
In a certain region of the desolate forest. Two figures were seen. One was running while the other was chasing.


I've been running with all my might for hours, but that beast has been keeping the same distance between us. If this keeps up for any longer, I'll reach my limit and collapse.

As I was running, I tried using my surroundings to my advantage to increase the distance. The trees, the roots, the branches. Everything I could think of in this bare forest. But to my expectations, the beast just destroyed everything in it's path.

I was completely dumbfounded at the power this beast contained. If it really wanted to, it could kill me at anytime.

Coming to this realization, I felt the looming threat of death even more vividly. It felt as if the scythe of a reaper was hanging right above my neck. Waiting for the right moment to deal the finishing blow.

For me, this was a moment of life and death. While for the beast, this was more like a game to satiate it's boredom.

Without even me realizing, I ran passed a tree line. The moment I did, the beast chasing me hesitated for a quick second. Then as if throwing caution into the wind. It increased it's speed tremendously shrinking the distance between us.

As I saw the distance between us shrink rapidly. The fear in my heart grew even more. Many thoughts flickered in my mind trying to find a way out. But it was all for naught.

My mind was on the brink of collapse. I nearly pissed myself, but a tiny strand of dignity kept me from doing so.

As I looked at the beast inching closer to me. I noticed it was giving off a different type of mood. Instead of that playful mood it was in earlier, it was now replaced with fear and urgency??


Right when it was a few meters away from me.

The whole forest became silent...

The birds, the insects, the wind. Nothing was heard.

Just dead silence

What shocked me the most was that I couldn't move one inch. My body was screaming for me to get out right away. I was barely able to breathe under all this pressure.

The same could be said for the beast that was chasing me. It looked rather peculiar as it froze mid sprint.

The next thing I know, another beast appeared right in front of the bear framed beast. Almost as if materializing out of thin air.

This new beast resembled something like a bird. Except for the fact that it was around 15 meters tall with a purple color to its body. It had 6 wings on its back, two human size claws, and an eagle shaped head with a horn protruding from the nose.

The moment it appeared in front of the bear beast, it starts growling with different frequencies. As if communicating with it.

As the bird beast finishes, the bear beast responds in kind with a growl. Though when it does, it's more of a whimper than a growl.

Wh.. What's going on here??!! My mind is completely stunned at the scene I just witnessed.

Wasn't this bear full of vigor a minute ago? Where did all it's ferocity disappear to??? Was this bird beast really stronger than the bear??

As these questions passed through my mind. The conversation between the two beasts came to an end.

Then, the eagle like head turned around and it's crystal, Azure eyes stared right at me. My whole body shuddered uncontrollably. It felt as if those eyes saw right through me. Everything bare before it's gaze.

There was a peculiar look in it's eyes that surprised me though. It looked at me as how a human would look down on an ant. An inferior being. Those were the only words I could come up with to describe that gaze.


My mind went blank at the unexpected reality in front of me.

What type of world is this? How could a beast act so much like a human? Just what type of sh*t hole did that cursed thing of a God throw me into??!!

When the turmoil in my mind was turning into despair. The bird like beast turned back to the bear. It growled once more, but this time in an angered manner. It wasn't satisfied with the bear's previous answer. Having to look at Sky, an ant, really ruined it's mood.

The bear was growling back in an anxious manner. If one looked at it from a third perspective. It might have looked like a person begging his boss not to fire him.

As if not hearing the bear at all. The bird like beast spreads two of it's wings. When the wings were fully stretched. The silence was broken. Replacing it was the sounds of sparks igniting. Red colored particles gathered on the tips of the wings. Coating it in a dazzling red color. As soon as the particles finished gathering. The bird like beast trembled for a second.

The next moment, there was now two of the bird like beast. One in front of the bear, the other behind. Then as if an illusion, the bird like beast in front of the bear started dispersing. Leaving only the one behind the bear. As for the bear, what was now left of it were ashes.

This all took time to explain, but in reality only a few seconds went by. As the bird like beast gave a final look at where the bear use to be, it disappeared as if it was never there. It never even considered Sky's existence.

As for Sky, who was spectating this whole event. He was feeling a multitude of complex emotions. Envy, shame, fear, respect, awe, anger. All these emotions clouded Sky's mind for a while.

After a period of time. Sky finally came back to his senses. Immediately he started running east to Pryden, hoping to avoid any of the previous situations.

What Sky failed to realize at the moment, was that there was a spark lighting up in his heart. A spark of ambition that would lead him down an unknown path.

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