《Plants VS Zombies Post Apocalyptic Fanfic》Chapter 5 The Flower


Through the doors was a massive room. Along each wall was a set of double doors and throughout the room were destroyed barricades. Someone tried to use overturned chairs, sofas, and exercise equipment as protection.

Steven didn't see any bullet holes anywhere, so maybe the survivors left this somewhere safer, like the mall? His team moved through the wreckage, barely making any sound. Sam spotted something and gestured forward. They headed towards a door with a sign. The sign had the picture of a staircase on it.

Sam approached the door and peeked inside. As Steven and Frank approached, Sam started waving madly, while staring into the other room. Her hand was gesturing for everyone to back the hell up. Sam carefully moved away from the door and rejoined the group. A hand landed on Steven's shoulder.

It was Hank, and he pointed to another door with the same staircase sign. Sam realized that and took point on that door. She gestured an all-clear and the group continued.

“Update,” Steven whispered, as they entered a smaller hallway. There were elevators at the far wall and more doors. Sam leaned in and whispered back.

“Seven Plus,” Sam said, as she rushed ahead again. Hank looked confused but nodded understandingly when she said the number.

Seven zombies spotted and likely more? Steven thought as he glanced back. He gulped back saliva. Steven had come up with this code system months ago and with some additions by Sam and Frank. It worked.

Sam checked the first door and waved an all-clear, She entered and Steven heard her run up something. Suddenly faint gunfire filled the air.

“Sam!” Frank shouted and rushed in the door.

“Frank shut up,” Steven said, barely above a whisper. He and Hank chased after him and enter the room. They found Frank and Sam on the stairs. Frank was holding his nose.


“You idiot that gunfire's not me. The other teams must have run into some zombies outside.” Sam whispered as Frank looked up. His nose looked a little red. “Sorry I was trying to cover your mouth.”

“This is just great. He's a loudmouth too?” Hank muttered as he looked out the door. “Good they didn't hear that. Hey, Steve was he the last guy you recruited?”

“Hey...? ” Frank complained, as he rubbed his nose. “Being the loud guy isn't always a bad thing. Remember that last time?”

“I'm trying to forget it. ” Sam whispered. “I recall you barely survived being the bait. If team three and two weren't there....”

“Guys, we don't have time for this,” Steven added.

“Yes, I know. Can we continue then?” Frank muttered as he picked up his hunting rifle off the ground. Steven realized he had dropped it, to grab this nose.

With Sam leading the way and Hank taking up the rear. They climbed the thirteen floors and found a door. The gunfire outside the door became louder. Sam creaked it open and sunlight poured in. She glanced outside before stepping through. the rest soon followed.

The sunlight blinded Steven for a moment, as the four walked out onto the roof. The gunfire was coming from below. Sam ran over to the edge and looked down. She yelped, raised her rifle, and started shooting.

“Sam stop! Save your ammo.” Frank shouted as he and Hank ran over too. “Oh Damn! That's a lot.”

“See this is what I mean, we would have been down there," Hank added, as he stepped away from the edge.

Steven ran over and look down. Below was a large horde of zombies. They were surrounding the mall's barricades. Steve could see teams one, two, and three stuck behind the walls. They must have rushed back inside after the horde appeared. His team was stuck outside. a small part of the horde broke off and moved toward the hotel.


“Crap, some of them are heading this way,” Steven shouted over Sam's gunfire. He turned from the edge. “Quick someone come help me block the door. I'm sure the ones downstairs heard all this.”

Sam paused to reload. Frank and Steven rushed back to the doorway and slammed it shut. They pulled out two tiny hammers and started putting nails into the floor and doorframe.

“Hey, I think you all need to come to see this,” Hank shouted as Steven looked up from his hammering. Hank was nowhere to be seen. “Because it's freaking me out.”

“Mr. Thinker we're a little busy at the moment,” Steven shouted as he hammered another nail into the roofing panels. “Can it wait?”

“NO, it can't! This thing's staring at me.” Hank shouted. “And it's bulletproof. I shot it and everything.”

“Ok, I got to see this,” Frank said, as he abandoned the door and ran off. Steven cursed and grabbed another nail. “Holy crap what is that!? Why does it have eyes!? Sam, we need a Machete!”

“Ok fine. But this better not be a trick.” Sam said as the gunfire behind Steven stopped. A moment later a single gunshot filled the air. “Hell, what is that thing?”

“Damn it. Hank, already tried shooting it.” Frank said. The only gunfire came from the street below. “Steven, get over here. Forget the nails.”

“Alright fine. I got most of them in any way.” Steven said, as he stood and glanced around. He couldn't see any of them. The roof had a few large metal vents and the main staircase door. He walked around the door and spotted Hank, Sam and Frank. They were all staring at something that was behind a vent. “Ok, what are you all staring at?”

Steven walked over and spotted a flash of yellow. Then a shape took form, a giant sunflower. It was taller than all of them, with almost fifteen bright yellow petals, one had a bullet hole in it. The sunflower then turned to face him. It had two large eyes where some of the seeds would have been. Normally sunflowers had black seeds, But this freak of nature was a rainbow. Steve reached for his shotgun but thought better of it.

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