.

“I’ll distract you if you want,” he said, gaze flickering down to Reian’s pink lips.

Nodding quickly, ready for any chance to be close to the healer, Reian was more than receptive when Songcai leaned in and kissed him again. Hand still stroking his hair, the man’s lips softly parted his, their tongues seeking each other until Wen Rei was keen to moan at how soft and warm the inside of Songcai’s mouth was…

Feeling his cock grow harder from the heat, Reian was lost in the sensations of Songcai’s devoted kiss, when he felt something else that made him pause.

Between his legs, Xie Yi-jun had apparently grabbed the oil used earlier, and had already pushed his other finger inside Reian’s body, moving both in a ‘come hither’ motion against the deepest parts of him, stroking and pressing dutifully.

Wen Reian’s breaths came in soft puffs against Songcai’s lips, and when Yi-jun suddenly extended his fingers, parting them wide inside him, Reian felt his hips arch up.

Gasping, Songcai took that clue and released his lips, stroking Reian’s cheek fondly and whispering;

“Well done…”

The boy’s jaw tightened, body opening wider for Yi-jun’s slick fingers that continued to rub and tease and twist. A strangled cry stopped in his throat as he felt the King abruptly pull his hand away. Then there were three fingers pressing inside, slipping in with ease and making Reian almost sob at how good it felt to be stretched so far and so entirely.

The steady, thrumming pleasure went on like that for some time, and when Reian felt Yi-jun’s hand fall away again he whimpered-

Blinking, he forced his eyes open and watched as Xie Yi-jun slicked that hand over his own aching erection several times, urging it back to life.

“I want you-”

Wen Rei frowned, realizing when Yi-jun looked down at him that he’d spoken.

The King gradually smiled, “You want me? How much?”

Reian’s heart thundered in his chest at Yi-jun’s attractive smirk, hand still casually stroking his member…

Swallowing his desire, Reian choked out-

“I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life!”

Apparently he’d said it with such conviction that Xie Yi-jun didn’t have the heart to continue smiling playfully. The King’s eyebrows drew together and a serious, potentially deadly expression came over him.

Suddenly moving, leaning down across Reian’s body, supporting himself with one arm on the bed, Xie Yi-jun scanned Reian’s face. The boy’s hands came up by themselves to hold the King’s neck, and finally Yi-jun answered.

He answered without words.

Wen Reian felt something impossibly hot and hard pressing between his legs where his fingers had been moments ago. Instead of being nervous or uncomfortable, he felt himself surge up towards the heat. He needed it, would die if he didn’t get it…

Yi-jun gazed deep into Reian’s eyes, and as Reian took a deep breath in, the King pushed-


The boy cried out, eyes squeezing shut at the sudden intensity. It felt like his organs had all been adjusted and shoved out of the way inside him. Xie Yi-jun seemed to stop before he was even halfway in, though Reian felt as if he was bursting.

“Shh…” Yi-jun bent to kiss him softly, licking his lips, and Reian wished to reciprocate but the pulsing heat of the King’s length, slowly forcing its way deeper was keeping him from everything except gasping pitifully.


Xie Yi-jun was panting in his ear, and Reian’s heart swelled at finally being able to feel him like this. It was more painful than he thought, but also made his body react like nothing he’d ever imagined.

“Reian, you-”

Seemingly, Yi-jun was reacting to Reian’s tip slowly spurting white fluid between their bodies… he was already almost there just from having the King inside.

Aching terribly, Wen Rei managed somehow to peel his eyes open again, his knees falling back onto the bed and quivering as he pleaded to Yi-jun with his gaze to go further.

The King was clearly holding back because Reian was in pain, but Reian was also simmering with heat that was beginning to make him want to scream! Moving his hands from his neck, into Yi-jun’s hair, Wen Reian pulled roughly, earning a soft grunt from the man who was still watching him with furrowed brows.

“Don't…” Reian whined, biting his lip. “Don't make me beg-”

Hearing that, Yi-jun’s expression softened, and within moments Wen Reian was stifling cries again as the King pressed into him harder.

Thighs shaking, muscles straining, Reian felt as if he couldn’t get nearly enough air in his lungs. As he gasped loudly, Yi-jun settled deep within his body, the heat inside causing them both to grip at each other harder in a frenzy.

Reian didn’t realise it would be like this, so encompassing. He had no thoughts anymore, just demands of and impassioned pleas. His whole body begged him to go even further-

“More!” He gasped, eyes rolling back in his head as Xie Yi-jun really started moving.

He heard Songcai chuckle from beside him; “Greedy little thing, aren’t you?”

Trying his hardest to silence the deep guttural moans from escaping his throat as Xie Yi-jun pulled all the way out and then slammed back inside, Wen Rei was biting down hard on his lip, to the point that tears streamed from his eyes…

It was so much, so good. He felt Yi-jun’s hard body on top of him, sweat beginning to stick their skin together, as well as make it even easier for the King to move inside-

It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. It’s exactly what I spent all those years wondering about and longing for…

Reian couldn’t believe he’d finally found it!

“Agh! Hmmph-”

A pitiful cry spilled from his lips as Yi-jun gradually picked up his pace. Reian could hear their bodies coming together every few seconds, the King’s length stroking and opening him again and again, like nothing he’d ever felt. Between their bodies, Reian could feel that his own member was still leaking, the shaft harder and tighter than what he considered to be tolerable.

