《Zoomchard: A Journey of War》CHP 6: Transforming Into A Real Soldier #2
Upon meeting up with the crew again, Zoomchard settled inside the house as he was substantially smaller than most of Stealth Warrior Regiment and camped in a room forty feet high to the far right of the house that used to be a kitchen with all the supplies scattered around the room and used his small size to an advantage to assassinate a few enemies as the crusade became a stalemate for both sides. Although millions of soldiers were very close together, most kept a far distance and used anything to block themselves from opposing fire.
"Are you talented with sniper rifles?" Smor, beside Zoomchard, as he used the other window to his advantage as well, asked with a lisp, adjusting his squared glasses before they slipped off his head.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Zoomchard responded, ducking his head away from the window just before a bullet grazed the impediment of the window, intimidating Zoomchard as he oddly dropped onto his bottom.
"Snipers, can you use them?" Smor asked in a rush, typing some sort of code on his left forearm that had a black screen inside the arm.
"Uh… yeah, I guess?" Zoomchard stammered, groaning in pain as he struggled to get on his knees.
"You guess? I need a certain answer!" Smor propelled his voice loudly.
"Yes! Yes! Most of my kills are from a sniper!" Zoomchard shouted back in an aggravated manner.
Answering the question with a "Yes" excited Smor as he sped up typing a code on his arm while licking around his lips once the warring world around him faded into white noise. After the code was typed in as an essay, a hologram was extracted from the screen in a green sunray and inserted a spinning model of a blocky big gun with a long thin scope that started from the stock of the sturdy gun to the end of the barrel. Smor pressed the screen three times after seeing the model and the same gun materialised from out of thin air and fell onto the floor as it created a loud bang.
"Try it! It's the new Demolisher FERKA-S12 sniper model I'm working on with 15.99 mm calibre bullets." Smor shined in enthusiasm to a brainless Zoomchard who peered at the gun that was half his body size.
"Y-you want me to use that? It's half my body…" Zoomchard tried reasoning, feeling very overwhelmed with the situation.
"Don't worry about it. Considering its size, it's lightweight — I made sure I coded it to at least be carried by a small midget like you." Smor rambled, covering his mouth in shock after disrespecting Zoomchard accidentally.
"Ah? Go out there, I'll try it on you." Zoomchard sneered as he pulled out his pistol from his holster on the side of his hip and aimed the pistol at Smor's forehead in a threatening way as Smor saw the insides of the barrel and saw a bullet was loaded.
"I apologise…" Smor sulked, finding himself feeling inherently smaller than an already small robot as he avoided Zoomchard's eyes.
"Haha, I'm kidding." Zoomchard laughed shortly, picking up the gun and was surprised it was lighter than he'd expected and mounted the long sniper with the barrel only poking out of the window as he found himself in a comfortable position. The bold stock lay rested on Zoomchard's right shoulder as Zoomchard tucked his head down to the right a little bit to get his right eye looking through the scope that had a green reticle. Zoomchard closed his left eye, kept his breathing to a limited rate, twisted the gun around the window to find his target as a green box outlines Eithrem cloned soldiers, and when the green box outlined a soldier peeking his head up over a decapitated wall the green colour smeared into an orange colour.
"Found one," Zoomchard muttered to himself, dragging his finger down on the trigger and pushing it inwards. A bang with a green flash escaped the barrel, knocking an unbearable pain into Zoomchard's shoulder from the large recoil effect. "Damn!" Zoomchard hissed, rubbing his right shoulder with his left hand and looked down the sight again to see the soldier he shot had its head explode into many chunks, ending the clone's life as it frailed onto the wall that the robot used as a cover with its arms left hanging over the wall. Orange liquid splashed and stained the wall from the robot's neck to let Zoomchard know the robot was far beyond death.
"He's dead for sure." Hent was heard with muffled sniggering from outside of the house on the left to the room Zoomchard was in.
"One of Smor's creations again, isn't it? Everything he makes is a gore sight." Feren asked with an edge.
"Undoubtedly it is." Ghus resolved Feren's question as all of them were together outside the house.
"Hey, Smor, do you have any more ammo boxes left?" Belthrissa asked as she entered the room, quickly glancing at Zoomchard and back at Smor who turned to her voice who followed up the question and demonstrated the long black thin gun with a straight lubricant grip was empty with the proof of the curling extended clips wrapping around the lower half of her chest left starving for more rounds.
"How am I supposed to know? You keep asking me this in battles." Smor snorted, pulling a face at Belthrissa.
