《Eternity and Bones》ancient ruins and treasure!


Finally away from that crowd… jeez that could have been dangerous! If someone had knocked my helmet off I would have been done for! For now, I'm just gonna wander around until I see something cool!

Woah, I found something cool! It’s ancient ruins! Real ancient ruins! I read some books in the city library about how being the first person to discover ruins is very lucky because of all the treasure inside! It also said something about dangerous traps, but who cares! Treasure, here I come!

Woah, so this is what the entrance to ruins looks like! It's a big stone gate! So cool! Let’s go! Treasure! Treasure! Treasure! I can’t wait to get some treasure!

Woah, this hallway looks ominous. Meh, who cares! I’m used to dark and damp underground spaces anyway!


What was that? AGH oh god! arrows? what kind of moron installs something like this in their ancient ruins! AAAGH somebody heeeelp!

Phew, got away from the arrows so I'm safe for now. But seriously, who the hell would install something like that! Someone could get hurt! Whatever, as long as I get my treasure I don't care! Let's go!

Ok, something feels off about these ruins, these ruins have walls made of some kind of metal, but all the ruins in the book were made of stone and other stuff like that! This is creeping me out! I wanna leave! I don’t care about the treasure anymore, I'm scared! One problem… I forgot the way out! This isn’t good this isn’t good what do I do I'm so scared I don’t wanna be here get me out please get me out of here!

Ok, ok, I shouldn’t panic, last time I panicked and barely managed to finish what I needed to do to survive. I just have to stay calm, and think about this rationally. Going back isn’t an option because of the arrow traps, breaking through the ceiling and getting out that way is simply not possible, so the only way I have to go is… forward. Great, just what I wanted, first I got stuck in a terrifying underground labyrinth, then the labyrinth turned from stone to metal, and now I realize my only way out is to go forward. Fantastic… I should have just stayed at the inn.


I’ve been walking for a while now, and as I walk further I'm beginning to hear a faint droning hum. I have no idea what’s making the noise, and I don't think I want to know either.

I’ve reached a strange room. There are strange glass things everywhere, and there are small lights all over the place. This place creeps me out.

I found another hallway, and since it seems like the only path at this point, I have no choice but to go. I really wanna get out of here.

I found a room filled with papers. I'm trying to figure out the language, but it’s unlike any language I've ever seen.

I managed to figure out a few words, and honestly I don’t think I'd be able to decipher any more so I'm going to read the parts I can read, then get out of here.

Log 1: project &*[email protected]!&@ has !&^@ accepted by the higher ups, we will !^@(@ research tomorrow .

Log 2: we’ve begun @&)#$**#^@%&*( and everything is going *@($%^& so far.

Log 3: it’s been a few weeks, and ^#& project is nearing completion. Not much @^*# to report on.

Log 4: it’s too ^@*$(*@#, if we implement this the balance of the @*#($ maybe be disrupted, we’re sealing the $*#^$% in a deeper part of the lab. If we tried we could &$(&#&^% make a more &@^@*!# version, but I doubt the higher ups will @^^&@ it.

Log 5: the project has been &#^! Down.

What? None of this helps at all! It doesn’t explain the weird hum, the strange glass things, the lights or the metal walls! Useless! I’ve been dreading this, but the last option I have right now is to progress deeper into this place. Let’s go.

A pitfall trap!? What kind of crazy asshole installs a pitfall trap!? I’m not particularly worried because as far as I know heights can’t kill me, but still, a pitfall trap? Really? OUCH! Ok, I was right, it can’t kill me, but it sure as hell hurts! Where am I right now anyway?


{{activating installation procedure}}

What?! What’s happening?! A bunch of lights suddenly came on and a weird voice said something! What the hell is this place?



nonononono don’t start counting down please!


hello? somebody? anybody? please help!


Is this it? Is this how I die? If so I lived a shit life!


no please don’t!

{{beginning installation}}

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