《Eternity and Bones》system


Ugh my head… What happened?

{you fainted after the [system] was installed into you}

Huh?! Who are you?

{I am the [system]}

That doesn’t really help…

{would you like me to transmit basic information about the [system] to you?}

Uh… yes!


Urg, my head!

{transmission successful}

{{the [system] is a magical apparatus designed by the ancient engineers in order to help lessen the countless casualties that were occurring at the time due to monster rampages, however, due to a flaw in the [system], it was deemed too dangerous and sealed in the lab where it was created.}}

Ok… that doesn’t really tell me what you do though?

{you asked for the basic information about the identity of the [system], not the abilities of the [system]}

Whatever, just tell me what you do so I know if it’s safe to keep you in my head or not.


Uh o- ouch!

{transmission successful}

Could you do me a favor and make it so you don’t hurt me every time you transmit something?

{that would increase transmission time by 0.000000001 seconds, are you sure?}

Yes! Obviously yes!

{disabled transmission pain}

Ok now show me what you do!


{{the [system] is capable of many helpful utilities, such as: Acting as a ‘second brain’: the [system] can allow you to think about 2 things at once instead of 1, effectively doubling your brain power}}

I don’t have a brain, but seems useful!

{{the [system] can aid with memorization: the [system] can store memories and access them at a moments notice, which is far more efficient than the standard human’s memory, which occasionally fails}}

I’m not a human, but sounds great! Also could you quit doing that thing where you’re referring to yourself in the third person? It’s kinda annoying.


{you are only capable of renaming the [system] if you claim ownership of the [system]. Would you like to claim ownership of the [system]?}

Hm… I feel like I might regret this, but… yes!

{transferring ownership of the [system] to ERROR}

{transfer complete}

Huh? Error? What does that mean?

{the [system] was unable to find your name within your memories}

Oh. a name, huh… that’s right I guess I don’t have one of those. Whatever, I've been fine without it so far, so I don't need one.

{on the topic of names, what will you name the [system]?}

Uhh. hmm. I don’t know.

{you need to provide a name within an hour, or the [system] will remove itself from you}

Fine, fine. I’ll call you system! Because I can't be bothered to think of a name for you and I'm pretty sure doing this will make you stop referring to yourself in the 3rd person.

{accepted, the [system] is now registered under the name system}

Yes! It worked! Now, let's see if you can find a way out of here. System, find me the fastest way back to the surface.

{finding the fastest route to the surface…}

{route found. Would you like to display the route in your vision?}



Wow! This is so handy! Thanks, system!

{you are welcome}

Whew, finally back above ground! Oh yeah, system, are you able to help me communicate with humans?


{no results}


{however, if you were to gain the ability to use magic, it may be possible to direct your thoughts as sound waves, enabling communication with humans}

Great! That’s perfect! How do I learn magic?


{all humans are born with a mana core, daily meditation and training as well as lessons from experienced magic users will assist with the process of learning magic}


System, that won’t work, I'm a skeleton, not a human.


{no results found}

So it’s hopeless after all…

{possibility found}

What? Spit it out!

{there are 2 ways for beings without a mana core to use magic}

{option 1: magic circles: good for rapid activation of a single spell, number of uses depends on what the circle is built with}

{option 2: magic circuits: magic circuits were a highly experimental method of magic activation developed by the ancient engineers, however were left unfinished due to [DATA REMOVED] causing the extinction of the ancient engineers}

Data removed? What does that mean?

{the data you are trying to access requires higher permissions}

What? Hey, system, answer me! Whatever, so my two options are a magic circle and these magic circuit things. Hm. Hey, system, give me more info on magic circuits.


{magic circuits are carvings on an object, typically a staff, that are carved in a specific way that allows them to be used like mana veins in a magic-using creature}

So if I carve these circuit things into my bones, I'll be able to use magic just like a human?!


Perfect! System, show me how to carve magic circuits!


What do you mean error?

{the data on the creation of magic circuits has been lost due to an unknown reason}

Damn it. What am I supposed to do now? I guess I'll give up for today, I'm about to reach the inn and it looks like that place has finally begun to calm down. I’ll worry about everything else tomorrow.

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