《The Stone King's Lover》Special Chapter - "Sleepless Nights"


Xie Yi-jun

2005 years after The Long Night

Hei’an Palace

“We haven’t been out of this room in days,” Songcai huffed. “People are probably starting to wonder if we died-”

Xie Yi-jun snorted and rolled his eyes. So what if they didn’t come out for weeks?! As far as he was concerned, the world was on pause until he’d finished completely ravishing his lovely fiancé to his hearts content!

It had been a rough first month… after everyone returned. Yi-jun, while relieved and grateful they weren’t thrust back into that hellish war, was also finding out that his time as King had really only been spent in the trenches, the heart of disasters. Everyday life, everyday being people’s guide, problem solver, and voice of reason-

Well, let’s just say, after fumbling together some semblance of order within the kingdom, Xie Yi-jun thought he more than deserved a little respite.

And what better way to get it than to spend the time staring at Jin-cai… oof, just look at his legs-

Yi-jun was peeking his head up, swallowing thickly as he stared at where Songcai was standing by the balcony, wearing only Yi-jun’s thin red shirt. The way the silk flowed from his shoulders, showing the little indent of his back… his fiancé was too beautiful!


Having been caught ogling, the King cleared his throat-

“Hmm?! What, it’s not like I have anything better to do…”

Jin Songcai narrowed his eyes, arms crossed as he approached the bed. Yi-jun was lost in a fantasy of his lover’s snow-white thighs wrapped around his head again, when the man in question was suddenly staring down at him, frowning.

Lord almighty-

“What about running the city?”

Songcai’s tone, while serious, was lightened by the fact he was also tracking Yi-jun’s every breath…

The King smiled, reaching out a hand-

“Yes. Once I’ve got my fill of you…”

His lover smirked, then Xie Yi-jun was laughing, his fiancé quickly let his shirt fall to the floor as he climbed into bed, climbed on top of the King. They grabbed each other’s hands, grinning and playing around for several minutes, wrestling, kissing and hugging.

When Yi-jun had Songcai on his back at last, the King bent down and pressed their foreheads together gently, closing his eyes in a moment of pure bliss.

Thank you…. for being here-

Jin Songcai hummed softly, then sighed.


The King sat up and blinked at his lover, who was blushing in a way he’d never seen.

“I’ve been thinking…”

Yi-jun waited patiently, when finally Songcai smiled; “About Wen Reian,”

Xie Yi-jun stilled momentarily, feeling his lover’s hands upon his arms, gently squeezing as if trying to bring him back into the moment

“I know how you feel about him,” Songcai said. “And I think it’s finally time that I tell you what I think.”

Though Yijun knew this moment would come, he hadn’t really expected Songcai to bring such a thing up in a moment like this…

They parted ways with Wen Reian over six weeks ago, as Wen Rei had chosen to stay in Jingshen. It had been a bittersweet goodbye, but a joyful one, as Xie Yi-jun realized that Reian was once again with his family, and would indeed be happy and safe.

That’s not to say the King didn’t miss the boy terribly. In fact, on occasion he’d wake up in the middle of the night or early morning, feeling as if a huge part of him had been hidden somewhere out of reach.

What Yi-jun missed more than anything else, was Reian’s heart. Now, having been in the same place as Songcai and Reian at the same time, the King could pick out the stark differences of each aura; how similar and yet opposite they were… and how Yi-jun adored them both.


Songcai and him hadn’t directly spoken yet about Wen Reian, aside from conversations regarding the boy’s memory, health, and the wild things Xie Yi-jun had done whilst Songcai was “asleep.” But they hadn’t talked about Yi-jun’s feelings for Reian. Songcai hadn’t brought it up until now, as the King felt it wasn’t up to him to broach that topic…

Better to wait and see what Jin-cai thinks-

Xie Yi-jun nodded, his lips pursed as he stared down at his lover.

“Are you furious?”

