《Nightborn》Chapter 4


Dear Diary,

The moment when I think I no longer need someone I have to have them come blazing right back into my life. I should have given myself more warning.

Cold. I reach over to try and find my cover to pull up over me. I couldn't find it. The blankets lay down smooth like I didn't even bother to climb into bed. I sat up and cracked open my eyes. Sunlight poured into my room. Did I not pull my curtains closed? I had to blink a couple of times to clear my vision. Doing so, I suddenly realized that I wasn't at home in my bed.

It all came flooding back. The feral in the stockroom, Caden mind fucking Summer Lynn, then Caden mind fucking me. He apparently just dumped me on the bed. Not even bothering to remove my shoes. I checked my back pocket and thank God that my phone was still there.

I got up and walked around the enormous room. Caden definitely had money. The bed was huge and held a canopy. It had to be bigger than a king-size. Is there even such a thing? He probably had it custom made. The room was done up in maroons and golds. There was a "little" sitting area in front of the bed. A white fur rug, or what looked like fur, sat beneath two fancy looking couches and a coffee table. There were intricate gold details in all the wood on the furniture. I wondered if it was real gold. The walls were painted maroon. I guess maybe really they were wood panels. I'm not sure because I'm not an expert on interior design but the wall was in two-foot sections and each section was outlined in white trim. The main focal point was a marbled, gold speckled fireplace. Placed just above it was a tapestry. I didn't pay it much attention. Getting the scope of the room was more important.

To the left side of the room were a couple of doors. I wanted to check those out to make sure I was completely alone so I could send a text off to Dean. He was the closest hunter in this area and probably the fastest way to help me escape. I don't know. If I'm completely unguarded I may not need his help but still, better safe than sorry.


I made my way over to the doors pushing the first open. My mouth drops open. It was the largest bathroom I've ever laid eyes on. In the center was a huge clawfoot tub. Now, I'm not a girly girl but the sight of that tub made me want to strip down and hop in immediately. The rest of the bathroom was just as lavish as the rest of the bedroom but I really wanted that tub. Too bad it belonged to the enemy.

The other door led to an immense walk-in closest. Shelves and racks lined the walls but they were empty. I must be in a guest room. The empty closet didn't interest me but I walked in and shut the door. I wanted that extra layer of protection to send my text. Didn't want anyone to find my phone and take it away from me. Or worse, make me hand it over against my will. There was something extremely uncomfortable about having someone else inside your mind, bending your will to their wishes.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and sent a text off to Dean.

Dean I need help

Livvy what's the matter

His reply was instant. That was something I always admired about Dean. He never kept you waiting.

I was taken against my will. Not sure where I'm at or if I can leave.

Go to a window. Tell me what you see. Do you still have that find my friends app on your phone?

I did still have the app. When we were dating, Dean had me get that app so we could always find each other if we were in trouble. I couldn't bother to remove it after we broke up. I'm lazy in that way. I eased the closet door open and tiptoed into the room. There were windows on the same wall as the bed and also on the right side of the room. When I got to the closest one I peeped out. Nothing but trees surrounded the area. I did learn I was on an upper floor. So I guess that was useful.

I texted the information to Dean, also informing him that I did still have the app and that I was turning it on. That's when my phone died.



I didn't have my backpack. Guess Caden got rid of it. No phone. No stakes. I'm screwed. I glanced around the room to see if there was anything that I could possibly break to make a makeshift kind of stake. All the furniture had thick, heavy legs. I think it would be impossible to break with my bare hands. Oh well, guess I was completely on my own.

I tried the handle of my room's door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Surely I at least have guards. I exited my room and peeped down both sides of the hall. I was in the room directly above the stairs. With no obvious guards around I began to creep down the stairs. This guy had to be stupid. It was the middle of the day and my door was unlocked. He had to be asleep. Vamps tended to sleep during the day.

I was just turning the corner at the bottom of the stairs when I collided with someone. They grabbed me by the shoulders and straightened both of us up.

"Oh! Miss Nightborn! My apologies. His Highness didn't expect you to be awake so soon. If I had known, I would have had a meal brought to your room," the man said with shock clearly written all over his face.

He was obviously a servant. He was a butler, housekeeper, or something; you could tell by the way he was dressed. He wore a suit that butlers typically wore on those movies that take place in like the 1800s or something. He didn't have a snotty attitude or tone of voice though. If you were going to have a butler I thought a snotty attitude was required.

"Come, Miss," he says as he takes me by the arm. "I'll just show you the way back to your room."

"No thank you," I told him. "I will not be kept prisoner any longer."

"Please at least let me wake his highness. He'll be most displeased if you have left."

"I bet he would. I'm still leavin'. Now move out the way Butler Boy."

I kind of felt bad for the guy. I know he was only trying to do his job. It must be really hard to have a vampire for a boss. You would always have to do as you were told. The threat of being sucked dry would always be hanging in the air. He didn't seem to be in zombie mode so I was pretty sure no one was taking his brain out for a walk. The threat was probably enough.

Butler Boy ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up quite a bit. I could tell this situation exasperated him. I'm pretty sure he was told not to let me leave.

"Please, Miss. It would only take a moment," he whined.

I was about to push my way past good ol' Butler Boy when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I knew who it was before I even turned around. His presence electrified the air causing my arm hair to stand on end.

"That will be all, Randall. I'm sure you have other things to do," said a deep voice that was becoming so annoyingly familiar to me. "Sneaking out so soon, Olivia?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am," I said to him. I've yet to turn around. Maybe if I just start walking he'd go away. Surely I could find an exit in this monster of a house. I took off down the hall after spotting a very regal looking Frech door.

"Wait," Caden commanded.

At the sound of his voice, two guards appeared in front of the doors. They were almost as fast as Caden himself. It was the middle of the day. How was this even possible?

"I'd like to talk with you Miss Nightborn."

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