《Zoomchard: A Journey of War》CHP 5: Transforming Into A Real Soldier
"Master, our forces in Werchuch city are crumbling. They've deployed tanks on the ground and that notorious regiment, the Stealth Warrior Regiment. With them, our plans on weakening QUdesnk is tarnished." A weak voice stammered on his knees, bowing his head as his long arms reached out to a hand with three claws attached to a spiky grey forearm. The small robot with a human-like structure strutted his head up painfully slowly to get a glance at the so-called "Master" he was bowing his obedient head to with his yellow visor that glowed under a pointy head.
"Is that so?" A fluttering diabolical voice responded to the quivering lackey with no emotions shown.
"Yes, master-" The small black robot went to answer, only seeing his life get ripped away from him as the three claws clamped down on his face with fierce strength and amputated his head off as his vision went vacant. The three-clawed hand creased backwards and the robot attached to this spiky arm with ingrown leaves encircling around the entire arm stood up from their black throne resembling a downscaled medieval castle.
"Any better news? All week I've been hearing that blabbering nonsense." The monster bellowed, gesturing at a soldier standing near a large door scribbled in ancient rituals to clean up the guillotined robot below him.
The majority of the seven soldiers in this substantial desolate room outnumbered this beast of a being but his demeaning aura that strikes fear into anyone fearless enough matched up with his height standing above twenty-nine feet and lacerate body that is shrouded in spikes and ingrown grass flowing ten inches from out the anomaly's body. Not to mention the fragile tree growing out the left side of the monster's head that was probably grown there to give his grey sharp head covered in claws except his face that lays flat and tributes his menacing orange glowing eyes a pleasant look, but failed miserably. Even his feet weren't nice to look at; they crept as feet that looked like ant feet mixed in with two-toed hooves.
"Khunex, I've found out more information about the new soldier working under Derton's command." A black bulky twenty-eight-foot robot briefed with three piling orange eyes with an insect mouth for his squared head with antennas projecting out of his forehead like horns as he pushed the large door out of his way that left an unpleasant sound into the air to approach this wicked robot. The black robot's ruffled a deep demonic tone every time he uttered a word — as he got closer, he pushed out his hand and pressed a button on his right forearm that generated a transparent window explaining all Zoomchard's personal information.
"Well done, Drune. At least someone in the army has a brain." Khunex commended the black bulky robot but still showed no strong emotion.
"That's because at least fifteen million soldiers are clones. They don't have a conscience and have only one order; kill the enemies and obey Khunex." Drune clarified.
"It was the only way to boost my manpower. Every robot previously living as a civilian was forced to cooperate with the military and become a part of the Suicide Line Regiment. Talking about slaves; how have you treated the Revolt growing in one of the many cities I have no clue of?" Khunex asked, finding his way out of the room he was in before and was walking down the many stairs of an unravelling, giant grimy skyscraper that towered the dreary city below with its shadow alone.
"Do not worry about the revolt. The dull outcasts and the pesky primates are being wiped out at a fast pace; there are only 6,782 rebels left. Should we launch a full-fledged attack on them?"
"No no, the input we have gathered at the moment doesn't give us a reason to invade their land with a full attack. Just keep sending spies down there to gather more info and learn about this new species I've heard of." Khunex resolved. "I just need more on Zoomchard — he's becoming a threat quicker than I thought, now that he's in the Stealth Warrior Regiment." Khunex continued his speech, reaching the last few stairs to enter this ghost city. Guards were patrolling the area and all had the same striking appearance as the robot Khunex murdered earlier in his throne. And most of these guards had no life remaining in them and all moved fake like they shouldn't be alive as their orange eyes didn't glow like the rest of the Eithrem residents, well, what's left of it.
"I will try my best."
Zoomchard, loading himself up with ammo, looks around him to face the abandoned city behind him, miles away from him; regaining its light, its life, its picture as QUdensk civilians flood the city and appreciate the forces that fought hard to recapture this place. Zoomchard wanted to relive that moment, the moment where his childhood friend, his best friend, and the neighbourhood enjoy their last memory — but, Zoomchard had other plans, plans that will lead him through the chain and overload his system with courage the more he confiscates hostile territories and regrow the positive community back into the world. And maybe, meet his parents once again.
