《The Sinful Mortal》Project


The trio, Artix, Lisa- a horned girl wearing her school uniform, which was a white blouse with a long, blue skirt and the same red robe as the boys. She had long, brown hair and a pair of black eyes- and Geoffrey- a boy with a pair of black wings, three blue eyes and short, black hair-exited the class together.

"Shall we meet in the library after lunch?" Suggested Geoffrey.

The other two nodded. Then, each went on his way. They didn't forget to add each other as friends. Students' ID cards might appear simple, but it contained a bunch of complex programs. It was made of special material that could withstand constant use for about 3 years. So students replaced their cards every 3 years.

After lunch, Artix went to the library to find the other two. After a bit of hassle, the group gathered around a table in the library.

"I found this book when I arrived earlier," said Lisa.

The other two looked through the book. It was filled with horrendous symbols that made one's hair stand on end. The duo continued to flip through till the last page. They then looked at each other and saw the confusion on the other's face. Artix closed the book and looked at the title, 'Basics of Programming'. Silence descended on the duo while Lisa tried hard not to laugh.

"I asked around and found that this is the simplest book about programming in the library," said Lisa, "I was like you when I was turning the pages earlier."

"Well, I guess we can go through it and ask Miss Samantha in class if we encounter any problems," said Artix.

"Right, so who will be our leader?" Said Geoffrey, "I vouch for Artix."

"Me too," said Lisa.


Artix looked at the duo and had no choice but to agree, "Alright then. So what shall be our goal?"

"To create the best program and win the special reward," said Geoffrey.

"No, no," Artix shook his head, "We should aim higher," he paused and then continued, "To achieve first in the second round."

The other two nodded with determination in their eyes.


The trio first started to build a program based on how the book described it. They failed miserably. They then decided to study the basics seriously while trying to apply what they learnt as they went on. They failed in the beginning, but they managed to get the hang of it as more attempts were made.

Like this, three months passed.

"It's been three months already. I think we can try to build this fire whirl program," said Artix, "I think it's the simplest one, what do you think?"

"I am fine with that."

"I am fine as well."

"Alright, as we agreed on previously, I will condense a blade and link the commands, Lisa will infuse air commands and Geoffrey will infuse fire commands, then we will rotate roles. Any objections?"

"None," said the duo.

The trio got excited and began to work. Artix condensed a blade. Geoffrey infused the right fire commands into the blade and Lisa infused the right air commands. Artix then linked the commands. The trio held their breath as Artix infused mana into the blade.


An explosion was heard. During the next hour, five other explosions were heard.

The trio looked at each other and saw the exhaustion in each other's faces.

"Let's call it a day, shall we?" said Artix wryly.


During the next two months, the trio managed to successfully build a fire whirl program, a volcanic eruption program and a storm program. With only one month left, Artix suggested that they try to build programs that involved death commands, "The three of us can form links rather easily now for simple programs. But, this should be the case for everyone. Plus, we don't know how many commands they have unlocked in each law. If we want to win, we need something that the others don't have. That is the death commands. Even if we are unsuccessful, we can still form one of the earlier programs as our project. Are you willing to take the risk?" Was what he said and the other two agreed.


The two months finally passed and it was time for them to show their programs.

Samantha called each group and had them demonstrate in front of the whole class.

There were many programs that were demonstrated. There were fire whirl, volcanic eruption, storm, lightning, quicksand, mirage and many more.

Finally it was time for Artix's group to go and demonstrate their program.

"The program we are going to build is named silent burn," said Artix.

Samantha became interested and said, "go ahead."

Artix then nodded at Lisa who made a blade. Artix infused death commands while Geoffrey infused fire commands. Then, Lisa linked the commands together. The trio distanced themselves from the blade and infused mana into the program.

Nothing happened. The audience- or the students- became silent. They tried to scan the area with their consciousness, but still couldn't find anything. Samantha focused her consciousness around the blade and found a small flame there. She wouldn't have noticed it if she didn't concentrate well enough. She nodded and said, "Excellent! You may return back to your seat. For those of you who are confused, what the program does is to conjure a flame that is ignored by you subconsciously. Unless you have some attainment in the major laws, it is difficult to feel anything even if you were to be burned by it, hence the name silent burn."

Exclaims came from the students.

"Alright, group 24 you're next," said Samantha.


After all the students demonstrated their programs, Samantha said, "Good job everyone. I am extremely pleased with the amount of effort you put in. Now I will announce the winners," said Samantha, then she paused in a bid to make the announcement more dramatic. Unfortunately, it didn't go as expected.

"Miss, it's obviously Artix's group who won."

"Yes Miss, there's no need for dramatic effects."


Samantha shook her head helplessly, "It seems that we all agree that group 23 is the winner. Come and receive your prize."

Artix's group went to receive their prize while receiving cheers from the audience.

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