《Plants VS Zombies Post Apocalyptic Fanfic》Chapter 7 Pea shooter plant


Steven noticed a flash of movement in the pile of zombies. For a moment he thought it was only a wounded zombie, but when he focused on it He did a double-take. This thing was small, with a fresh healthy light green color until the pile of dark green much it was inside of it. But wherever this light green thing was, it was alive. Steven watched as a light green bulb popped out from the pile and grew taller. Hank and Sam must not have noticed it because they started firing again.

“Guys! Hey, stop!” Steven yelled, as he stood and grabbed Hank's shoulders with his free hand. “Hey everyone quiet, stay your guns!”

Hank conflicted glanced between Steven and the newest zombies Sam was gunning down. Frank noticed the lack of automatic fire and turned. The rest of the zombies were having terrible climbing over the pile. Two more zombies appeared for the door. Sam popped one more zombie before staying her gun.

“What is it, Steven!?” Sam yelled, Steven could barely hear her. He still heard the ringing of the gunfire. “I can't hear anything!”

“What!?” Frank yelled, then he noticed the green bulb. “Crap! That is that!?”

The green bulb and its stem grew taller than the pile and soon towered above the zombies. Steven believed it wouldn't stop growing until it did. Just as this plant reached its full height a zombie collapsed, a fresh bullet hole in its head. But besides the gunfire below, the floor top was almost silent.

Hank glanced down at Sarah, checking if he was the one who had shot it. Sam noticed the plant and tapped Hank's arm. The green bulb thing wiggled and then froze for the second time and like before a second zombie fell. A moment later a third zombie fell with another bullet hole in his head.

Is that thing shooting the zombies? Hell, what happens when it's done? We should get into cover. Steven thought, as he waved to get everyone's attraction and gestured behind him to the vents.


Sam and Hank nodded understandingly. But Frank was grinning like a fool and pointing. Frank was about to speak when Steven gestured for silence. Sam grabbed Frank and dragged him along.

As they moved behind the vents, Frank was nearly shaking with excitement. After they laid down Prone behind the vents Frank exploded with words.

“That's the pea shooter plant from the game. But it's shooting bullets amazing!”

Frank shouted as he adjusted his arms to be more comfortable. “ I can't believe this is happening.”

“Me neither,” Steven said.

“Same.” Sam committed as she started reloading her rifle.

“I can. It had to be something.” Hank muttered, everyone looked at him. He looked bored. “I knew it was going to be a bad day. Just didn't know that. ”

“Frank, what is the likely hood that thing starts to shoot one of us?” Steven asks. This gives Frank some pause.

“Actually I don't know?” Frank said, his eyes glancing up while he thought. “They almost never showed any of the plants around humans. Only zombies. So maybe twenty percent. ”

“Oh great. A twenty percent chance of being shot?” Sam muttered as she crossed her arms. “ But where did it even come from?”

“Ah, I can answer that too. I dropped that green seed earlier before the zombies appeared. It must have come from that.”

“Hey, Sam what did Tanner want?” Steven asked. Sam gave him a long stare. “Well since that thing is killing all the zombies. We're a little safer. So...”

“Well, he wanted to ask me something personal. I won't elaborate on what. But he really wanted to know about it and he still does.” Sam said with a smile. “Anyway what are we going to be doing about both of them?”

“Them?” Hank barked. “I'm only worrying about the one that can shoot me.”

“Let's just wait until the thing stops shooting first,” said Steven. “Hey, Frank you said it looks like the one from the game. Is there anything else you can tell us about it? I was never into games very much.”


“Well, it's the most basic pea shooter plant from the game. It shoots peas at zombies and kills them. But it normally takes a few shots to down a zombie, not one? Maybe there is something different about it now that it's real.”

“Ok, I'm starting to believe in this game stuff. But just means that they're some wild experiment that some gamer botanist made.” Sam said. “it's not like the world is becoming a video game.”

“I wasn't saying..” Frank started.

“No time for arguments. We have to make a decision now.” Steven said. “ I'm going to stand up. If it shoots me, it shoots me.”

“Wait you should protect your head,” Hank said, as he pulled something from his backpack. It was a piece of the vent. “It seems to go for the head a lot.”

“Thinks. Here we go.” Steven said, as he took the metal sheet and started to stand. “Ok not dead yet.”

From across the roof, the plant was staring at him. The wave of zombies seemed to have stopped for now. Even the gunshots from below were becoming more rare and casual. Like the owners were calmly finishing off the last of a horde. Steven held the sheet in front of his head as he moved around the vent he was hiding behind. He made his way towards the pea shooter.

“Ok nice and easy big guy. Don't go shooting me alright?” Steven muttered, to the plant as he lowered the metal sheet. It didn't shoot him, which was good. He noticed it had two tiny black dots that blinked down at him. “Ok does everything really needs eyes?”

The pea shooter plant looked past him. Steven turned and frowned. Frank had stood up and was rushing toward him.

“Whoa!” Frank said as he came to a stop beside Steven. Before Steven could stop him Frank reached out and touched the bulb. The pea shooter plant started rubbing his hand. “Hey look! It's completely tame!”

“We don't know that for sure,” Hank said, as he was peeking out from behind a vent.

“Hey, it looks safe enough,” Sam said as she stood. She grabbed hank's arm. “Come on old man. Stop hiding.”

“Oh., let go of me. Rude I can get up myself.” Hank said, as he shooed her off and stood. He rubbed his beard. “You all have no sense of self-preservation.”

“Sorry Hank. But I don't want to be on this roof any longer.” Sam said as she walked toward Steven. Frank had wandered off over to the sunflower. “ Steven I think it pretty clear this day was a bust.”

“I won't say that,” Steven said, as he laid the metal sheet down. It clattered to the floor. “We still have a few hours until sunset. We can still hit some of the planned areas.”

“Steven I'm tired and low on ammo. It's a bust and....” Sam started. but she was cut off by Frank.

“Hey, guys I wonder what other plants will grow from these seeds,” Frank said, as Steven and Sam looked over at him. He had his hands in the sunflowers face. “There are so many colors.”

“Hey stop that. We have enough problems with two.” Steven said as seeds started falling from the sunflower. Frank's hands came out with two overflowing fistfuls of seeds. “Holy Crap Frank!”

Steven and Sam jumped behind a vent. Hank crouched down behind his vent. The fallen seeds didn't explode or grow into a mess of monster plants. They just set there being seeds. Frank pocketed his handfuls and bent down to pick up the rest.

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