"Let's get moving," Derton demanded, taking Zoomchard's eyes off the city and onto the consecutive row of strict weapon brandished robots in front of his view as numerous low engines rumbled past Zoomchard in large variations of artichoke green machines ranging from a lengthy thirty feet with a fourteen feet width and an eleven feet height, to a length of forty-four feet with a thirty-one feet width and a twenty-eight feet height that are supported by a steel track on a continuous band of metallic treads with a massive turret on top of the base with a hatch in the middle that projects two rhombus long barrels forwards.
"Are you sure that's a tank?" Zoomchard doubted, jaw-dropped.
"Yep, all roughly eighty of them. They're bastards to take down with that armour." Pacho answered as he stood directly left to Zoomchard.
"You'll get used to them," Feren mumbled, patting Zoomchard on the shoulder with a grin.
The journey ahead of Zoomchard was going to be his first introduction to the Main Infantry Line, a mission that could either end up with death or living wounded. 1,334,987 Conhuy soldiers and 1,102,346 QUdensk soldiers along with 800,678 Foslampsi soldiers, 500,552 Movstilnotia soldiers, and 322,777 Theomatia soldiers rolled into the area to undertake an invasion on Eithrem's stronghold to simply overwhelm the large portion of soldiers in that territory and break Eithrem's assault that has been failing for two years after its twenty-year supremacy. Zoomchard was noticeably nervous but he held on as he strolled on a one-line journey that lasted three days until the brigades of many international soldiers came close to the Eithrem base.
Generals of each brigade of the QUdensk Alliance armies commended all the soldiers to rest in a small rural village with a couple of big huts sitting around the buildings as the battle tanks trembled by, vibrating the bendable metal surface as they positioned themselves in front of all of the soldiers to protect them in battle. Zoomchard stayed with Derton's crew and kept a distance to avoid any chatter as he accidentally slips into doing that now and then and focuses on himself, cocking his bolt back on his gun as he suddenly saw the troops moving forwards in a crouched stance — keeping low as practical. Some of the native generals muttered a few indistinct words that Zoomchard could barely understand as he translated their language into his mind after learning many languages while finding time to spare at his old boring job.
"Why can't I blast the bastards now? My blasters are at reach." Feren urged angrily, banging on his blasters extending from his shoulders, rattling them and almost breaking off the bar that they depend on.
"Not at the moment, Feren. Keep you cool and wait for the order!" Derton whispered loud and clear, spurting his right hand up, revealing his palm to Feren who rolled his eyes in annoyance and threw his arms up in the sky.
"What order? You are the damn order. Why the hell are we acting like a bunch of dogs?" Feren uttered, punching his fist onto the ground to create a loud clang.
"Damn, what happened to your mature personality? It all of a sudden became irrational." Zoomchard muttered, accidentally slipping out the words he was thinking of. Instead of answering, Feren snarled at Zoomchard and was in reach to use his fist to land a hit but decided not to as he continued to crawl in silence.
"That's why he's nicknamed "The Two-Faced Immature Brother" in our Brother Clan for a reason." Hent snickered, flicking his finger at Feren to annoy him even more, which Feren reacted by shrugging Hent almost off balance but Hent caught himself by throwing his hands behind him and used all his weight to avoid falling onto his back and threw a hard punch at Feren's shoulder in return, throwing him off balance.
"Also has the "Narcissistic Bitch" nickname as he wants to show a matured image to a new individual." Ghus joined in on the conversation, who was also snickering as he pushed Hent and Feren away from each other to split up the struggle.
"Bunch of idiots." Belthrissa sneered in front of Feren, shaking her head in disappointment but stopped when she met Zoomchard's eyes and smiled quickly.
"Can you all shut UP?!" Derton yelled in anger, clenching his fists roughly, gritting his teeth at the struggle that went completely silent in a few seconds.
"Now you riled the boss up. Well done." Zenhu whispered. Zoomchard kept quiet after the incident and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over his body as he looked around and saw many soldiers were staring at him and the group. But that embarrassment went away when he realised these soldiers weren't criticising the group, but they were startled and kept their tails between their legs in a way that they feared Derton's crew. And some seemed to admire this crew and respect them — but that was mostly the Conhuy soldiers with few to little natives.
"What's so scary about this regiment?" Zoomchard indescribably murmured to himself as he looked at the ground and his gun, checking if it was locked on safe.
