《The Stone King's Lover》Special Chapter ~ "What Songcai Was Mad About"


Jin Songcai

1304 years after The Long Night

Hei’an City

Jin Songcai was watching the man beside him with an amused, but measured expression. Never before had the healer seen the King so comfortable, though it was currently more worrying than sweet.

Xie Yi-jun had far too much alcohol, and in doing so, he'd grown a little too loud to be considered proper...

I could care less what he gets up too when he’s drinking with his friends, Songcai thought to himself. The problem is, there’s officials here tonight and Xie-jun would die of embarrassment if he could hear himself right now-

“And that’s why I think my mother was so concerned for my s-safety! I think, you see? Because she was almost entirely convinced that my uncle; my father’s brother , had been the cause of his- hey! What’s this?! Is that for me?”

Hiccuping loudly and grabbing the bottle from the attendant as she was pouring it, Xie Yi-jun laughed as he spilled wine all across the table.

Songcai was just about to come up with some well-constructed excuse for them to retire for the night, when a gruff chuckle came from an officer several seats away...

“Doctor, I believe it might be time to take the young King to bed,”

Songcai smiled gratefully and was about to agree, when Yi-jun suddenly grabbed his arm tightly and went to rub his head on Songcai’s shoulder, mumbling as he laughed-

“Haha, yes! Take me to bed!”

His heart warming from seeing such a precious side of the man, Songcai smiled as Yi-jun snuggled tight against his side. A gentle murmur of laughter came from the rest of the table, everyone graciously choosing to think well of Yi-jun instead of poorly.

“What a change for once to see our great and powerful leader so obliging to the good doctor! Usually it’s no this, I don’t have time for that… ” the words came from a soldier close to the King, a man named Min Xie-Xue.


He chuckled at last and shook his head, raising his glass to the healer in pity.

“You must be exhausted, Songcai?”

From tucked away against the healer’s neck, Xie Yi-jun hiccuped again, adding a wide grin to the phrase-

“Yes, Jin-cai is often quite exhausted. Heheh-”

Jin Songcai felt his cheeks warm, but it was only taken by their guests with a chorus of awkward, somewhat amused laughs. A few eye-brow raises...

Min Xie-Xue tried to cut through some of the strangeness;

“I never thought I’d see the day that our King Xie had too much to drink!”

Laughter and a few folks recalling the times back before the war when Yi-jun could beat absolutely anybody in a drinking game.

Xie-jun was in no state to be beating anyone at anything, currently smiling foolishly and rubbing his head on Songcai’s arm to the point that his hair stood on end-

“Look at him!” Commander Bao chuckled, “What a loving wife!”

As a chorus of amused laughs rippled through the room, Yi-jun abruptly sat up and stared blankly at the table with what Songcai would call a rather offended frown.

Shaking his head slowly, the King hissed;

“Oh no, no no no…”

Wide eyes were blinking everywhere when suddenly Yi-jun silenced the room again by smiling widely and declaring-

“I am not the wife!”

A rather wobbly finger found Songcai then, as Yi-jun nodded.

“This… this is my wife…”

Afraid what would happen if he tried to argue with him now, Jin Songcai muttered a soft sleeping incantation under his breath and finally breathed a sigh of relief when the intoxicated King gently closed his eyes and crumpled to the table.

Before he passed out, he whispered tiredly;

“Jin… ah… Jin-cai… take me to bed?”

Songcai sighed and quickly apologised to their guests, going about tidying the mess Yi-jun had made upon the table and exchanging polite, soft words with some of the Commanders. Finally free from Yi-jun’s wrath… or so he thought.


“Heh, he’s quite a handful I’d imagine…” Lieutenant Feung shook his head at Songcai. “Does he ever make you want to scream?”

Smiling fondly down at the sleeping man, Songcai’s heart nearly leapt out of his body when Xie Yi-jun’s eyes flew wide and he quickly sat up, his eyes crossing before eventually evening out...

He should be knocked out until tomorrow afternoon, Songcai blinked. Unless the wine in his system is messing with my spell-

The King appeared fine now, maybe even normal, but that appearance was deceiving as almost as soon as he’d sat up, he said with a completely straight face;

“Songcai screams. Often… whenever I go down there-”

Apart from covering the King’s face with his hand, the healer didn’t know what to do. Sitting there blinking, as dumbfounded as the rest of the room, Songcai waited in silence for either the blush to die down off his face, or the ringing in his ears to cease.

Neither did.

“Heheh!” Yi-jun’s face lit up again, and the whole table watched, stupefied, as the King said loudly;

“When my wife wants me to put it in, she goes; XIE-JUN?! XIE-JUN PLEASE?! IT’S ALL I NEED… but then… she’s never satisfied ‘till I bite-”

Blushing more from rage than embarrassment now, though it was a close tie, Jin Songcai wasted no time in grabbing Yi-jun roughly and pulling him up. They were followed by drunken whoops of laughter, a few voices even calling for Songcai to; “put that fool to bed properly!”

Songcai could hardly believe what he’d just witnessed. Furthermore, he couldn’t believe that Yi-jun could be so out of his mind that he’s saying all this with no thought.

“Stop struggling-” the healer hissed, still shuffling with Yi-jun towards the stairs.

Heart beating loudly, echoing through his pink-tinged ears, it was several moments before Songcai realised that Yi-jun had pulled free from him and was gallivanting merrily up the staircase, calling over the railing to the folks below-

“Good night everyone! My wife needs my cock-”

Bursts of laughter drifted from the floor to the ceiling, and it was at that moment that Jin Songcai decided what he was going to do.

“Heheh-” Yi-jun wrapped his hands around the man’s waist when Songcai caught up to him on the stairs at last, fluttering messy kisses to the healer’s flushed cheeks and forehead...

“Jin-cai,” the King grinned. “You want me too?”

I want you to be quiet!

But all Songcai did was nod.

Forehead wrinkling as if he was thinking of something sad suddenly, Xie Yi-jun frowned as they approached their bedroom door.

“Mmmph... Jin-cai? What is it you want the most? I’ll do it for you, because... I love you.”

Under normal circumstances, Jin Songcai would likely melt for words like that. But now he was feeling no dizzy butterflies. What he was feeling was pissed. Really and truly angry. And there was only one idea in mind for how to vent that anger.

Sighing as gently as he could, Songcai recalled to the best of his knowledge just how much spiritual power he’d need to transfer into Yi-jun’s body to rid him of his drunkenness...

The man smiled, though it didn’t touch his sky-blue eyes. As he leaned in and kissed the King gently on the lips, he concentrated-

Let’s see what you have to say about me now, Xie Yi-jun. I think you’re in for some kind of shock...

As Songcai pulled away, he could immediately tell that Yi-jun was finally sober, at least, sober enough to where he clearly recalled his words and actions and understood for the most part that he’d done something wrong.

As the King met Songcai’s furious gaze, Xie-jun’s lips parted. Perhaps in a gasp, or a silent plea? But they would never know. Jin Songcai pushed him so hard into their bedroom that the King woke up with bruises the next morning.

Bruises. And a sore voice...

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