《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 80


Xie Yi-jun

1302 years after The Long Night


"I'm sorry, that's all I can offer you..."

Jin Bai-Xing's words sounded genuinely apologetic, though it was hard to tell with those from Wúmeng, especially their leader. Everyone here tended to have a kind spark to their eyes that just made you trust them, no doubt because of their nature as healers.

That being said, the King still had to try not to allow his frustration to be shown on his face. Though it was probably clear in how his hands had already turned to fists on the table...

"All due respect," he attempted to smile. "But one man isn't going to do a whole heck of a lot from where I'm standing."

The leader across from him remained calm, responding smoothly; "Perhaps if you met the healer in question? He is our best, uniquely gifted-"

Xie Yi-jun had to scoff.

"Frankly, I don't require healers. I require soldiers with heavy hands. I appreciate the offer, but until further notice I have no need for-"

Yi-jun stopped talking the moment he realised all eyes in the room were no longer on him, instead, everyone suddenly gravitated toward the door.

He also felt the slight shift in the air of someone's alarmingly bright aura entering the room, but instead of looking as well Xie Yi-jun was currently frowning, wondering dumbly what could have just caused all of the tension to leave his body in a heartbeat.

"Ah, just who we need!" The village head sighed, nodding. "This is Jin Songcai..."

The King blinked a few times before he realised he was being spoken to. Turning, it was still very much at the forefront of his mind that he was apparently not going to be getting the kind of help he needed from these people.

Then, the moment Yi-jun's eyes fixed upon the man standing in the doorway, all his thoughts and frustrations vanished, the headache he was nursing transforming miraculously into a drunken sort of pleasure...

What on earth-

Jin Songcai was the most beautiful person Yi-jun had ever seen. And not just his face; pale like winter with flawless features, bright blue eyes and dark peach lips... it was his energy.

Xie Yi-jun could feel it now. It was definitely coming from the man. Something he could only describe as light, swirling through the room, affecting everyone including him.

The man stared back at him, and Yi-jun was speechless as he realised he had never before felt like this in the mere presence of another person. It was overwhelming, it was calming. It made everything vanish except his curiosity as to what the man might do next...

Jin Songcai bowed gently, his long ivory-colored hair falling over his shoulder as he lowered those piercing eyes. The moment he spoke it was as if the King could feel his voice inside his own head. Jin Songcai might as well have been whispering directly into his ear-


"An honor..."

Finally recalling that he was supposed to breathe, not only that but make a deal with these people, Xie Yi-jun closed his mouth that was probably hanging open for far too long and turned back to Jin Bai-Xing with as good of a poker face as he could manage.

"Like I said, I have no need of healers."

Even very talented ones-

We have doctors in Hêi'àn City, besides... many of my wounded aren't making it back from the battlefield at all. I need people to turn the tide. Brutal, vicious soldiers, that won't hesitate when called upon.

Suddenly, Jin Songcai spoke from behind him. The King felt a shiver start at the back of his neck, his senses heightening to hear the man, to hear his gentle melodic voice as he said;

"Forgive me, my King, but if you would allow me to show you?"

Xie Yi-jun could hear his own heartbeat in his chest now. Steady, calm. Calmer than he'd felt in months, maybe even years.

I can't... I can't just agree to such simple terms now. I'd lose any credibility with them! If Wúmeng really thinks this war could be swayed by one man, they are gravely mistaken and I shouldn't even have come.

Still, not wishing to appear discourteous and maybe just a little intrigued, Yi-jun nodded, watching it fascination as with a simple nod from Jin Songcai all of the people in the room left with a bow.

Seeing that the King raised an eyebrow, wondering if perhaps the young healer might be someone considered royalty here...

He certainly has the vibe-

"I don't think you understand what we're offering you," Songcai said suddenly.

Yi-jun blinked. Gone was the man's air of seemingly high regard for him. In fact, the subtle changes in how Jin Songcai now held himself, aquamarine eyes staring at him coolly, made the King feel as if he was the one that should be bowing to the man instead!

How ridiculous. He can't possibly be that good-

Forcing himself to reply as evenly as possible, Xie Yi-jun shrugged.

"Then please, enlighten me."

Jin Songcai's stone-cold expression softened, the edges of his lips curling up in a gentle smile that nearly caused Yi-jun to clutch at his chest in shock. Thankfully he didn't do that. However, it appeared that entire minutes had gone by the next time he remembered where he was and by then, Songcai was sitting in front of him, eyes closed with his fingers upon Yi-jun's wrist.

What the-

Startled at being touched, he tried to pull away but the healer felt this and simply let him go. Without opening his eyes, Jin Songcai spoke to the King, whose racing heart had nothing to do with a stranger touching him and everything to do with how he felt as if Jin Songcai was not a stranger.