Songcai scoffed-

“No!” The man grinned, “I just wanted to tell you two things… as far as I’m concerned, your love for someone else does not diminish your love for me. I know Wen Reian, I know exactly how he feels about you, and I would never be furious at someone who loved you the way that he does. I understand.”

The King was shocked, momentarily speechless before he was able to utter; “What’s the second thing?”

Jin Songcai was avoiding his eyes, but Yi-jun could see the subtle warmth rising on the man’s cheeks. It was eye catching.

“Well, I…”

Xie Yi-jun reached out and slowly caressed Songcai’s cheek, drawing his gaze. Jin-cai smiled up at him fondly.

“Be with him,”


Songcai sighed, “I’m saying that if you want each other, I will not stand in the way. I know exactly the kind of pull that draws you both together. I feel what you feel when you think of Wen Reian… you love him.”

The King didn’t know what to say. Then a fascinating thought occurred to him, one that would more than explain his lover’s blush. A pleased smile spread across Xie Yi-jun’s face…

“You’ve known him his entire life,” the King narrowed his eyes. “Just your soul and Reian’s soul. It must have been comforting, after so long.”

Songcai’s gaze skittered away and that’s when Yi-jun knew for sure. Grinning, the King bent and kissed the man on the cheek, a bit too entranced by what he’d just discovered.

“You’re telling me this because you want him too, don’t you? Songcai, hmm?!”

His lover swallowed, “It’s not about me-”

Xie Yi-jun chuckled, flickering his tongue out to taste the man’s cheek, then kissing him again. At the same time he felt Songcai’s hands come up to his back, fingers digging in.

“I’ll have you know,” the King whispered. “I’m very possessive of what’s mine. But the thought of you with him-”

Yi-jun inhaled his lover’s scent…

“It turns me on.”

Songcai huffed again, but now it was more of a gentle gasp, as Xie Yi-jun had snuck one of his hands between their bodies and was slowly sliding it up Jin-cai’s leg.

His lover squeezed his shoulders and then Yi-jun heard him exhale…

“I will let you decide your own relationship with Reian. But if the day comes when he asks about me, you must tell him exactly what I’m saying now, yes?”

Xie Yi-jun was panting with need when he finally wrapped his hand around his lover’s stiff length-

“And what are you saying, Jin-cai?”

The man seemed to be smiling even as he gasped…

“That I have fallen in love with his spirit. And that I am willing to love more-”

It was several weeks later that Yi-jun revealed this to Wen Reian, having no agenda, as it happened, mentioning it by accident one day when they were taking a stroll around The Spirit Orchard.

The boy had written to him using their ink spell, saying he wished to see the King. Xie Yi-jun had come as soon as he could and they’d spent a quiet afternoon walking together after catching up, Wen Rei asking Yi-jun to lift him so he could reach the apples on the tallest branches, and giggling when they fell…


It was a peaceful day. That was, until Reian mentioned Jin Songcai.

“In all of my dreams,” the young healer was wide-eyed. “None of them ever really did him justice, you know? Like how a picture is only an outline, all of my images were so lacking, so hollow compared to how he really is-”

Xie Yi-jun was listening to Reian’s voice with his eyes closed, both of them having sat down side by side at the base of a large tree.

“Mmn,” the King nodded, more than relaxed at being with Wen Rei again.

Reian continued; “He really is a remarkable person, I suppose that’s why you fell in love with him. And so talented-”

Xie Yi-jun couldn’t help but chuckle, opening his eyes to look at the boy.

“Careful,” he grinned, fully enjoying Reian singing Songcai’s praises. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d believe you had feelings for my future husband.”

Suddenly, Reian’s eyes widened and he turned tomato red. Xie Yi-jun blinked in astonishment, then the King shook his head with a sigh.

“Figures. He did say your souls were in love-”

Reian heard him, sitting up attentively and sputtering.


Yi-jun paused, thinking over his words, realizing quickly that from here, there was no going back.

