《The Sinful Mortal》Demons


"Alright, go take your seats," said Helary, "I will repeat what I said just now."

Each of the seven went to the side and sat in their usual place.

Seeing that everyone took their seat, Helary started to say, "Creatures can be divided into two based on having souls or not. Those who have souls are called humans and those who do not have souls are called demons. We humans are actually a minority in the universe. Most of the creatures in the universe are demons," Helary paused to let the students digest what she said just now.

"Our lesson today is about demons. Demons can be divided into six major ethnic groups. They are: Single cell demons, galactic demons, insect demons, plant demons, beast demons and Ancient Ones."

"Single cell demons are the most varied. They include bacteria, microbes in the air or water and even viruses. Some of them cause diseases, while others are helpful in daily life. But, the majority aren't harmful. They do not possess a consciousness. They merely act on instinct."

"Insect demons are the second in number and variation. They can be as small as few millimeters or as big as 6 metres. They live in groups centred around a queen. The queen's intelligence is directly related to the intelligence of the colony. They usually have low intelligence, but some species have very intelligent queens."

"Plant demons lack the ability to move. They take root and most of them stay there for their entire life. Most of plants do not possess a consciousness, but some of them have intelligence that rivals that of humans."

"Beast demons are the most varied in terms of appearance. Some of them are even similar to humans in terms of appearance. Some have low intelligence, while some have very high intelligence."


"Galactic demons are small in numbers. They are even fewer than us humans. These demons are huge. The smallest one is as big as a small planet, while the biggest can be as big as a solar system. Galactic demons are extremely powerful and have very high intelligence."

"Finally we have the Ancient Ones. The Ancient Ones are the first creatures that came into existence. In fact, the Ancient Ones can be regarded as a sub-group of galactic demons, but since the disparity in strength is too big, scientists decided to put them into a group of their own. The ancient ones are similar in terms of strength and size. They are about as big as a solar system and have the strength to dominate a galaxy. When I say that they have the strength to dominate a galaxy, I mean that a full-blown attack from them can remove a galaxy from existence."

"Yes Artix, go ahead," said Helena after she saw that Artix raised his hand.

"Ma'am, what about Gods and Devils?" Asked Artix.

The class became extremely quiet. Helena didn't immediately answer this question. She looked carefully at Artix and when she found that he looked fine she said, "Gods and Devils belong to the Ancient Ones. God is a term those lunatics gave to the Ancient Ones they worshipped." Hearing this, expressions of disgust appeared on the students' faces, "Devils are gods who were corrupted by consuming too many souls."

"Ma'am, why is it that consuming souls brings corruption?" Asked a student curiously.

"The real reason is currently unknown, but scientists speculate that it should be due to the remnant psyche in the souls. Anyway, back to the topic....."


Ding Ding Ding...

The rings of a bell were heard, signifying the end of class.


"That's all for today. For those of you who haven't started revising yet, remember that your exams are coming soon. If you don't grab the chance, you will come to regret it," said Helary. Seeing that most of them didn't put much thought into this, she was helpless, "Well, enjoy the rest of your day."

"You to Ma'am," said the students.

When Artix was about to leave with the rest, he heard Ma'am Helary say, "Artix, you come here for a second."

Artix nodded his head and waved his hand to Edward and the company to go ahead. He then went in front of her desk and stood there waiting for what she had to say.

After all the students left, Helary asked with concern, "How are you feeling right now?"

"I am fine, really," said Artix.

"I know you don't want to talk about these things, but you must put those things behind you and focus on the present. I'm sure that's what they would've wanted too," Said Helary.

Artix lowered his head while listening. He clenched his fists and then released them. He sighed and said, "I know."

"Alright, that's all I have to say, enjoy the rest of your day," said Helary in a somewhat cheerful manner to try and ease the heavy atmosphere.

"You too," said Artix. With that, he turned around and left the classroom.

Helary watched his back as he left. She then looked at her desk and picked up a report she received this morning.

"""Patient's name: Artix Fergusson

Date of birth: 13/7/533

Birth system: Atlas System (destroyed)

Family: The patient's family died in a Devil's onslaught.

History: The patient remained silent for a month before the doctors finally managed to get a response. The patient became depressed and showed symptoms of sleep disturbance. He would walk endlessly in circles. When asked about his thoughts, he would reply, 'I want to die without regrets.' The same answer is received for what his goal in life is. After two months of careful guidance, the patient's condition became stable. However, the patient's goal in life did not change. Further monitoring showed that the patient did not attempt any rash or dangerous actions.

Condition: Apart from his goal, the patient's condition can be said to be normal.

Dr. Johnson"""


Artix joined his friends and went to eat at a cafeteria near the classroom. The group then disbanded, each having a destination of their own. Artix went to check on his dorm. Although teleportation fees were exempted, students found it more convenient to live on campus. Plus, Artix wasn't the only one who lost his family.

Artix arrived at his dorm which was located in a tall building. Artix's dorm was quite simple. There was a bed, a wardrobe and a desk which was placed in front of a window. A small bathroom was attached to the side. The room was on the small side, but it could be considered decent.

Artix went to his bed, sat cross-legged and began to practice.

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