“Please…” he whimpered, all sense of dignity gone.

The only thing he cared about now was that moment when the King came inside so far that it felt like he brushed against a part of Reian’s soul and at the same time, ripped him apart.

“What do you need?” Yi-jun panted in his ear, still stroking Reian faster and faster, deeper and deeper-

The boy choked back a groan and then swallowed, shaking his head wildly.

“I don’t know! Just… more!”

Reian was truly new to all of this. The only thing he was sure of, was that eventually, probably sooner than later, he was going to come.

He suddenly felt Songcai’s warm breath on his shoulder, the feeling making Reian’s skin tingle as a shiver ran down his spine.

“Mind if I help?” The man said in his ear, and Reian moaned loudly in response, blushing bright red at his eagerness.

Just like that, Songcai’s hand was sliding down his stomach, where Yi-jun’s length was still prodding and easing inside-

Reian hissed though his teeth when the healer’s hand brushed ever so lightly against his erection. The faintest of touches made him tremble…

“Mmm,” Songcai mumbled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so receptive. Not even you, darling-”

Reian realised Songcai must be talking to Yi-jun.

“Darling…” the King huffed. “I’m in no mood to be teased. Either join us, or fuck off-”

Songcai chuckled, clearly enjoying himself.

“Well, if you say so.”

Wen Reian nearly stopped breathing, Songcai’s fingers suddenly gripping him firmly, apparently already wet. Reian couldn’t help it-

His hips arched up, trying to get closer, and as he did Xie Yi-jun buried himself all the way, grunting in pleasure and surprise;

“God… you feel… God-”

Yi-jun’s raspy voice in his ear and his desperate praise was almost enough to push Reian over the edge then and there.

Between their bodies, Songcai’s hand continued to rub and squeeze, touching Reian in just the right way, urging him quickly towards his climax. Gasping and moaning, his back arching and his nails probably piercing Yi-jun’s skin, Reian hovered right between pleasure and pain, all the muscles in his body tight, his blood pounding.

“Close, baby-”

Reian’s heart faltered when he realised Yi-jun was talking to him!

Just like that dream I had! He grit his teeth…

With his last bit of energy Reian mumbled a heartfelt; “More!”

He heard Songcai sigh, “You can let go, Reian-”

With a toe-curling urgency, Yi-jun held Reian’s hips, pressing his legs back with his body and slamming his long pulsing length into him in quick succession. The sounds coming from there were unbelievable and for some reason deeply arousing, however it wasn’t until Songcai pressed his fingers under the head of his erection, that Reian felt it begin…

Yi-jun felt it too, the sudden tightening of Reian’s body, drawing him deeper inside.

The King panted in his ear, shuddering as he hissed; “Fuck!”

And that was it-

That word. Reian came . Jaw locked tight and hips spasming as he felt hot liquid explode onto his chest and neck. He practically screamed it was so intense.

At the same time, Yi-jun came as well, as deep inside Reian as he could possibly get and with a euphoric moan that had Reian’s already fuzzy brain spinning into oblivion.

Feeling his body continue to pulse with the aftershocks, Reian swallowed and managed to peel his eyes open…

Xie Yi-jun was still above him, breathing hard, the most beautiful and sensual expression on his face. When they met eyes Reian blushed and glanced away. As the King slid out he winced, and then the next second, Wen Rei gasped in surprise as Yi-jun lay down beside him on his stomach, tucking his head into the curve of the boy’s neck and licking away the evidence of his climax!

Before Reian could stammer something and push him away, Jin Songcai was taking up the space on his other side, curving his arm across Reian’s sweat-slicken chest and exhaling softly onto his skin before kissing him.

Oh, help-

Closing his eyes, feeling another sigh stop in his throat, Reian tilted his chin back and let them both have their way…

His whole body ached beautifully, and he was pretty sure he could feel something sticky between his legs, but Reian didn’t worry about that now.

Smiling when the brush of Yi-jun’s tongue against his adam’s apple tickled him, Wen Reian ended up laughing softly when he felt Yi-jun and Songcai’s lips meet upon his skin, culminating in a wet, worshipful kiss.

Feeling like he didn’t deserve to be so loved, Reian frowned and was about to speak. Before he could however, Xie Yi-jun groaned softly, alternating kisses to Reian’s neck and Songcai’s lips-

“I’m thinking we’ll have to make this a regular occurrence…”

Jin Songcai chuckled, then he placed his lips near Reian’s ear and whispered;

“Still with us? Are you okay?”

Reian managed a weak mumble, “I think so?”

He heard Yi-jun laugh, “Rest now. Ah, and happy birthday Wen Reian.”

Reian smiled shyly. This was their little inside joke, Yi-jun’s silly gift to him. Their shared birthday. It meant more to him that he could say, the fact that the King remembered.

“I nearly forgot!” Songcai gasped, clearly having been told. “I suppose we have two reasons to celebrate…”

Reian felt the man’s hand slowly massaging circles on his chest, the healer easing away any aches in his body and making Reian nearly hum with contentment.

“Before you leave,” Songcai told him. “Remind me to give you your gift.”


Reian swallowed… oh.

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