《DREAM DEVOURER》Pryden at last!


At the edge of the desolate forest..

A boy who had torn clothes and a pale figure was seen walking out of the patch of trees.

"Finally!! I made it." After a week of journeying through the desolate forest. Sky was ecstatic at the sight before him.

What appeared in front of Sky was a wall of tantamount size. The walls were around 60 meter in height and bordered around a populace city. On the walls, there appeared to be some type of array that kept on absorbing particles non-stop. It looked magnificent from a distance. As if a slumbering beast was about to wake.

After admiring the wall for a moment. Sky headed towards a gate which looked like the only entrance. As he was closer to the gate, Sky noticed a line extending for about half a kilometer. Sky hesitated for a moment.

Won't I take forever if I wait in this line? I am part of the noble blood so I should be able to cut right to the front right? But...

Sky looks at his current appearance. Not to mention that he was a noble, but right now he looked more like a beggar with his clothes torn and bloodied. He also didn't have anything to confirm his identity with and only had his name.

Well, it's worth a shot. The worst they'll do is sent me back to the line right? Right???..

As Sky was walking towards the main gate. The people he passed also noticed his action. Soon they started to curse him out.

"Hey what's that beggar doing?"

"Aye kid!! Who do you think you are to cut us eh??!!"

"Brat you better stop what your doing unless you want to be sold."

"Don't worry about it guys. Once the guards notice him, they'll teach him what happens when you break the rules."


There were people yelling and murmuring about Sky. Some were cursing out of their frustration from being in the line all day. While others joined in for fun out of sheer boredom.

When Sky finally made it to the front of the line. The guards also noticed him cutting the line. A smirk appeared on their faces.

"Wow, who does this kid think he is for disobeying the rules." One guard remarked.

Another guard claps sarcastically and said, "You got to admit. He has some guts to do it so openly."

Another guard who seems to be the one in charge walks up to Sky in an arrogant manner and says, "Kid if you don't want to get your a*s beat. You better kowtow to me and call me master. Then considering how sincere you are, I'll think about letting you go".

The other guards who witnessed this all grinned in their mind. Taking pleasure from this sight. To these guards, being a gate keeper was the most boresome and tedious job one can have. So, with the little authority they have, they take advantage of people who disobey the rules. Of course, they won't kill anyone as that is a violation of the law. But who said that they can't have a broken bone?..

As the guards were laughing in their minds. Sky finally opens up his mouth.

Ignoring the previous remarks from the guards, he says, "Hello umm, my name is Sky Linwood. I was attacked by some people back in the desolate fo.."

When the guards were listening to Sky speaking, it was as if a hammer slammed against their mind when they heard the name Linwood. Some even turning pale at the mention of the name. The guard in charge quickly interrupts Sky before he could say anymore.


"Ho.. Hold up!! Did you say your name was Sky Linwood?? As in the nobles Linwood??"

"Umm, did I stutter. Of course that's what I said!!" Sky said in an arrogant tone, trying to pass off as what he thought a noble would act like.

"Ro-Roger, Livingston report to the Linwood family immediately that a Sky Linwood has been found and is at the main gate!!"

One of the guards then runs with haste inside to the city to report it to the Linwood headquarters.


In District 0 was the Linwood's family headquarters.

Inside a meeting room.

Many people were gathered around a long rectangular table, discussing to each other rather passionately. Out of the many people in the group, one sat at the front facing his back towards the others. Completely silent. He was Silas Linwood, the family's head and patriarch. Also Sky's father.

The elders gathered were arguing back and forth about the city affairs.

"The outbreak this time will be completely different with our triad expert gone."

"The Empire said it was sending one of it's few triad experts. Don't you think something about this sounds funny?"

"What do you declare by saying that? Are you saying the Empire is trying to swallow us whole? Are you mad?."

"The competition this year between the major families is a lost cause."

"What do you mean? We still have plenty of time to help nourish the talents of the family."

"Yes but have you considered about the Gierno's top talent for this year? Hmm?"

"So how are we going to choose the new heir for the family?"

As this question was asked, the whole room went silent. Everyone unknowingly looked at the front of the table. Looking as if they were expecting an answer.

Silas took a deep sigh and turned around to face the pillars of the family. He replied in a flat tone.

"The investigation has been going on for a week. Considering the current circumstances with manpower, we'll look for another week. If Sky is still considered to be missing. We'll take proper procedures for the new heir."

When hearing the patriarch's response, some of the elders were dissatisfied but didn't retort. They knew that the man in front of them treated his own flesh and blood with great importance. He had a very high sense of kinship. So with his only son missing, no one wanted to test his temper. And not only that, he was also a pseudo-triad expert. This man's strength did indeed earn their respect.

As they were talking about the family's affairs. A butler named Hester quickly dashed into the meeting room. Causing all the people to turn and look at him. One of the Elders quickly exclaimed.

"Why are you interrupting our meeting?!!

The butler named Hester was trying to catch his breath as he ran from the other side of the mansion.

"We..haaaaaah. Patriarch, we have found a person claiming to be Sky Linwood. From the descriptions from the report. It seems to be your son who went missing a week ago."

When the butler finished speaking, the whole room went quiet.

A gleam passed by the patriarch's eyes for a second. He recollected himself right after and said, "Good, Good, I'll go myself to check if it's true or not."

He tried to sound as calm as possible to keep up his image of head of the family. But he couldn't hide the joy from his face.

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