"Rest your eyes and prepare your guns!" A Conhuy general exclaimed, being translated by the native generals. Upon the horizon were a dominated army of orange-eyed robots who all looked like clones of each other and rarely seen Sadunju soldiers distracted with a current battle with QUdensk soldiers on the other side of the trench.
"So the clone theory was true after all," Pacho said, shaking his head as he lowered his head away from the gaps through the lines of battle tanks.
"Clones?" Zoomchard repeated.
"There was a theory of Eithrem cloning its soldiers rapidly in this decade," Anatolfia explained.
"And it's, unfortunately, a truth. I'd hate to be a slave under Eithrem's rule." Pacho emphasised.
"So would I." Anatolfia agreed, humming a short sequence and strongly shook her head.
Just as Zoomchard was about to speak, a whistle skimmed past his ear, scattering his ears as he recoiled onto the ground while hearing a chain of loud bangs shredding through puffy clouds that emerged from the battle tank barrels. Dust erupted from under the battle tanks and endorsed the soldiers close with its thick fog that blurred the visions of the soldiers that were scrambling to jump over the battle tanks in a bombardment of bullets from hostility; leading to some soldiers dropping dead on the back of the battle tanks when their battle hasn't even begun yet.
"Blasters, now!" Derton shouted at Feren, Feren nodded to Derton's words and hastily fired the six rounds of missiles packed into his blasters on his shoulders that screeched the sound barrier and pop out a sonic boom as they drifted through the fog in circles as they locked on target. Zoomchard scattered around as Derton climbs over the battle tank, firing off his rifle, being followed by his crew. Zoomchard came in late as he was shoved back into the background but fought his way to climb over the battle tank. In the progress of climbing the battle tank, Zoomchard was behind a skinny red robot that was hit in the chest and flopped between the gaps of the battle tanks as his purple liquid exploded all over Zoomchard that almost slipped from the wet surface of the liquid from dead soldiers — but managed to jump in front of the battle tank and charge through an ocean of decreased robots spewed in fog.
"Who thought of this stupid idea?!" Zoomchard shouted, blindly firing off his assault rifle into the fog and, eventually, at the Eithrem stronghold as Zoomchard cleared his way from the fog and scanned the current area he was in. A few abandoned houses separated from the village a couple of feet away were packed with protected soldiers who used the walls to their advantage and peek around the corner to let off a few rounds hiding back behind the walls. Some snipers were seen prone on the rooftops and two were dead near the closest building Zoomchard was rushing to and got there in time, avoiding the possibility of death.
"ARGH! MY LEG!" A wounded Foslampsi soldier wailed, gripping on his right leg that was oozing a lot of blue liquid all over the place as his right leg was shot off his body. Zoomchard skidded behind the wall with the wounded soldier and saw a blue female medic with a bulky structure who was a native of Movstilnotia drag a medical box and used the equipment to bandage titanium foil over the wounded soldier's leg to stop the bleeding.
Zoomchard sneaked around the houses trying to find Derton and his crew but found them nowhere in the houses or out of the houses. This led Zoomchard to overthink negatively until he spotted Pacho twenty feet away from him in another set of houses reaching deeper down near the Eithrem stronghold.
"Hey! Pacho!" Zoomchard yelled, trying to get Pacho's attention but Pacho couldn't hear him. This had Zoomchard thinking risky as he leaned his head out from around the corner of the house on its left side and saw the line of fire coming from Eithrem's direction were focused on the charging soldiers in the middle of the battlefield. Zoomchard took a gasp, jumped onto his knees, readied himself in a running position and blasted off as he sprinted through buffers of fire trying to reach Pacho.
As Zoomchard got closer and closer, he spotted a blast of fire that shot a rocket and it was coming directly his way. And the rocket was fast, it swerved through mobs of soldiers and targetted Zoomchard for being in the opening. Zoomchard glanced at the rocket with wide eyes as he felt himself drop in confidence and quiver in fear as he looked back at Pacho, who now has noticed Zoomchard and was screaming something Zoomchard couldn't hear as his ears numbed to a muted volume and were seeing flashes of his life.
"Damn it…" Zoomchard muttered in a low tone, accepting his fate as he halted in his running and faced the rocket head-on. At that moment, something clicked in Zoomchard and he acted on it; in a flash, Zoomchard aimed his assault rifle at the nearing rocket and fired a few rounds.
"Take that!" Zoomchard grinned. A grin that perished when the rocket, close to being blown up, evaded the bullets in a quick swift move and went back on its lane on targeting Zoomchard.