How could that be?! I've never seen him before in my life-


"Trust is like a bridge," the man said to him.

"If one side falls, the other follows..."

When Songcai opened his eyes again, Xie Yi-jun's breath froze, the King suddenly feeling as if he was entirely, horribly see-through. When the healer spoke, his words were immediately carried directly into Yi-jun's highly guarded heart.

"But like a bridge, trust can often be rebuilt."

Yi-jun wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. This stranger was reading his soul like a book. Jin Songcai might have only needed to take one look at him to know where he was hurting, and which words the young King was so desperate to hear.

Yi-jun swallowed. "That's..."

Songcai nodded at last, closing his eyes and saying; "Not the proof you wanted, I know. How about this?"

Blinking, Xie Yi-jun realised with a silent gasp that he really wasn't imagining the warmth inside his veins! Some kind of energy was circulating through him. He felt it stop at every ache, every cut, every bruised and injured bone. Where the light touched, his body healed. He could feel years-old injuries, their lingering constant pain, fading to nothing in a matter of seconds.

The fall he'd taken off his horse when he was nine, how his shoulder had never healed properly after being dislocated... his stab wounds, whip scars, even the calluses on his hands-

It was like being born again.

And every breath he took, he felt the light only grow within. When Jin Songcai opened his eyes, Yi-jun swore he saw himself reflected in those icy pools...

I feel as if I could take on Meng Bai's entire army single-handedly, this can't possibly be real-

As the healer slowly drew back his energies that had been rushing around through Yi-jun's body, the King groaned softly, feeling his ears turn scarlet at such a sound bubbling up from his throat.

He couldn't help it! The brush of Songcai's soul against his own, even as it left him, was more than he could bear... he wished the light would never dim!

"Sorry," the man before him lowered his eyes shyly.

Xie Yi-jun was biting the inside of his cheek now-

"I usually try not to heal so fast, but I understand you are very busy and I don't wish to waste your time."

The King wanted to quip about how he'd never wasted his time on something so mind-numbingly wonderful before, but he couldn't speak.

Songcai's pale eyes raised to his, the healer seeming to know his effect well...

It seemed the man wanted to say something else, but then there was a knock at the door and Jin Bai-Xing entered again, this time followed by several dozen people.

They crowded around the table that Yi-jun and Songcai were sitting beside, and the King tried to take a few deep breaths to rid himself of his awkward blush. He reasoned he'd need to sleep for a long time after something so intense, but all he felt like doing was running as fast as possible; jumping into the freezing ocean, or taking on an entire army with his bare hands-

Jin Bai-Xing caught his eye and Yi-jun swallowed again...

"Well," the man nodded. "I've been asking around. There seem to be quite a few who are interested in following you, my young King."

Ridiculously, all Yi-jun could stammer out was; "I thought you said-"

Jin Bai-Xing raised his hand. "I will not fight in a war. I will also not stop any of my people from choosing whatever path they wish to take. They won't be shunned for their decision. As it happens, I admire their bravery, as well as yours to come here inquiring."

Yi-jun wondered if he was brave for coming here or just desperate, but he thanked the man all the same.

Jin Bai-Xing and a few others smiled then, and Xie Yi-jun didn't think much of it as his brain was still spinning. Then the clan leader laughed loudly-

"I would ask you if we have a deal, but judging by your expression it appears we do."

Several of them chuckled under their breath and Yi-jun even watched as Songcai smiled too. Forcing himself to respond and make some semblance of words, the King nodded.

"Yes. Deal..."

Everyone in the room relaxed then, Yi-jun felt it. Several people exchanged nods with him and polite little bows. Jin Songcai stood too and suddenly extended his hand out to the King.

"You can stay in town for a little while as we ready the supplies, yes?" The clan leader asked him, as Yi-jun finally grabbed Songcai's hand and he was helped to his feet.

He swayed a bit, blinking in shock at the surge of power he felt from Songcai again. He only managed a slight nod of agreement to Jin Bai-Xing.

Songcai was staring at Yi-jun. Yi-jun staring back. It felt as if the world around them had stopped moving. Everything existed in the span of a couple seconds; Jin Songcai's blue eyes and the beat of his heart...

"Songcai, will you please show him around?"

The healer blinked, nodded, and then Yi-jun almost protested aloud when the man released his hand, moving toward the door and looking back behind his shoulder when the King didn't respond.

"Follow me," Jin Songcai said.

And it wasn't a question. If it had been, Xie Yi-jun wondered if his answer might be something along the lines of; yes... where are we going?

Following was not in his nature. Neither was trusting someone he had only just met. But following Songcai was as easy as calling the name of a loved one. What the King didn't know then, was just how far he'd go, to continue calling such a name.

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