《The Stone King's Lover》Chapter 22


Xie Yi-jun

1303 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

Xie Yi-jun was beyond tired... In fact, the concept of simply needing a good night's sleep and waking up fully rested was a dream he'd long since forgotten. After spending almost three weeks in the war room and being the fixer of everyone's problems, the young King began to wonder if his life would ever be different, and how long would he have to wait for that.

The fatigue of not seeing Songcai was also making things worse. The healer had traveled back to Wúmeng to return with much needed supplies. If Yi-jun's forces did end up trying to cut Meng Bai off at the pass they'd need all the help they could get. There was no way around it unfortunately, but the thought of such a battle and bloodshed made Xie Yi-jun's stomach roll.

When did I become a King in charge of an army? This wasn't how it was supposed to be...

As he gazed down at the maps sprawled out across the table, he felt a cool breeze from the tent's entrance, and then his entire body relaxed, a familiar warmth brightening every inch of the world around him. His lovers' name was already on his lips before he turned around and hugged the man close.

"Oh... Jin-cai... you're back."

Yi-jun held him tightly, closing his eyes and burying his face in Songcai's soft hair. The young doctor laughed softly, hugging him in return, and everywhere their bodies touched Yi-jun felt his sore muscles easing, all anxiety fading. All he needed was two moments alone with Jin-cai and he felt like he could conquer the world.

Pulling away from the man, Xie Yi-jun wished his first words to him could be inquiring about his journey, and if everything went alright. Yet the second Songcai looked into his eyes, Yi-jun realized he no longer wanted to act like a King, with an endless list of things to attend to. Songcai was smiling at him, and Yi-jun's heart began to sing...

He sighed, "There's so much I need to tell you, and so much I want to ask. But I can barely keep my eyes open, which is a shame, for I've been longing to see you."


Jin Songcai's eyes softened immediately and his expression became laughably familiar. Yi-jun saw it everytime the man was examining or treating a patient.

"Have you slept at all?" Songcai reached up to feel his forehead and immediately frowned.

"When was the last time you ate?"

Songcai's worry, though ridiculous, was another version of his love. Yi-jun let him fawn over him for a while, still holding him close. Songcai let out a deep sigh, as if he was handling a patient that refused to listen. The reality was not far off...

"Come with me,"

Xie Yi-jun took his hand when he gave it, following Songcai out of the war room and into the warm night air. It had been hot today, and a trace of sweat began to bead on the back of Yi-jun's neck from the humidity.

He didn't question it when Songcai pulled him into his tent, by the river. He even let the man spend a few minutes fussing over the insignificant wounds he'd gotten during training.

Then Songcai put his hands on his own hips and nodded. "Go ahead..."

Yi-jun had been staring off into space, actually he'd been staring at Jin-cai but it felt a little like daydreaming-

He blinked, "What?"

Songcai was already grabbing the bucket from beside his bed and rolling up his sleeves, "Take your clothes off."

Xie Yi-jun wanted to laugh, to joke about how no one would ever dare say such a thing to him. But Songcai never treated him based on his title, which was one of the reasons he loved him. So, he did as he said with no questions finally. Songcai was probably a little surprised by this too and he busied himself at once with filling the bath...

Every bucket of cool water he brought back from the lake he would carefully pour over Yi-jun's sore muscles. Each time, the King closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the water and Songcai's even breathing.

When the bath was full Xie Yi-jun blinked, evidently startled, as Songcai suddenly began untying his braid. No one was allowed to touch that, as it was a symbol of status. A ridiculous tradition, but one that was still so ingrained in Yi-jun's heart that even Songcai's delicate fingers running through his hair now felt like the most intimate of touches...


Swallowing, he glanced up and they met eyes. Songcai's face in the warm light from the candles was perhaps the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. The healer was what poets wrote about, what artists painted, and Yi-jun knew he was the only person he would ever love.

"Close your eyes," Songcai whispered, and Yi-jun obeyed.

With his hair free and hanging over his shoulder, the King inhaled deeply, comfort from Songcai's presence, overcoming even his deepest worries. All was right with the world, everything was good, and he was at peace-

And that was before Songcai touched him.

"Relax," he said, when Yi-jun flinched.

Jin Songcai was sitting behind him on the floor, hands on the King's shoulders. Where their skin touched, Yi-jun felt Songcai's aura kneading him, as if Songcai's spirit was easing against Yi-jun, curling up, resting.

As his aura moved across and inside Yi-jun's body, discovering tension and pains he had forgotten about years ago, Songcai's hands also traced at his skin. Across his shoulders, behind his neck... Xie Yi-jun shivered, though he couldn't get enough. Being touched by Songcai like this, he knew it would never be enough. He knew if the man ever stopped or pulled away, Yi-jun would whimper like a forlorn puppy and seek out his warmth again and again.

As Songcai healed him inside and out, Yi-jun became aware of another sensation. Something rising at the edge of his mind. It was more of a feeling, and it took several moments for him to realize that it was Songcai's feelings instead of his own...

Songcai's aura within him, his hands pressing gently down the length of his spine. And now, Xie Yi-jun sighed at the growing sense he had of the man's profound emotions.

Songcai suddenly leaned closer, his hands straying from Yi-jun's back around to his chest until Songcai hugged him, chin atop his shoulder and breath already coming in soft pants...

Yi-jun realized his eyes were open when he looked down and saw the man's hands sliding under the water-


With a gasp and a splash of water as Yi-jun gripped the edges of the tub, Songcai's warm hands wrapped around him. At first gentle and curious, Jin Songcai pressed his lips to Yi-jun's bare shoulder as he continued exploring.

The King was gritting his teeth, neck and chest and ears blushing. He hadn't been expecting Songcai to do anything like this so suddenly but now that he was, Yi-jun realized this had been the only outcome for tonight.

Gentle touches turned more brave, and before long sounds of groaning along with lapping water could be heard from inside the tent. Yi-jun's eyes had closed again in pleasure, his head falling back against Songcai's chest. As he listened to the man's heartbeat grow louder and louder beside his ear, he felt his own speed up until they were moving and breathing in rhythm.

"Jincai-" Yi-jun's plea was cut off suddenly as he saw a flash of white.

Several minutes later his eyes flickered open and the first thing he saw was Jin Songcai leaning closer while biting his lip, eyes darker than he'd ever seen...

Time and worry and unease were all things of the past, for when Songcai kissed him, Yi-jun forgot about every moment before or after. He only existed, he only wanted to exist right there.

Songcai never hid his emotions but especially in these moments, and Yi-jun was on the verge of tears as their hearts beat as one, because he could feel all that Jin-cai was feeling for him and it was entirely more than he deserved.

Songcai held Yi-jun's chin, gently kissing him again and again as if savoring every exhale and gasp and moan.

Yi-jun was helpless, all armor gone. His feelings bared in the light like several aching wounds that only love would heal.

And Songcai healed them all.

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