"You're the one with all the scientific coding stuff. It's expected for you to have some sort of storage where bullets are loaded in." Belthrissa soughed, walking out of the room.
"Oo, that's a great idea!" Smor glowed, instantly writing more codes down as Zoomchard felt disgusted with all the knowledge Smor had inside his mind and distracted himself with the battle. A beep overran the room that came from Smor's arm as he stood up from his kneeling stance and began walking out the room without saying goodbye as he remained fixated on his arm.
Left alone, in a room drenched in bullets around the windows, Zoomchard recounted the moments beforehand and only could let out a displeasing sigh as he wasn't inquired to give back this sniper that was now in Zoomchard's possession. He took it as it was his for now and used it in influential moments, so he took his assault rifle and initiated a range of fire that ripped through the unbreakable buffer zone between him and attaining victory.
"Pacho, start using your minigun. Feren, use your blasters on your shoulders! A wave of Eithrem soldiers is charging into the battle." Derton insisted under heavy fire. "Bel Triplets, sneak an attack by going around the outskirts of the battle! And Brothers, assist Feren and demolish everything you see." Derton demanded even more.
"Yes, sir!" The Bel Triplets, Pacho, and the Brothers affirmed at the same time. Zoomchard wasn't mentioned yet but the enthusiasm when he saw the group Derton ordered charge into Zoomchard's range of view as The Bel Triplets sprinted off to the west into the many desolate lifeless towns and the Brothers, followed up by Pacho, dominated the area as their war cry echoed through the breeze, grew Zoomchard into a lethal beast drooling for action.
"Zoomchard, Smor, Zenhu, Rolthe, Anatolfia, and Menos — you are all coming with me," Derton informed as to his voice enclosed the walls and grew from a muffle to clear as Derton poked his head into Zoomchard's room while Zoomchard was in the process of attaching the enormous sniper onto his back.
"Y-yes, hang on." Zoomchard stuttered, almost losing his balance before he ran out of the room and outside of the house to meet up with Derton in a circle that wasn't in sight of the enemy.
"What about the Classified Silence members? I haven't seen them anywhere yet." Rolthe probed Derton as he shrugged his shoulders, rolling his wheeled feet back and forth to have a stabilized stand.
"Even I have no clue where they are. They move quietly." Derton intoned.
"Their radars are off as well. Seems like they found a way to hack my code." Smor grumbled.
"But all I can tell is that they're supporting above, helping our soldiers in secret," Derton assured, eyeing at the skyscrapers miles away from the battlefield that is coated in black smoke and flames.
"Forgot that they love going in dangerous areas just to get a few hits and not be caught." Rolthe commented.
"You're bound to forget when you've been fighting a war that feels like an aeon." Menos rasped to Rolthe's words.
"If you add on the Eithrem's First Civil War, Eithrem's Second Civil War, Eithrem's Ethnic Civil War, and Conhuy's Revolt War. That'll give you 40,983 years of non-stop conflict alone." Smor loaded a lot of words out of his mouth without any errors in-between like it was a casual thing for him to do.
"Lots of Eithrem." Rolthe highlighted with a scoff.
"We need to hurry. The battle's stalemate will not last long and Eithrem is starting to deploy variously indestructible vehicles and tanks into the battle to push back our assault." Derton remarked, sneaking through the gaps of the houses to hide his presence as the rest followed him to a steep hill that drops 30,000 feet down to a sleek deserted field a few metres from the village. Without thought, the group, all of the sudden, walked off the edge, leaving Zoomchard alarmed as he scrambled over the edge in a panic.
"Hang on! W-why are you all jumping- Is this regiment notorious for its suicide or something?" Zoomchard jumped the gun in speculation as he reached his arm out to try and catch Zenhu from jumping off the cliff. To only see Zenhu turn around to show Zoomchard a stony stiff face that expressed no sorts of emotions, surrounded by a clear red mist sky with waves of different shades of blood-red intertwined a brandished rough and destruct emotion that was revolting against its maker, and its people as its rage, dismay and corrupt mind swarmed the scenery as the grey decreasing clouds opened up to reveal the blinking blond stars cracked into many dots that the blood sky caused as its fed up barricading species of war.
"Why would we be suicidal? We are the best Regiment on Mechan. And, if you want to become part of our regiment's heart; tricky small operations like these are what you are going to do to be accepted as a warrior." Zenhu mentioned loud and clear with a serious tone before he vanished from Zoomchard's vision as scraping and clunking noises were heard down below.