Everything crumbled, the walls of imagery crumbled around Zoomchard, expectations of surviving war crumbled — as many walls demonstrating the past fell around Zoomchard; crippling him to a fate that paralyzed his legs to his head, one wall crawled its way up. The feeling of peace, the tunnels that led to a gate of light, and at the end of the tunnels were Zoomchard's parents waving at him with beautiful shining smiles that pulled Zoomchard in.
"It's one way of going out…" Zoomchard smiled, observing the world that started fading into the whiteness of the rocket that was an inch away from Zoomchard's face.
A white never-ending world with the pallet floors reflecting the blue flourished skies dashed in white puffy blemish shapes greeted Zoomchard as he opened his grey eyes to a world he had never seen before. He didn't care though, it had a relaxing feel to it and it's all Zoomchard ever needed in a world struck by a world war. Zoomchard looked around him, trying to see if anything else was different from the white-dominated colour that had towering walls reach past the calming sky and healthy clouds; things Zoomchard never saw in his life as he was born into war.
"My dear son." Chuckled a female voice that echoed back on itself in this world of triviality, a voice Zoomchard was well aware of as he looked down and saw his parents in front of him, in arms reach, showing their smile Zoomchard loved coming home to. The purple feminine robot had the head and hands of Zoomchard but the masculine green robot had the body of Zoomchard and stood two feet higher than the eight-foot-tall purple robot.
"Did I please you both?" Zoomchard grinned mischievously, keeping his distance.
"What was there for you to please us, son? You are our angel — you don't need to prove anything." The father responded, but Zoomchard had an expression like he was waiting for something else. "You little bastard, how did you NOT GET A WIFE with that handsome face of yours?" The father added on his statement, shouting his disbelief at Zoomchard and Zoomchard simply smiled in response, reminiscing his memories of his parents.
"How do I know you two aren't real?" Zoomchard asked, seeing both of their emotions flicker wildly.
"How do we know you aren't real, you punk?" The father responded, ticking his tongue and illustrating a slap at Zoomchard.
"There it is!" Zoomchard laughed, pulling his tongue at his father.
"Stop it, you two rascals." His mother sighed as she abruptly began walking over to Zoomchard who was about to back away but his mum tugged her arm around Zoomchard and forced him into a hug.
"OI! Zoomlorance, I was supposed to hug him first!" The father moaned, rushing over to push Zoomlorance off Zoomchard to have his fair share.
"Oh, back off, Chardan, you child." Zoomlorance snapped, whacking Chardan around the head in a fit of rage.
"How did you children become my parents in the first place? It feels like I'm the one parenting you two." Zoomchard sobbed as tears streamed down his cheeks as his guard was left open.
"Because you're our amazing child." Zoomlorance squeezed out, desperately holding back her tears as she cuddled Zoomchard, finally letting go.
"Even if you-- even-- if you didn't get a wife-- ugh, this bastard is making me cry." Chardan whimpered, shoving Zoomchard into a tight hug as all three began crying together in a special reunion all of them wanted.
"I'm glad to have you both back and it will stay that way for eternity." Zoomchard cried.
"No, son. There's a second chance, my baby. Your second chance, treat it well." Zoomlorance wept into Zoomchard's ears.
"Why should I? You both didn't get yours." Zoomchard complained.
"Because you're our second chance, Zoomchard. The creators gave us drunken fools a second chance with you, and they are pleased. This is your second chance, go, treat it well." Zoomlorance rambled on, colliding her forehead against Zoomchard's forehead as her hands cupped the side of his head to show her glowing green eyes dampened in tears.
"They've offered you a second chance…"
Blackness stormed Zoomchard's vision as the hands of his mother evaporate into dust that smeared Zoomchard's eyes until the sounds of screaming, whizzing bullets, and missiles woke Zoomchard as he deployed his eyes and suddenly adjusted to the awareness he found himself in. Zoomchard, in his awakening, touched every inch of his body and felt the metallic skin clang against his fingers and noted something yellow clouded his vision. A long build of a shield, five times the size of Zoomchard marked its presence on the surface and had a skinny smooth yellow arm with black hands and a blue forearm fastened to the handles that roped from the hand that had a silver-rimmed wheel on top of the palm.
