《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 81


Xie Yi-jun

2006 years after The Long Night

The Spirit Orchard

The moment Xie Yi-jun met eyes with Wen Reian he was running, dropping everything and grinning widely. He heard the young man's shy giggle as the King caught him in his arms, lifting him entirely off the ground.


Reian was laughing, the sound making the King's heart swell with joy. He spun Wen Rei around a few times, sighing in relief when he finally set him down and caught sight of the warmth and longing in his gaze.

Behind them, Jin Songcai had already grabbed all of Yi-jun's discarded belongings, smiling and going to hug Reian while Yi-jun rambled breathlessly-

"Wen Rei, you look... wonderful. How are things?!"

Releasing Songcai with a soft smile, Reian looked from him to Yi-jun and then back again, the most beautiful light radiating out from his soul.

God, I missed you! Yi-jun wanted to cry, Six months is too long to be away-

"Busy, we've been so busy!" Reian shook his head. "Master Hao has put me in charge of far too much if I'm being honest..."

Xie Yi-jun smiled as Reian tucked a strand of dark hair behind his ear and blushed.

"You love it, don't you?" The King chuckled.

Wen Reian had told them that several of his memories were still missing, but he'd finally remembered enough to be placed in a caretaker-like position of responsibility. Yi-jun saw how much it meant to Reian to be back home, even if sometimes it was bitter-sweet or confusing...

Finally, Songcai spoke-

"How is Jin Yu? He might still be a little sore from the last time I checked up on him, but I can-"

"Trust me," Reian grinned. "The entire place has been buzzing for weeks about your arrival! Not a single person in Jingshén hasn't been talking about you both-"

Oh boy...

"And A'Yu is excited to see you again, Songcai. He said you were a huge help."

Before Songcai or Yi-jun could respond, Reian was suddenly turning towards the sound of several voices calling his name.

"Reian! Is it them?!"

Jin Songcai exchanged a soft smile with Yi-jun, and the King knew that for his husband, visiting Reian's family was like spending time with people he'd been hearing about, and more or less living with for years.


Reian quickly motioned for them to follow, and before long they were stepping into the field in front of Jingshén, Songcai smiling fondly and Yi-jun also feeling more than a little sentimental at all the things he'd seen and experienced here...

"Wen Reian-"

Yi-jun caught sight of Jin Yu, who'd grown taller since the last time he'd seen him and looked as if all of his visible injuries had completely healed. The boy, nearly a man, was standing in the doorway being gripped tightly around the leg by a toddler peaking shyly out from behind him.

Wen Reian suddenly laughed, "Yi-jun, Songcai... I have someone for you to meet."

As Yi-jun stared at the child, those sparkling dark brown eyes suddenly fixed on him.

Reian went to pick up the little one and the King blinked a few times as he noticed the small braid and flowery white dress she was wearing.

The King almost couldn't believe it... could she be-

"She grew!" He exclaimed suddenly, and when he met Reian's eyes Yi-jun knew what he'd assumed about the child was the truth.

Jin Songcai stared at the little girl as Reian balanced her on his hip, her little hands reaching up and tangling in Wen Rei's hair as she stuck her lips out in a thoughtful pout.

"This is Song-jun... A'Jun can you wave? Say hi?!"

Xie Yi-jun's heart thudded in his chest and he couldn't help but smile watching the little girl suddenly grin, tucking her head into Reian's shoulder and waving without looking at them.

"Song-jun?" Songcai blinked.

The King nodded, unable to look away-

"Remember what I told you about the baby we found? Just like Wen Rei..."

Then Jin-cai's expression changed, clearly recalling. He took a careful step toward Reian and said in a very soothing voice;

"Hello A'Jun... I'm Jin Songcai-"

Then Songcai looked to Reian, "You named her, didn't you?"

Wen Rei grinned, bouncing the little girl until she laughed, still twirling Reian's hair between her fingers and staring at her hands with those wide, dark eyes.