Stranded and astonished, Zoomchard looked around him for other options but only found a line of hostility and nothing peaceful waiting to hug Zoomchard as he strolls by. He thought of the impossible, jumping off this cliff and using his spiky fingers to rip the wall to save him from becoming goo, and he sure did second guess himself as he leaned over the cliff — spotting Derton, Zenhu, Smor and the rest descending the wall as their claws shredded the thin metal and create a continuous loop of sparks.
"Ok…ok," Zoomchard whispered to himself as he stepped back a few steps to wind up at a fast enough speed to jump off the edge with the proposed manner. Taking deep breaths, Zoomchard broadened his ankles and sprinted at the end of the cliff, thinking of positive outcomes that gradually deluded into negative outcomes of death; forcing Zoomchard to abruptly stop right at the drop of the cliff, catching himself as he started losing a sense of pride and decline into a hopeless state.
"I can't!" Zoomchard yelled at the same time as the battle tanks exploded another round far behind Zoomchard, tempting Zoomchard to divert himself and watch a foggy mushroom cloud blow up into the grey clouds, blackening the clouds even more.
"Charge! Show no fear and break through their defences!" An indescribable voice yelled as a loud burst of roars tinkered the sky as a crowd of QUdensk Alliance soldiers surged towards Eithrem Alliance soldiers, blaring their guns as portions of them pinch death by its tail and get dragged along into the Grim Reaper's realm.
At the right moment, composure submerged the fear inside Zoomchard and sucked it dry as he changed incredibly fast. Influenced by mere words, Zoomchard clenched his fist and puffed as he took a few steps back and charged towards the drop of the cliff — Zoomchard punctually threw his right hand onto the near wall as he glided down the hill at an accelerated pace as he punctuated his fingers down the wall in a swift, polished move. Hanging on to dear life, Zoomchard slammed his right foot down on the wall and clutched his foot, stabbing through the plastic hill that had no toughness to it.
Shredding down the wall, Zoomchard saw the other's plausible damage as it shaped their fingers down a scribbled path of messiness. Then a thought came to Zoomchard's mind after the problem below him became poorer, there was a strange barrier of white steam and he couldn't see properly, giving him a rough time to know if he was close to the surface. Advancing on the thought, Zoomchard used his right foot to launch himself off the wall, ripping out his hand that was faultlessly fine and flew through the white steam, veering his body into a suicide dive stance to surpass the high speed, rippling through the thick steam.
Recklessly flying through time had Zoomchard think about his life choices as the surface became clearer. And the clearance stimulated Zoomchard into a predicament as he scrambled back to the wall; it was noteworthy that he was about to crash into a splat slum and die when the surface was so, without warning, heart-wrenchingly, close to having him collide. Scrambling mid-air for a struggling second failed and Zoomchard rushed for new ideas as he floated his body upwards, threw his legs in front of him and went on to use his arms to swim him backwards and close in on the walls. The idea was a success that found Zoomchard's fingers locked back into the walls, stripping the wall into a crooked path in Zoomchard's fall.
"Braver than I thought." Rolthe quipped, admired by Zoomchard's fearless actions afar.
"That's why I chose him. Deep inside, the boy has the strongest heart of most of us combined. His hidden determination and dedication are what we need in our regiment." Derton observed proudly.
"That's a certainty. Only if he got over being introverted and opened up to us." Anatolfia pouted.
"I calculated the speed Zoomchard was going at and it seemed he was far over Mach 1, but I am not sure why a sonic boom didn't show," Zenhu confirmed, receiving a punch by Rolthe on the chest that jabbed him backwards.
"Stop being logical for one second and be emotional." Rolthe glowered with a nasty grin.
"But I'm a robot. I shouldn't possess emotions or feelings."
"Is he still into homo sapien documentary shit?" Rolthe inquired, searching for information as he was annoyed with Zenhu's moments where not even a tint of emotions are shown.
"Yup, that hasn't changed since the last time you've seen him. Every piece of equipment he's made is impacted by earthlings." Menos smiled gently.
"Keeps going on about there's another species of robots like us who can transform, blah, blah-" Anatolfia faltered, rolling her eyes in mid-sentence.
"Humans and other robot species are true. They're called Cybertronians." Zoomchard volunteered out of the blue, jumping an unexpected Anatolfia in fear.
"I take back my consideration over you." Rolthe hissed at Zoomchard, who went back to staying defended after slipping his words out.
"No more messing around. We have to attack the base from behind." Derton announced as he began walking away from the crowd, loading his gun while being followed by a big crew of kill-hungry robots ready to unleash hell.
The true operation has begun.
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