《DREAM DEVOURER》Astonishing City


At the entrance of the gate...

After the short commotion that I caused at the entrance, I was lead into a room inside the wall. As I was waiting in the room. I finally had a close up view of the wall.

The sheer aura the wall was emitting was completely different than when one looked at it from afar. If I went any closer to the wall, a heavy pressure would burden my whole body. Restricting my movement to a slow. Although not to the point to what I felt when that monstrous bird appeared.

"Wow!! How grandiose"

If a mere insignificant wall is already like this, then I can't imagine what this world has in store for me.

A glimmer passed by Sky's eyes. Even though Sky was a 10 year old boy right now, his soul was that of a 43 year old man. He was able to analyze and deduce his current circumstances to an extent.

If the way I am thinking is correct, just based on the walls and the guards outside. This planet should be in the phase to something similar to the Medieval Era of Earth. So I shouldn't be expecting such advanced technology.

Sky's train of thought was reasonable. But he made a huge error in his analyses. Although his judgement was on the right track. His common sense was that of Earth, not Rekon. Normal logic that worked on Earth would be completely different for Rekon.

As Sky was thinking of the future. A knock came from the door. One of the guards told Sky. "Young master Sky, a butler from the Linwood family has arrived to escort you."

A butler? Young master? As soon as Sky was notified, he opened the door. What he saw in front of him was a middle aged man garbed in desert attire. He was well covered everywhere except his face. He had a symmetrical face, dark black eyes, a high bridge nose, and a goatee to top it off. He was 2.5 meters tall, well beyond the average on Earth. Not only that, he had a bulky physique.


"Hello, young master. I am glad to see that you are in one piece." The middle aged man smiled in relief. His tensed body finally loosened as he saw Sky with all limbs.

"Umm....who are you?" Sky replied honestly since he had no recollection of this man in his memories. But just from the tone the butler was speaking to him in, it seemed that they were close.

"Young master??!" Hester immediately turned pale at Sky's response.

"Your kidding right? It's me, Hester. Can't you recall?" Numerous types of thoughts quickly ran through Hester's mind trying to piece together the current situation.

"No, I'm dead serious. And why do you keep calling me young master? I can't remember you nor much about my past." Sky had a weird hunch, but he didn't really want to believe this absurd thought.

"Young master Sky, you can't remember your father? Silas Linwood, the patriarch of the family?" Hester was even more taken aback.

"Silas Linwood? Father? Patriarch? What?!!" Sky was set into a daze when he heard about his new father. He was the most shaken up from this situation.

So I have a father huh? And not only that, but he's the head of the family. No wonder the guards at the gate changed their attitude so quickly. I'm basically the son of a wealthy tycoon in some sense. But wait. If I'm the son of the patriarch, there wouldn't be anyone trying to assassinate me then..... ahhh f***!

He was getting a headache just thinking about it. Although Sky found out his current status in the family, he could not be happy for one bit. He finally realized how sticky his current situation was.

"Young master, are you okay? What happened during the time you were missing?" Hester asked in a rather panicky tone.

"Ummm....It's all rather blurry to me. Can we talk about this later? I'm really not feeling in the mood to have a proper conversation right now."


Hester then took another good look at Sky, and only then did he notice the terrible condition the 10 year old boy was in. He was malnourished to the point that his bones were almost showing. He was in bloodied and torn clothes. He had dry blood running down his head. And not only that, that childish and immature atmosphere that he once knew was nowhere to be found on the boy. Instead, Sky was giving off a foreign atmosphere, not befitting a child.

"Sigh... Alright, we can talk later. I'll take you to your father in district 1." Hester lead Sky out of the wall and into another gate. After the gate was raised, Sky was greeted to a boisterous city. People were roaming about frantically back and forth. 10 story buildings were abundant on the streets. Carriages were passing by with people and goods. It was almost like a festival.

"Young master Sky, shall we get going?"

"Eh! Ah yes?!" Sky was dumbfounded at the sight before him. His picture of the world Rekon crumbled at this moment. As Sky was following Hester, he was lead to a peculiar carriage. The carriage was covered with decorative lines that would flicker every few seconds. Not only that, it was also being pulled by a creature that was 3 meters tall with 6 legs. It also had decorative lines on it's skin.

Sky looked at the creature in wonder and happened to notice a resemblance to the komodo dragon from Earth. Hester noticed this and asked, "Master Sky are you interested in the creature?".

Sky nodded his head. He couldn't contain his curiosity for this world's creatures ever since his encounter in the forest.

"Well, that creature is a skinless dragon. We usually call them 'skinners'. Their rather docile creatures the poor bunch." Hester gave a quick look at the 'skinner' and could not help but pity them for their cruel fate. Dragons were usually looked up upon for their strength in this world. However, these skinless dragons were the complete opposite.

So dragons exist in this world huh. How interesting. Sky thought as he entered the carriage.

Sky noticed the look of pity, but did not have the intention to ask about it. Instead, all he was doing right now was trying to soak up any information he could as he knew nothing about this world.

"So what are those lines on the dragon and carriage?" Sky was more interested with the flickering lines that resembled with the arrays on the wall.

"Ah that. Those are runes. To be exact, wind runes to make the dragon and carriage faster." Hester gave a simple explanation. But just that simple piece of information confused Sky.

Rune? What's a rune? Plus it's also wind rune. So does that means there's other types? Are the lines on the wall also runes? Sky had a confused look on his face.

"You'll see what I mean in a moment". Hester gave a short response. But as soon as the carriage moved. Sky quickly understood the purpose of the runes. The carriage was moving at a speed to something akin to a car on a highway from earth. Each step the 'skinner' took, 3 meters were crossed in an instant. Sky was amazed at the different technology of this world.

Sky took a glance at the window to take in the view of the city. There were all types of people from different walks of life. Many types of shops abundant for the eyes to see. It was bustling with never ending activity. And like that, a few hours passed by till the carriage finally arrived at it's destination.

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