《The edge of our world as we know it.》Chapter two > Quinn > Cat in the Bag ARC


I stare at my locked door. I haven’t touched my parents' last gift in almost a year. I will myself to pull out my keys and walk to the kitchen. I pull the fake backing off one of the cabinets. My fingers come in contact with the cardboard box, the only remnant of my parents. Not hard, not hard at all. I can suppress this. I’ve done it before.

I open the box to reveal my locket; their locket. My mind is flooded with memories. Them holding me, my father feeding me, caring for me, protecting me against everything, except themselves, apparently. Them dying was the worst thing they could’ve done. I break from my trance to hear a clash.

I look down, between my feet, and I see the locket fractured against the grimy tile floor. I break just like the locket. Fracturing. Whatever my parents went through, whatever they died for, whatever Nova has, whatever connects us, I can never be worthy of. I should just walk away from this mess.

My phone rings as I gather the pieces of the shattered locket in my hand. Jenna, the screen reads. I answer to hear Jenna's voice, steady, however unsure the situation may have been. Are you coming? I hear her say. We’re all here. Yeah. I say. I’ll be right there. I hear the dial tone, and I think to myself. No, I may not be worthy of my parents, of anyone, but no one has heard of a great leader who never went through hardship. I will make myself worthy. My resolve strengthens as I run out the door to find rain pouring down. I grab a coat, all the while trying to imagine what my parents thought was special enough to die for.

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