Time to find out if Wen Rei wants this to continue or not…

He shrugged, “Songcai. He told me to tell you if you asked; he is as curious about you as you seem to be about him. He also said that it is our choice, yours and mine, whether or not we are together. I will wait for your answer, Reian. But just know that whatever you decide, we both shall respect.”

Wen Reian seemed speechless and the King understood why. It was something indeed to be told that your lover’s husband approved of your relationship. And not only that… wished to pursue one all together!!

“I realize it might be a lot to take in,” Xie Yi-jun laughed shyly, running his hand down the back of his neck.

“There’s no-”

About to say no rush, apparently Reian had already decided…

What the-

Having been suddenly grabbed by the collar and kissed, Xie Yi-jun’s eyes remained wide open as Wen Reian quickly pulled back. When the King noticed the tears that were filling the boy’s dark eyes, he felt his heart ache.

“I never thought we’d do that again,” Reian whispered, a single tear falling.

Now Yi-jun was speechless, watching as Wen Reian avoided his gaze until the King took his chin in his hand and slowly tilted it up.

“Wen Rei…”

Bending his head to press his lips to the boy’s, Xie Yi-jun was suddenly overwhelmed by what he knew to be joy, as well as intense grief. He grieved the person Reian had been before he lost his memories. Before he sacrificed those pieces of himself so that Songcai and Yi-jun could live…

How could someone be so selfless?

Wen Reian was selfless in matters of love as well. He always wanted to give, always wanted to kiss and touch Yi-jun first, and the King could imagine what Reian might say; seeing you happy, makes me happy-

But, Yi-jun wanted Reian to be selfish too. He wanted him to ask, to beg for, and to demand whatever he wanted.

Let him play King again-

Parting from Reian’s soft lips with a low groan, Xie Yi-jun immediately went and whispered in his ear;

“Wen Reian… please let me love you,”

The King’s heart fluttered as Reian huffed softly and nodded.

“Yes,” the boy hissed. “I want it.”

Xie Yi-jun was keen to moan at Reian’s breathy, whiny voice, but instead he leaned back and tried to gauge what the boy was thinking. Reian’s eyes were pitch black; velvet and night sky. And they were absolutely shining with desire-

Yi-jun swallowed, biting the inside of his cheek and then mumbling as his eyes were drawn down, easily distracted by Reian’s beautiful, un-kissed neck…


He could come tonight up to the palace, I could inform Songcai, or we could-

“Now,” Reian said suddenly. “Love me now…”

The King blinked, but then he saw the way Wen Reian was breathing, the boy’s chest rising and falling quickly as he kept staring directly at Xie Yi-jun’s lips.

I can’t make love to him here! In the forest… he deserves better for his first time-

But perhaps…

Gaze softening at the clear longing in Wen Rei’s eyes, Yi-jun just smiled.

“Do you remember what you asked me once?” He said, chuckling as he recalled.

Wen Reian frowned, still panting softly-

Xie Yi-jun’s hands suddenly fell to the boy’s waist, nimble fingers undoing the sash there and pulling Reian’s outer robes apart as he felt the boy shiver and shake at his faintest of touches.

“Hmm… maybe… what did I… say?”

Wen Reian was staring with hooded eyes at where Xie Yi-jun was now untying his inner robes, pulling apart his shirt at last and finally touching Reian’s bare skin.

“Agh!” The boy gasped, stomach spasming as the King brushed his fingertips across his soft belly, all the way down to his hips.

Yi-jun was watching every reaction with incredible focus, not believing how hard he was already and trying to hold on instead to why and who he was doing this for!

Let me give him something I know he wants…

Yi-jun sat up on his knees, watching rapt as Reian looked up. Gently, he eased the boy down onto the soft grass beneath the tree. Xie Yi-jun held Wen Rei by the waist and slowly stroked his thumbs across his skin.