"When did Derton start inviting clueless ignoramuses into his regiment?" Asked a rough male voice, startling Zoomchard as he lifts his head to see a yellow robot with a blue ribcage concurred by yellow bumpers with headlights facing inwards of some sort of sports car that brought out his chest a couple of inches.
"Where am I?" Zoomchard asked, worrying about his whereabouts as he began to shuffle in panic.
"Where are you? Have you been dazed or something? Stop moving around, you slim shitbag, you will get us killed." Answered the blue robot, who poked his head over his chest and revealed his dark green eyes that are vastly different from the common eyes of Conhuy's green-eyed robots. He had a silver face and a blue head that had some sort of royalty crown fringing around his oval face shape.
No time to speak back, Zoomchard felt himself be carried off the ground and into the blue robot's other arm as he used the shield to both of their protection as he manoeuvres towards Pacho who was cover firing. Zoomchard felt this robot's particular way of walking felt bizarre, something about the way the robot didn't feel jumpy but glided across the surface that curiosity got the better of Zoomchard as he had a few glimpses down at the robot's legs — witnessing something unique as the legs exhibited feet in the form of wheels that bent inwards and forwards a little and had no problem rolling across the metallic land.
"Thank you, Rolthe. Where have you been?" Pacho's worried voice was heard close to Zoomchard's ears who didn't have a chance to look at Pacho as he was shoved onto his feet and was turned to face the village and not Pacho. Zoomchard patted his shoulders and got a better view of this blue robot named Rolthe; what Zoomchard saw and thought was indifferent was, in fact, real and Rolthe had wheels instead of feet to get him to places.
"How come you have wheels and not feet?" Zoomchard asked, getting it off his chest as he felt Rolthe's cold, judgment stare.
"Alternative mode. Is this the soldier you were on about that Derton scouted? This one, the one I had to save because he was nearly blasted into many pieces?" Rolthe questioned Pacho flabbergasted, while at the same time insulting Zoomchard who was fixated on his wheel-feet.
"Yes, yes. But he was merely trying to get to me after being left stranded and encountered an unlucky moment — that you swooped in and saved the day, by the way. Congratulations, you miserable thing. How are the frontlines doing over there?" Pacho excused Zoomchard's move as a mistake.
"What, Fysigi, my country? Oh, you know, in ruins and is crippled in debt after the war there. It's a small nation, so that problem would occur." Rolthe asserted, showing no negative emotions.
"And you just straight up left them? Wow, you aren't a warrior at all." Pacho pouted, showing his letdown of Rolthe.
"Huh? Why would I leave my country in a war? We won the rebellion against Eithrem's crusade and their buddies and I was given a choice to contact the Stealth Warrior Regiment again. Only to find out you're all back in war again." Rolthe scoffed, scratching his forehead in contempt.
"Alright, that's more of your character." Pacho complimented, patting Rolthe on the shoulder as Zoomchard sauntered past them and headed deeper in the village, finding the rest of Derton's crew covered from the buildings but the four knights weren't seen anywhere.
"There you are." Derton alerted Zoomchard who was in deep thoughts. Zoomchard waved back at Derton but couldn't stop thinking about his parents.
"I'll avenge you, mum and dad, I promise you…"
- In Serial654 Chapters
The Undetectable Strongest Job: Rule Breaker
By some ill fortune, Hikaru died in a traffic accident. He was in heaven standing in line, waiting to be judged, when he took an unexpected request to transfer his soul to a person in another world. He received an ability called Soul Board which he could use to allocate points to Skills to make himself more powerful.But there was a catch…「I want you to take revenge on someone for me within an hour. If you don’t, I’ll destroy your soul.」To pull off the task assigned to him, he poured all his available points to the Stealth skill tree.This is a story of a boy who specialized in Stealth. With his skill trees as weapons, he would demonstrate his unrivaled strength in another world.