"Yes," Reian replied. "Despite her start to life, I wanted her to have something wonderful and pure for a name. A promise of the love that she will receive. In my life I will never see a love quite like yours. Thus; Song-jun."


The child perked up at hearing her name.

Xie Yi-jun's aura was swirling with an unknown emotion, and he knew that Songcai and Reian could feel it, or see it, because Wen Rei smiled and Songcai stared at him...

"You want to hold her?" Reian giggled. "A'Jun! Do you remember Xie Yi-jun?! He's the King-"

The girl's eyes suddenly sparkled, and she quickly looked at Yi-jun. He realised he was smiling at her when she smiled back, and then suddenly she was reaching out for him!

The King muttered incoherently as Reian placed her in his arms...

Little person. Hello little person-

Song-jun immediately snuggled up to his chest and placed her hand on his shoulder, seeming to be listening to his heartbeat. Yi-jun swallowed.

A'Jun, you've grown so much and I missed all of it...

The King blinked up at Songcai, who was watching him with curiosity and love.

"She looks comfortable," Jin-cai chuckled, stepping behind Yi-jun and proceeding to play peek-a-boo over his shoulder with the girl.

She laughed, ducking up and down, her soft hair tickling Yi-jun's chin. Reian was watching the three of them with a knowing gleam in his eyes, arms crossed.

"She does look comfortable," he raised an eyebrow. "Too comfortable. I might not be able to pry her off at this rate-"

"That's ok..." Yi-jun blurted.

He didn't even realize what he'd said until he felt Songcai's hand on his back, bringing him back to the world.


The King just stared at A'Jun... her pink cheeks and tiny hands that clung to him like she'd never let go. He smiled at the way Reian probably had tied a purple ribbon around her braid. Such a small little thing it barely needed a tie.

Little Princess-

He didn't want to miss anymore growing up. He wanted to be there for everything she did. Every smile and laugh and tear that she had. He wanted to tie her ribbons...

"She's mine,"

Again he hadn't realised he'd spoken until Songcai was stammering;

"Xie-jun, I... shouldn't we discuss-"


All of their eyes went wide as Song-jun suddenly called the name, her voice piercingly loud. Reian only laughed. Songcai blinked a few times and then sighed.

"I believe she's already decided. Really, Xie?! You think we're... ready?"

The King turned to his husband, still holding A'Jun tight. Nodding, he watched his lover's eyes soften gradually.

"It's fate. She was meant for us... just in time for your return."

Then Yi-jun glanced at Wen Reian.

"Can we take her? I mean... can we raise her? In Hêi'àn City. She'll be a Princess."

The little girl raised her head again, seeming to look up at Yi-jun's face with a sort of innocent curiosity that left him absolutely breathless. He wondered what kind of father he'd make at the same time as he realised Jin Songcai would never allow him to be a terrible one.

Reian sighed softly...

"I've already packed her things."

The King frowned, "How did you know?"

Shaking his head and sighing, Wen Rei seemed to admonish him with a single look.

"Ever since you held her for the first time, I knew. I knew when I named her, and when I heard you were visiting. You're right, she was meant for you. Both of you,"

Xie Yi-jun exchanged a look with his husband, and inside Songcai's eyes he saw not only his love but their promise to each other. The one they'd made together, silently, and had prepared as their wedding vows.

"Everything I am..."

Jin-cai grinned when he heard the King's soft whisper. The healer sighed and rested his head on Yi-jun's shoulder, muttering gently in return;

"I will love you with everything I am,"

With Wen Rei's sweet smile and energy making Yi-jun want to cry, his husband's lovely words, and Song-jun's head resting on his shoulder, the King closed his eyes, hearing his promise to all of them.

You must know something about me

I do not love gently

Sometimes you might wonder if my love has turned into obsession

This would probably be true

I could do things that may seem out of character

Say things you aren't sure I mean

You will lay there in my arms, and think perhaps I am holding you too tight

When I kiss you, it will feel like our first kiss and our last kiss all at once

This is my promise to you

With everything I am

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