He’s so beautiful… I want to see more-

Leaning over Reian, Xie Yi-jun drew in a deep breath, opening the boy’s shirt so that his chest was exposed. Yi-jun also saw Reian’s own hardness poking through his clothes, and the King’s whole body blushed when he thought of it-

I’ve never touched him there… well! First time for everything!!

Swallowing again, Yi-jun tucked his fingers under the waistband of Wen Rei’s trousers, then the King suddenly recalled…

Damn, I always forget!

Sighing, he leaned back. Reian blinked, but then Yi-jun smiled, holding eye-contact with the boy as he pulled the red ribbon from his braid, placing it in between his teeth as his hands reached up.

Yi-jun watched, heart racing, as Reian took in every little detail of the King slowly tying his hair up, making sure no loose strands hung down around his face…

There, perfect-

Wen Rei’s hands had turned to fists, and Yi-jun wanted to grin when he saw that the boy’s pink blush had traveled down his neck, all the way to his chest and made his nipples harden.

Far too tempting for the likes of me…

“Xie Yi-jun, I-”

Reian’s words were silenced in a second by the King leaning over his body and kissing him hard on the lips. Feeling Reian panting and squirming beneath him, and he hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet, Xie Yi-jun couldn’t help but smile.

He heard Wen Rei’s loud gasp, the King’s lips beginning their slow descent down his neck. He dragged his tongue, flattened it, feeling the incredible heat that was simmering just under the surface in Wen Rei’s blood-

He’s warmer than someone with a fever, poor lad! This should help. Eventually…

“Ah! Yi-jun!!”

Hearing Reian’s sudden gasp of surprise as his kiss at last reached one soft brown bud, Xie Yi-jun wasted no time, sucking and alternating his teeth and tongue, ears ringing with Wen Rei’s strangled moans.

Fuck, he’s loud. It’s a good thing we’re out here I guess…

Reian’s hands were still fisted in the grass beside him, but the King’s… well, Xie Yi-jun was currently in the process of untying Reian’s trousers, though the boy was clearly too preoccupied to notice.

“Hhmph,” Yi-jun exhaled, kissing the length of Reian’s chest and then his stomach again and again, enjoying how much the boy wriggled beneath him as if sensations were just too much.

“Passing through a forest,” the King panted. “Just like this one…”

Yi-jun didn’t take Reian’s pants down just yet, instead, watching the boy’s face as the King carefully slid his hand inside.

“Ohh, ah!” Reian cried out, eyes squeezing shut when Y-ijun touched him.

Mmm, he feels nice-

“You touched me just like this…”

Xie Yi-jun very gently wrapped his hand around the base of Reian’s cock, then stroked. He watched, captivated as Wen Rei’s hips shot up into his hand, the boy silencing a loud groan in his throat from escaping.

Gritting his teeth, Yi-jun finally yanked the rest of Reian’s clothes off with his other hand, letting out a sigh, eager for what was to come.

“And you asked me,” he swallowed. “What this feels like-”

He heard Wen Rei cry out as the King finally bent his head, holding the boy’s length firmly in one hand while he flattened his tongue across the dark pink tip. Blushing and panting, Xie Yi-jun relaxed his jaw, easily sliding the hard rod into his mouth and wetting it a couple times like that…

From over there he kept hearing Reian moaning, a few times the boy hissed the King’s name, but Xie Yi-jun was focused only on making this the best he could offer. And well, he’d had a lot of practice-

He tastes incredible, mouthwatering! Scalding the roof of my mouth…

He sucked gently a few times and then removed his mouth, running his slickened hand up and down the shaft, making it harder, drawing desperate sobs from Reian’s mouth.

Yi-jun wished he could be in two places at once; kissing the boy’s soft, parted lips, and sucking him deep into his throat.

He’s already getting there! I should be kind and finish him off soon, yes?

But Wen Reian’s moans were too addicting, the King wished to hear them forever…

Pumping only a few more times with his hand, Xie Yijun steadied his breathing and then took the entire shaft all the way into his mouth, until it touched the back of his throat.

