《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 23


Wen Reian

2004 years after The Long Night


Reian couldn't sleep. It was a combination of not wanting to, for fear he'd end up dreaming about Jin Songcai, along with the fact that his blood was starting to boil. Having already kicked the blankets off him, Reian was now lying in bed staring up at the ceiling, throat parched.

I'm never getting to sleep at this rate-

Xie De was still with Jin Yu, who was getting examined by Master Hao and the healers. Reian was alone in the room, and as his thoughts drifted towards the events of the day, he couldn't help but remember Xie Yi-jun and what had transpired between them.


Placing his hands over his face, Wen Reian groaned, embarrassment and shame threatening to tear him apart...

It's one thing to goof off with a senior, let alone a King! Entirely another to swim around completely naked with him and then call him by his nickname!

Reian realized he was well and truly done for. Though his hands lowered from his face when he remembered Yi-jun's carefree laughter, the young King smiling at Reian, perhaps even forgetting his pain for a moment. Reian liked today...

I liked even more what I saw-

Covering his ears as if trying to stop hearing his own wayward thoughts, the boy tried once again to close his eyes and sleep. A fitful, lucid dream came over him soon, making his heart race and toes curl. Unfortunately it was just as he predicted. Another dream of Jin Songcai. Worse yet, Yi-jun himself was there...

Reian was still partly conscious, aware on some level that he was imagining things. Jin Songcai and Xie Yi-jun were together, someplace dark. Reian saw Yi-jun's hands moving over Songcai's bare arms. A portion of his mind wanted to stop looking, but didn't.


Xie Yi-jun was kissing Jin Songcai's shoulder, his neck, and Reian saw with a bit of trepidation that they were both naked. He didn't know enough about this sort of thing to know exactly what they were doing, but his imagination filled in a lot of it...

He dreamed of Jin Songcai sighing, whispering things that made Yi-jun grin. The young King was leaving tiny bite-marks on Jin Songcai, and Reian wondered halfheartedly why he was dreaming of such a thing. Heart fluttering at the interaction between the two men, the boy realized after a while that the panting he'd been hearing in his dream from Xie Yi-jun, wasn't in his dream at all... it was him!

Still half-asleep, Reian's heart convulsed as he distinctly felt his own hand slip inside his robes. My skin feels like it's on fire-

Reian squeezed his eyes shut as the image of Jin Songcai and Yi-jun sharpened, intensity heightening until Reian bit his lip.

In his mind he watched Yi-jun suddenly drop to his knees, holding Jin Songcai's waist and proceeding to do things that Reian's rather timid imagination couldn't fully describe.

I've never seen anything like this, so how am I dreaming about it...?

Wen Rei's hand on his bare chest felt so good, he ended up thrashing around in bed until his shirt came undone. Wishing the exquisite torture would end, and at the same time that he was able to see more of Xie Yi-jun's imaginary actions, Reian groaned into his pillow as his knees locked together.

Maybe Xie De's potion poisoned me, he thought. Or maybe this is what "love" feels like...

In his dream, Jin Songcai was gripping Yi-jun's shoulders until his knuckles were white, and Reian held his breath as he watched Songcai's eyes close, the man crying out-


What exactly is Yi-jun doing to him?!

Heart racing, drenched in sweat and on the verge of waking, Reian's hand finally fell between his legs. Uncertainty and shame, but also need slid through him-

Dream Songcai whined softly, biting his lip, and as Reian touched himself, he imagined Xie Yi-jun or someone else doing something like that to him...

I'm going to hell-

I'm going to explode!

Reian's whole body ached, tension curling in his lower back until he started to worry he'd never stand straight again. He didn't spend a lot of time doing this sort of thing, maybe only once or twice when he was a teenager. Pleasure and love should be reserved for when you are married, at least that was what he'd been taught.

Now though, imagining Xie Yi-jun and Jin Songcai together in such a way, Reian's shy fingers squeezed until he stifled a cry.

It feels good... but I wish I didn't have to dream about those two-

Reian's view changed slightly. Now, Yi-jun and Songcai were laying on a bed. The King's hand was between the young healer's legs as they stared into each other's eyes. Reian's cheeks flushed bright red, and suddenly he really imagined that the Xie Yi-jun in his dream was the one touching him.

Hell, here I come-

"Hmmphm..." Reian's moan was muffled again by his pillow as he turned his head and his hand moved faster.

Dream Yi-jun seemed so relaxed and confident, Reian wished he could feel the same way. He gripped harder, which only made him wince. Sensations were becoming too strong...

Xie Yi-jun must know exactly what it takes to bring himself, as well as his lover to completion.

Reian didn't know about himself.

He was much more awake now, his dreams growing hazy and repetitive as imagination was replaced by pure desire and lust. He gasped aloud as his fingers found a point of pleasure, right under the tip. Stroking awkwardly, Reian rubbed this spot, shocked and more aroused when he felt wetness on his hand. Squeezing his eyes tighter, Reian imagined that Dream Yi-jun's hand was touching him, moving up and down...

So close-

He didn't know to what, but as the King in his dream leaned in, whispering in Jin Songcai's ear; "That's right, come on baby... you're almost there-"

Reian's breath caught in his throat.

Fingers tightening, back arching in an instant, Wen Rei's lips parted in a wide 'O' as hot liquid shot onto his fingers. Stomach and body convulsing, he gasped several times, warmth and satisfaction sliding through his veins until he wanted to laugh out loud.

What was that? That was...

He couldn't think-

... the best thing I've ever felt.

Basking in the glow and gentle ache of his muscles, Wen Reian dared not open his eyes. Definitely one hundred percent awake, he felt his neck, all the way down to his chest turn red in embarrassment.

What was I thinking?! Doing something like that while thinking of two men? One of which I have to see again tomorrow!

Reian frowned. He already wasn't sure how to face Xie Yi-jun after what he'd said today. Now there was this added secret.

What am I going to do?!

Reian lamented silently to himself for a long while, until Xie De and Jin Yu came back and he had to pretend to be asleep. Internally Reian was terrified. Terrified?!

A small piece of his mind laughed...

Sweetheart, that isn't terror. But go ahead, blame it on the love potion.

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