《The Sinful Mortal》Warriors


Mana was a special particle that exhibited both matter and wave properties. Combatants would use mana to achieve supernatural effects and wonders.

Combatants were generally referred to as Warriors. Warriors were divided into many realms. This applied to all creatures, be it demons or humans. There were six realms in total.

The first realm was the Mortal Realm. A Mortal Warrior was unable to sense mana. They would train their body until they were able to sense mana, reaching the second realm.

The second realm was the Transcendent Realm. A Transcendent Warrior could sense and control the mana in their body. They could release the stored mana in their body as a way of attacking or they could enhance their body for support. They would train via injecting mana into every cell of their body, forcing it to evolve. This included their nerves and brain. This process, as one might expect, was extremely torturous. This was also the reason why many would choose to stay at the early stage of the Transcendent Realm. Their body would continue to evolve until they reached the third realm.

The third realm was the Domain Realm. A Domain Warrior could control the mana around their body upto a certain range. They could detach their consciousness from their body to observe the surroundings. They would train in the same way as a Transcendent Warrior until they were able to perceive the laws.

The fourth realm was the Law Phase Realm. A Law Phase Warrior could, to a certain extent, move the laws around them and infuse them to objects or their body. The domain of an early stage law phase warrior was big enough to cover an entire planet. They would train via injecting the laws into every cell in their body, which was even more torturous than before.


The fifth realm was known as the Law King Realm. A Law King Warrior could control the law and command them to do their bidding. For example, they could form a connection with the Fire Law. They would then infuse it with a certain amount of mana to release a fireball. The amount needed depended on the result required. The connection depended on the depth of their understanding of the laws. The deeper the understanding, the deeper the connection. Having a stronger connection led to more efficient mana consumption, higher law resistance and led to more 'spells', or one could say 'comands', to unlock. The domain of an early stage Law King Warrior could cover an entire solar system. At this stage, they didn't focus on training as much as before and focused on comprehending the laws instead.

The sixth realm was just a theory. Even the Gods were at the peak of the Law King Realm. The theory was established after the Gods found that their power could still increase and the Devils formed a weak connection to an unknown law. This law was later named as the Eternal Law. A sixth realm Warrior was called an Eternal Warrior. Currently, no one knew how to reach this realm. The only clue they had was the human soul.

This was where the superiority of having a soul came into place. Almost all humans were natural born Law King Warriors. They could not only sense mana but they could also form a connection with the laws. In addition, they naturally had domains. But, this did not mean that they could compete with a Law King demon. After all, the disparity between the strength of their body and the size of their domain was far too great. The majority of humans were born with mortal bodies and their domains extended only to about one metre from them. Human Warriors were classified according to the size of their domains. So, it was better to say that humans were natural born Domain Warriors instead. The human soul grew stronger with the body. When humans become Law King Warriors, their soul would become strong enough to leave their body without dispersing immediately. They could also split part of their soul and store it in an object or turn it into a clone. But, they could only have one clone at a time. This was also why gods did not attempt to attack rashly, since the actual loses of human Warriors would not be significant.



Sitting cross-legged on his bed, Artix observed his domain and controlled the laws around him and infused them into his cells. As a domain warrior with a transcendent body, the normal course of action was to infuse mana and not the laws. But, Artix did so.

Unbearable pain surged in his body. Artix gritted his teeth and held on. Once you started, you could not stop, otherwise this would make the body unbalanced, leading to either death or mutation. Neither was good. Artix knew this, but he still chose this path. He knew, since the day he made his goal, that the path ahead of him would be filled with thorns and blood. But, for the sake of achieving his goal, he would preserve on this path. And even if he were to die, he would not regret it. Artix's goal, 'To die without regrets'. One might think this goal was simple. But, for Artix to achieve this, it meant that he would need to eliminate all the Gods and Devils that caused his loss. So, for Artix, this sentence was not only a goal, it was also a way of living. Do what you can do, do what you want to do, and even if you die, you would leave no regrets. At least you tried your best, the rest wasn't in your control.

Artix endured the pain. His body was shuddering, his eyes shut tight, veins bulged on his forehead. But, he did not scream, he kept his mouth closed and endured the torture. Finally, after half an hour, he finished infusing the laws into every cell of his body. He exhaled deeply. He then opened his two pairs of black eyes to take a look at his body. He found that he was covered in thick sweat mixed with black blood. He checked his domain and found that his domain, which was previously upto 2 metres, could now extend to 4 metres from him. Joy filled Artix while he went to clean himself in the bathroom.

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