“Hhtt!!” Reian’s hips shot up a little, forcing deeper as Yi-jun breathed through his nose.

He tried adding a bit of pressure by sucking with his lips but instead, it seemed to do the trick when he bobbed up and down, graciously moving Reian’s cock in and out of his mouth until he began to feel the little tremors making their way into the boy’s hips…

Not long now-

Xie Yi-jun’s gaze would flicker up every now and then to see Reian’s pained face; the sweat beading on his forehead and the way he was gritting his teeth.

Reian’s hands were fisted by his side, and Yi-jun wished he had the self restraint to pause for a moment and ask the boy to hold onto the King’s hair, but Yi-jun had no way of stopping now.

I can already feel him leaking, I wonder if his screams will be heard by others?! I better hurry…

It was mainly that thought that prompted the King to be so brutal-

He sucked quite a bit harder, moved faster, until his neck began to burn and ache, while his hand that he had wetted a little before snuck beneath, very gently caressing the tight skin under the base of Reian’s cock.

He’s much more patient than Songcai, Yi-jun mused… Jin-cai would have already grabbed my head, swearing and cursing at me while he chased his release with abandon. Perhaps Wen Rei doesn’t know that he can also lead?

Wishing he could somehow tell him this, Xie Yi-jun ended up reaching out as he still swallowed the pulsing member deeply. He took one of Reian’s stiff hands, gradually coaxing him to loosen it and then placing it upon his head.

Reian was too far out of it to even feel what he was doing, but the boy’s fingers tightened in Yi-jun’s hair nonetheless, the King eagerly responding to the rough tugs, as Reian couldn’t help himself…

There’s time, I can teach him about these things. Like, when I want you to take control Wen Rei, I mean take it. Use me! Fuck into me, as much as you want-

Even the idea and the shaking fingers gripping his hair, Wen Reian’s moans mingling in his ears with the wet sounds of the hard object sliding in and out, the King felt his own cock twitch, probably something he’d have to deal with as soon as he got back home.

Oh well…

With a passion, Xie Yi-jun re-focused on pleasuring Wen Rei. Using his tongue; his lips, even his throat a little, capturing every bit of essence that leaked from him and tasted like salt and sugar in one.

He’d been so diligent that his neck was aching bad. It was a good kind of ache. The same one he felt in his jaw, and a similar one in his throat. These sensations, coupled with the hot pulsing of Wen Reian’s cock- deeper than deep in his mouth, Xie Yi-jun’s ears were ringing so hard he could barely hear the boy’s cries anymore.

Just there-

Letting his jaw go slack, pushing up and down until saliva dribbled down from his open mouth, Yi-jun felt the sudden quickening of Reian’s clumsy thrusts. The shudder that began in his hips and was gradually tightening all his muscles.

The boy’s climax snuck up on both of them however, Yi-jun barely reacting in time to catch and swallow every last bit of thick liquid, as Reian had exploded so deep into his mouth that cum ended up going straight down the King’s sore throat.

Closing his eyes, listening to Reian’s sobs slowly fading into appreciative moans and gasps, Xie Yi-jun savored every single drop, taking the time and thoroughly enjoying cleaning Wen Rei’s length with his tongue after.

The boy had come so hard he was still shaking, clearly unaware of his surroundings, so as gently as he could, Xie Yi-jun sat up and stretched a bit, going to pull up Reian’s trousers and tie up his shirt.

The King sighed, feeling pleasantly used and hot all over. He lay down beside Wen Rei on the soft grass, placing his arm across the boy’s soft stomach and tucking his whole body against Reian’s fevered one.

Xie Yi-jun nuzzled Wen Rei’s cheek, inhaling his familiar scent that had changed subtly, now containing desire; sex, and sweat. It was a surprisingly suitable combination for the young man, he found…

Enjoying the heat of him, breathing slowly going back to normal, Xie Yi-jun watched as Reian peeled one eye open and looked at him.

