《Nightborn》Chapter 3


Dear Diary,


A vamp needed my help? Was this some kind of sick joke? The only help he needed was for someone to tell him which body part to nibble on first. No way in hell was I going to help this guy. I like to think that I'm smart enough to not end up as his supper.

"The only help you'll get from me is my stake through your chest," I spat at him.

That statement amused him. It almost made him laugh. His grin lit up his face and made his blue eyes sparkle. He wore his hair down tonight. The dark strands hung to just below his shoulders. He pushed his hair back so it wouldn't hang in his face. He was dressed more casual tonight. Guess he knew he'd be killing ferals in the back of a convenience store.

"While I'm glad that you have the confidence to think you can end me, you'll be doing no such thing. Again, I ask for your help," he said.

"My answer again is no."

"Do you not even want to know the reason for my asking you to help?"

"I don't need your reasons. I don't help stalker vampires who would rather drink my blood than have me assist them with some made-up problem. You'll not be receiving my help."

His expression was intense. The most serious I've seen him so far. "I didn't want this to play out this way but you will be helping me. I can't do this on my own," he said.

In an instant, he was right in front of me. Startled I backed up into a stack of boxes, pushing them into a shelf and tipping it over. "Back up now!" I warned.

My warning went unheard as he crept toward me. This was a game to him. I was the mouse to his cat. I knew he was fast, he could be on me in an instant. I lifted my arm to thrust my stake into his flesh when I heard Summer Lynn's voice.


"Livvy you ok?" she asked.

I turned around seeing her in the doorway. Her eyes were big and she let out a gasp. Next thing I knew was trapped in Caden's embrace. My arms pinned down at my side. He applied enough pressure at my wrist that I dropped my stake. Summer Lynn unintentionally just screwed me over.

"It's you!" Summer Lynn gasped. "You let her go this instant!"

"I didn't want her to come with me this way. I wanted her willing cooperation. So sorry love, I won't be letting her go," Caden said.

Pushing me forward he walked to Summer Lynn. He placed one hand on the side of her face and looked her directly in the eyes. "Olivia finished the paperwork and went home leaving you to finish the work by yourself. Understand?"

Summer Lynn had a faraway look on her face. Her eyes were a bit glassy and her mouth hung open ever so slightly. "I understand," she whispered.

"Good girl," he said as he patted her cheek.

The next minute he was shoving me in the back of a silver Prius.

"I'll take that," he said as he pulled my backpack away from me. "Can never be too careful."

He slammed the door in my face, opened the driver's door, and got in leaving me in the back to stew in my anger. I didn't know if I should stay silent or if I should yell at him. Silence was probably the best solution until I could figure out what was happening.

Caden put the car in drive and started heading away from the store and deeper into the country. I thought it best to stare out the window and pay close attention to where we were going. It would make it easier to escape if I knew which direction to head.


I felt a vibration in my back pocket. Caden may have taken my backpack but he didn't even check me for a phone. If I could take it out of my pocket and send a text off to Dean I might make it out of here unscathed. Eventually, he'd take me out of the car and would have to leave me alone for a little while. The night is still young. He'd have to go feed.

God, I hoped I wasn't his food.

"Do you always wear your hair up like that?" he asked.

My answer was to glare in his direction.

And yes, I do always wear my hair up. I can't stand it to fall in my face. Not that the vamp needed to know. I didn't plan on sharing any information with him. It was going to be a long car ride. I just wish I knew where we were going.

Caden pulled up to a stop sign and put the car into park. I looked around and there was nothing to identify the area by. No landmarks I could text someone so they could find me. Just trees.

Caden turned around in his seat. He looked at me for a minute and then released a sigh. "I really hate to do this but I'm afraid it must be done. I'm not sure I can trust you," he says.

Again my response was to ignore him. I kept my gaze out the window as he crawled into the backseat.

I heard him sigh again and mumble an apology. Then he placed his cold hand against my cheek. The temperature of his hand actually surprised me. I knew on some base level that vampires were cold. Technically they are dead so it makes sense. He just didn't look cold. Have I ever even touched a vampire before I made the kill? I don't think so.

Caden began to rub his thumb back and forth across my cheek. The action pulled me from my thoughts and sent a little shiver down my spine. I had a sudden urge to look him in the eye. I knew it was wrong and that I shouldn't do it but at the moment I couldn't remember why. My brain felt fuzzy.

I resisted for as long as I possibly could. It felt like hours even though I knew it could only have been minutes. Resisting was becoming a chore. I could feel sweat start to bead on my forehead.

"Just give in, Love," he said as he placed his other hand against the other side of my face. That's when I caved. At that point, the urge was too strong. There was no way I was not looking.

With my face cradled between his hands, I slowly started to lift my eyes to his. Why did it take me so long to do this? I couldn't remember why this was supposed to be a bad thing.

"That's it, Doll. Good girl," he said. He tucked a fallen piece of my strawberry blond hair behind my ear and whispered, "Sleep."

That was the last thing I remembered about the trip.

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