《Nightborn》Chapter 5


Dear Diary,

My mind is in shock. What are you supposed to do when you find out something that you really didn't want to know.

I was escorted back to my room by three of Caden's guards. That let me know I was a bigger threat to him than what I previously thought. I was told to behave myself and that someone would be by shortly with my breakfast. Caden also let me know he'd be back within the hour; that he had a meeting to attend before we could talk.

I decided to spend my time aimlessly wandering around the room. Did Caden not watch T.V.? A little cable would have done me some good. I was so bored. My thoughtless journey carried me back to the tapestry. I brushed my fingers against the rough fabric. Not a speck of dust. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that it was actually a picture of Caden himself. He was seated on a golden throne. He wore a crown crookedly on his head and a sinister smirk on his lips. Why would Caden be on a throne? He was leaning slightly forward in the picture. His right hand was placed atop a golden and ruby-encrusted scepter. It only took me a moment to realize the horrendous news.

Caden is the vampire king.

I didn't really know vampire politics that well. Mostly, my aim was to eradicate them. I guess I should have paid more attention when my parents tried to teach me more about the supernatural. What I did know was that him being the king put me in way over my head. I was in more trouble than I ever could have expected.

A knock at the door startled me and made me jump.

"Miss Nightborn, I have your meal for you." That was followed by several more taps at the door.


"Coming," I informed the servant as I pushed open the door and received my breakfast.

I thanked the man without giving him much thought and sat the tray of food on a nearby table. I didn't bother to lift the cover off the tray of food. My thoughts were reeling making my stomach quite upset. Breakfast didn't seem so appealing.

Caden could easily overpower me. I wasn't even sure if my normal vampire tricks would work on him. I didn't even know why he was asking for my help. He didn't have to ask. I wasn't even completely sure if avoiding eye contact would keep him from barging into my mind. All I could do is hope that Dean somehow manages to find me. The outlook wasn't so good.

I spent my time waiting by sitting on one of the little sofas and staring at the portrait of King Caden. Luckily it didn't seem like I waited for too long.

I heard the door close softly behind me. I turned in time to see Caden furrow his brow at my uneaten meal. My heart skipped a beat at the unhappy look on his face. I really needed to get ahold of myself. I've faced plenty of powerful vamps before and I was still here. One more wouldn't matter much.

"I see you've found out," Caden said nodding at the tapestry. "I hope this doesn't change the way you think about me."

"Actually," I said, "this makes me think even less of you."

He grinned at that. Showing the slightest peek of fang. A chill worked its way down my spine. Get it together Livvy. This is just the first step of getting out of here. I'll never make it out if he sees or senses my fear.


"And you still refuse to help?"

My cold stare was all the answer he was going to get.

"Just because I'm King of the south doesn't make me evil. I don't want the destruction of humans. That's why I'm...begging for your help."

You always learn more when you stay silent. My silence just awarded me. I now knew that the US was split into vampire kingdoms. What about the rest of the world? Just how many territories were in the US?

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