How can he still stare at me like such a vixen?! Isn’t he exhausted…

Wen Rei did look flushed, but to Yi-jun’s surprise and fascination, the boy immediately, upon seeing him, leaned in close and kissed the King hard on the lips. Yi-jun’s lips were hot. Sore. And he knew his voice would be hoarse if he tried to speak. Wen Rei sipped slowly at the King’s tongue, urging a moan past Yi-jun’s lips that reminded him at once of his own burgeoning desire.

Unable to keep himself from rubbing rather ridiculously against Reian’s leg, the King frowned and managed to croak out;

“Can you touch me? I just-”

Before he’d even finished his sentence, Wen Reian, who apparently had no shortage of energy, was rolling on top of him and immediately clamoring to yank down the King’s pants. Yi-jun shivered as before he could catch his breath, his cock was being tugged on viciously by Reian, who had somehow also managed to wet his palm before hurrying down there-


Eyes squeezing shut once more, Xie Yi-jun was overcome by the relentless pull and pressure of Wen Rei’s hand, the boy tending so well and thoroughly to his need that Yi-jun was coming embarrassingly fast, and not like he’d just had a simple hand job. No, he fully orgasmed; moaning loudly, hips violently shooting up, his seed seeming to stream unendingly for what felt like actual minutes while he lost every breath left in his body.

Holy mother of god-


Yi-jun lay there, overcome by bliss and sunshine, before he realised that Wen Reian was still sitting on him, examining his hand that was dripping with his essence…

The King swallowed and then watched as Wen Rei tilted his head curiously, ever the eager student.

“This means I did good?”

Such innocent, lovely words, while he gazed longingly down at him… Xie Yi-jun couldn’t hide his thrilled grin, nor his shock when he watched Reian suddenly bring his hand to his mouth, carefully licking away the evidence. Yi-jun’s face flamed and Reian noticed, the boy even going so far as to smile while he sucked on his sticky fingers.

Absolutely astounding, I’m getting hard again just watching…

“Mmmm-” was all Xie Yi-jun could respond with, as he reached up to run his hands down Reian’s arms.

“Very good,”

The boy grinned brilliantly, dark eyes shining.

“Xie Yi-jun!!” He giggled, his infectious happiness making the King chuckle-

“I can’t believe we just did that!”

Blushing and laughing, Reian collapsed on top of him, hugging Yi-jun tight and fluttering elated kisses all across the King’s neck and chin and cheeks.

Yi-jun wrapped his arms around Wen Rei, warmth and love practically spilling from his heart as he murmured;

“And it might very well be dark before I’ve had my fill of you!”

He heard Reian’s breathily but delighted gasp, and Xie Yi-jun grinned.

“Ah, I have a quick question for you my dear…”

Reian perked up immediately and his doe-eyes made Yi-jun’s heart all but melt-


The King smiled, going to gently stroke his thumb over the boy’s pink cheeks, enjoying the little flicker of shyness in Reian’s eyes while he stared at him.

“You don’t have to answer now,” Yi-jun added. “But I’m curious… if you’re interested.”

Wen Reian blinked, “Interested?”

“In Songcai’s offer-”

He watched as the boy gulped, clearly startled.

Then, Xie Yi-jun felt a warm shifting against his thigh, Wen Reian unintentionally answering him, even as the boy himself stammered-

“I… um, I’m not sure… would that really be… okay?”

Xie Yi-jun nodded and kissed Wen Rein’s forehead, satisfied that even if Reian’s mind was a little uncertain, his body was decidedly not. Yi-jun would endeavor to wait patiently for the two things to be on the same page.

Whatever happened, the young King predicted quite a few restless nights, dreaming of the could-be's and what-if’s…

Then Reian bit his lip a little, and Yi-jun felt the heat against his thigh twitch.

I don’t suppose I’ll be getting much sleep at all in the near future-

Pfft! I say that like I care…

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