《Plants VS Zombies Post Apocalyptic Fanfic》Chapter 6 trapped


“That is this thing?” Steven asked as he joined the group. “A mutated flower?”

“It looks like a giant sunflower,” Hank added. Their conversation whispered despite the active gunfire. It felt like the flower could hear them. Steven's backpack started buzzing and beeping. He realized it was his army radio. He unzipped the bag and pulled it out.

“Finally, Steven where are you? We just got locked in by the horde.” The voice of Tanner came through the radio. The sounds of gunfire roared in the background. Steven put it to his ear.

“Hey, Tanner. We are at the top of the hotel across the street. We didn't make it very far.” Steven said holding the radio up. “Can you send backup?”

“Hey, I know that this is. It's from that game. You know Plants vs zombies.” Frank barked excitedly, as he shouted over Tanner's voice from the radio. When no one answered, Frank, added. “You know one of those old pre zombie video games. They had a dozen versions of this. I really loved playing... ah never mind that. But that's what I think this is.”

“Sorry, Frank but I didn't think this is the same. Because this thing is real. Life is not some game.” Sam said as she circled it. The sunflower followed her a bit. “It can track movement. Which is worrying and really creepy. But I think it would have attacked us already if it even could?”

“Attack? Of course not. Like I said. It's all a part of that game.” Frank stated as he approached the flower. It looked down at him. “The sunflower doesn't attack. It only makes sun. Sun is the currency in the game by the way. ”

“Hey, I'm talking on the radio here,” Steven said as he covered the radio's mic with a hand. “Let's be honest Frank, this thing is not from one of your games. Hey, Tanner what was that again.”


“I said, no we can't send anyone now. The horde to just too big.” Tanner restated through the radio. “You're going to need to hold out alone. Hey, put Sam on the line. I want to ask her something.”

“Hey Sam, Tanner wants to talk to you,” Steven said, as he handed off the radio to Sam and approached Frank. The sunflower turned to him. “Frank your theory is just wrong. There are many explanations for this.”

“Like what Steve? like what?” Frank asked, glancing over at Steven before looking deeper into the flower's eyes. “Man, It's like it's staring into my soul.”

“We don't have the time for this. I'll let your imagination handle that because this thing isn't important right now. That horde is. We're trapped outside with no backup and finite ammo. ” Steven stated, as he turned his back on the flower. It watched him go. “Hank, can we use those vents to set up something of barricade on the door?”

“Maybe, it depends on if they used special screws to put them in. ” Hank stated, as he walked away from the flower and started looking over the metal vents. “Hey, We're in luck kids. They're attached by normal cross heads screws. I can get these off in no time. Steven come help me.”

“Hey, what are these things?” Frank asked as he bent down. He started picking up something from the floor. It was three different colored seeds. They had fallen from the flower when it got shot. The three seeds were green, white, and brown. “Hey, everyone it dropped seeds! But this isn't like the game at all? I wonder if...?”

“Don't eat that,” Steven stated over his shoulder, as he helped pull a loose vent cover off. “It could be poisonous.”


“Hey, I wasn't going to eat them,” Frank said, as Sam walked over to the edge of the roof and looked down. She was still on the radio.“Hey, Sam, I think we really should take some. Maybe if we plant them?”

Hank finally got the vent pieces off and helped Steven move some over to the door. Where Steven hoped they can be screwed into place to block the door.

“What was that Frank? The gunfire is really loud in my ear!” Sam shouted as she heard something on the radio. “Hey Steven, Tanner wants us to...”

“Can it wait!” Steven shouted over his shoulder, as he held up the piece for Hank to screw in. “ I fear these nails will only slow those bastards down. I want to get a stronger barrier up. Before they get to that staircase! Frank get more pieces over here.”

“All right Steve, I'll get them,” Frank said and after a moment he ran over with a third sheet of metal. He handed the sheet off to Hank who had finished screwing in the first two. Frank then reached into his pocket and pulled out the green seed. “Steve, I really think we should take some seeds back. I feel like we're on the edge of something amazing!”

A hungry growl came from the door and then five more. Hank jumped back and pulled out Sarah. The third metal sheet fell to the floor, forgotten. Spooked by the sound Frank and Steven jumped back. Something banged against the door and pushed up against it. Sam turned off the radio fast and pulled out her gun. Steven pointed to the vents. The four rejoined near the left side of the door and hid among the vents there.

“Oh shoot I dropped the seed.” Frank barked, as he glanced around for it.

“Will you shut up?” Steven whispered as He readied his shotgun for the worse.

More sounds. A lot of somethings had started pushing up against the door and the door bowed outward. The sound of bending metal and snapping wood made Steven's teeth ache.

Soon there was a loud pop and a few nails scattered. The door burst open and slammed into the wall. A pile-up of zombies fall out and more started climbing out atop the rest. Hank, Frank, and Sam started firing. Steven waited. The targets were too far away for his shotgun.

Bullets pelted the pile of zombies, spaying red everywhere. As more zombies appeared the pile grew larger. Frank backed up to reload and Hank crouched down to get better aim.

Then something horrifying happened. The newest zombie from the doorway grabbed the broken door and held it out like a shield. The door blocked some of Hank's shots, but not Sam's. The door gained three new peepholes and the zombie behind it fall. But there wasn't a moment of rest because even more zombies filed in behind that one.

Firing his rifle, Frank rejoined the firing squad. Just in time too, because Sam had to reload herself. Hank emptied his gun on a line of zombies and started reloading too. Frank popped a few zombies in the head, but they kept coming.

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