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Ph. D. In Sorcery
Follow Anastasia, the unlucky physicist turned wizard, as her reality gets turned upside down and she is plunged into a world of gods, magic, swords, and adventure. Short and sweet description, anything more would be a spoiler and I detest those. Now, what you can expect from reading: This is my first time writing, or better said allowing someone else to read that mess so don’t raise your expectations too much. Still, I will try to keep the story flowing, while also devoting as much time as I can to editing. In my opinion, the story is written at a faster pace than normal with time skips here and there. I will do my best to not allow the faster pace to ruin the story by using those time skips to raise the skill of the main character. I am mainly looking for feedback while I test myself in new and unexplored waters. I did put a lot of thought into worldbuilding and the magic system, it is something that has been mulling inside my head for years before I sat down to write anything down. First and foremost I am an engineer and not a writer. I will try to do my utmost to make the world logical and consistent, but sometimes I might not express that in a way that’s clearly understood. I have a rough outline with several possible endings, but the story will change and evolve as I do. But in case I have to stop for whatever reason, the story will get an ending. It will be done even if I have to send coded messages from a bunker. I am a big fan of the Dresden Files so you can be certain that everything mentioned will in most cases be used, with a few red herrings sprinkled in the mix. But that also means I will enjoy putting the main character through the meat grinder while I eat popcorn and laugh from my evil lair. Physics, and to be more precise electromagnetism, quantum field theory, general and special relativity are very interesting topics for me that I research in my spare time. That means that the premise of the story will be using that research to bring logic to magic. Stupid I know, magic is magic, but to me, there is no reason why there shouldn’t be a concrete set of rules there. But it is still magic and that allows me to play with some things that shouldn’t normally be possible. I will focus on evolving the main character and having her react as anyone normal would, from my perspective. There will be scenes of battle, gore, and sexy times, but I will not go into too many details, counting on your imagination to fill the gaps. There will be plenty of combat, even battles ranging from a few dozen, a hundred, and thousands of participants. I could go on but there isn’t much to say that would convince anyone to read, either you thought the title was cool or you liked the poster. Or not, but after several days in photoshop, that’s the best I could do. And the title was originally Sorceress with a Ph.D. The new one makes a little less sense but I like the ring of it more for some reason. I just hope someone enjoys what I write as much as I do. In the end that is the reason, I am doing this, because I enjoy putting my thoughts on paper and seeing the outcome. Credit for the art: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0o8nw
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Juniper Savine has three goals: first, to clear her father's name. Second, to win the competition to become the king's head chef. Third, to get revenge. As a sensari of Taste, Jun's got magical cooking on her side--and that's about it. If she fails, she faces sacrifice to a wrathful god...but that's the least of her worries. Dark secrets and the people entangled in them hound her every step. The cherry on top? She's pretty sure she's falling for one of her most bitter enemies...the daughter of the man she intends to kill. Oh, and her burly guard, too. ~A polyamorous tale of love, revenge, and magical food wars set in a world with a magic system based around the five senses~
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The Counterfeit Mage
On his first day at the Academy of Magical Arts, Evander discovers his innate magical power is practically nonexistent. As a silver lining, he also discovers he can do every type of magic, albeit extremely poorly. Determined to overcome this 'setback', and not wanting to bring shame on his family, he decides to fake it. Using alchemy, trickery, and his many magical arts, he convinces his peers he is, in fact, the greatest mage that ever was.
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Shadow is set in two separate time periods: the year 2027, mere days before the end of the world, and the year 2030. At the core of every action/adventure story is a silly plot twist that only works if the characters it centers around are compelling and well-developed, and there are no shortage of interesting characters to be found during the earth's final days. Only a fool chases his own Shadow. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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Vampire Reborn
In a polluted world where humans ruined the planet, Ren Silver, a man who had been on the bottom his entire life climbed up the social ladder and followed his dreams no matter who put him down. After putting his soul, blood, sweat, and tears, his path led him to greatness, becoming the number 1 streamer and VR gamer in the world. His life took a major turn. And, after receiving early access to THE major game-changing update by the developers, things were looking up for him even more. What awaited him was something truly special that no man would have dreamed of... One much darker than he would have ever expected... [ Greetings Ren Silver… You have proven yourself worthy without a shadow of a doubt… Welcome to your NEW REALITY... ] *****************************IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE! This post was made by #NoHaremGang! Although the synopsis and the first few chapters make it sound like one, THIS IS NOT A VRMMO NOVEL. This is a proper Isekai! This will be a MALE LEAD novel, despite the cover. There will be romance however later down the line, and the person in the cover will be the main love interest! The Novel's MC will not be a very moral guy. He is not a hero! He will value logic and reasoning over most of his decisions and values his own survival! There will be some romance later on but probably not a lot of it! The first few chapters are slow and set up the world so don't let that deter you, because the action is not too far from there! I hope you guys enjoy the novel! There will also be original art on specific chapters! So keep an eye out for those! ;) *****************************
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