《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 79


Xie Yi-jun

2005 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn Palace

Xie Yi-jun might as well have been dreaming he was so happy. As the sound of the music and chatter settled deep within his heart, the joy was also mixed with a profound sense of privilege. That he could be here again, in his home, surrounded by the many faces of those he'd known and loved all his life... it was beyond reason, and yet it was his reality.

Gaze once again flickering over to where Wen Reian was sitting, the King's heart warmed even more...

Reian was... beautiful, as always. But today even more so. His dark ebony hair tied up with a vibrant blue ribbon; the sapphire robes he wore, looking ever the skillful healer-

The pendant around his neck, tucked so perfectly against the curve of his collarbone. Xie Yi-jun even caught the subtle shine of Wen Rei's aura, it's soft but brilliant colors lighting up the whole room, and giving him so much strength.

Strength. This was something Reian gave easily but was shy about receiving. Jin Songcai had told them both that due to the Soul Shatter Spell Reian had enacted, portions of him had been burned up in the process. Some might never come back. Reian didn't remember much of his early life now, but Xie Yi-jun had promised to make every effort to help him recall. He'd promised to provide him with all his strength.

Now, the boy was laughing shyly as he listened to others' conversations, perhaps more content to be here than in his home. And Yi-jun knew, despite Reian's insistence that it had been his choice to cast the spell, the King was solely responsible.

Suddenly feeling a warm hand atop his, Xie Yi-jun glanced beside him to Songcai.

The man was smiling at him fondly, aware of what Yi-jun's mind was lingering on. Inside Jin-cai's eyes it was clear; tonight... Xie-jun, let tonight be a celebration of all that we do have-


The healer was right. Yi-jun nodded at him and smiled. Their discussion the afternoon previous about tonight's special event had ended with Xie Yi-jun's insistence that they announce it to everyone, as he soothed all of Songcai's baseless worries.

"It's been long overdue," Yi-jun had chuckled.

Silencing the warm voices and music in the palace's great hall, the King merely stood and everyone's gazes flew to him, several folks raising their cups high in the air.

"I thank you all for being here tonight," he said, smiling. "Every moment spent with you all is such a gift, one that I shall never stop being thankful for..."

A chorus of cheers erupted around him, and the King felt his heart warm even more.

More than anything else, he was conscious of Songcai's eyes on him, their forever reassuring glow reminding Yi-jun of what he wanted, and who he wanted to make his, forever-

Taking a deep breath, the King smiled when he felt Jin Songcai's hand on his back. Even more of a comfort, and causing Yi-jun to want to laugh.

"To mark the beginning of a new era," he said, grinning down at his lover. "And because it is about fucking time-"

Songcai and several others smiled and a few people hollered in agreement-

Yi-jun nodded. "I am so blessed and honored to announce my engagement! To Jin Songcai, of Wúmeng-"

Xie Yi-jun was aware only partly that the room had exploded into a mess of cheers, congratulations and applause. His whole world in that moment, was watching the way his lover's eyes fluttered closed and he smiled, as if taking Yi-jun's words straight into his heart...

With his instruction, the music began again and Yi-jun settled down beside Songcai, enjoying the blush on his lover's face and the pleased shouts and well-wishes as the King leaned in close to the healer's face and kissed his cheek before whispering;


"Good luck trying to get rid of me now-"

Songcai scoffed and seemed to roll his eyes. "Please..."

Then the man sighed and Yi-jun blinked in surprise when his lover turned his head to kiss him right on the lips!

Songcai wasn't the type to enjoy or express public displays of affection. Definitely not where so many people were gathered, so Xie Yi-jun gasped in shock when the man pulled back and then a deep blush lit the King's face and he grinned when Songcai shook his head...

"I figured it out a long time ago," Songcai chuckled. "No matter where I go, you will follow me."

Yi-jun's breath caught when Jin-cai reached up to gently touch his cheek.

"Through hell..." Songcai frowned, "Past death."

The King sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against the man's and enjoying every moment of closeness to his Jin-cai. Yi-jun was stirred back to the world around him by someone's loud voice ringing out-

"My Lord! What will be your husband's title?!"

Yi-jun and Songcai shared a look, and then a few others joined in;

"Yes! Would Jin Songcai be King as well?!"

A few flutters of inquiry passed throughout the room, and that was when Yi-jun once again saw Wen Reian, though now the boy was looking directly at him, a gentle sort of longing and happiness within his dark eyes...

Xie Yi-jun swallowed.

Reian knew what he was doing, bringing back Songcai. And yet even with Jin-cai sitting here beside me, I still feel love for Wen Rei-

"I don't need a title," Songcai smiled thoughtfully.

Then the healer glanced at Yi-jun.

"I'm marrying you, not your crown."

The King sighed, bashful, taking Songcai's hand in his and bringing it up to his lips to kiss the back of it.

"But!" Someone exclaimed. "What will the people address you as?!"

A few things caught Xie Yi-jun's attention then; Songcai's playful grin, his blush... Wen Reian smiling too, as if he was on the inside of some wonderful joke.

Jin-cai only shrugged, "I suppose you can call me as I am..."

The man's eyes sparkled with joy as he said loudly; "Call me, Jin Songcai. The Stone King's Lover!"

Then he leaned on to Yi-jun's ear and said with a low chuckle;

"Well... one of them."

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