《Silver Lucky's Lovely Wubbles》WP 013 - Picked absolute worst time to quit


Ten minutes until I die.

They said it on the news.

I was literally watching the nuclear missile fly towards me via Twitter, etc.

I cannot flee, nor hide. All bunkers were full and gridlock prevented any real means for escape.

I guess I do have one big regret in life.

I picked the absolute worst time to quit drinking.

Ten minutes until I die.

They said it on the news. Confirmation was sprawling across social media. There was mass hysteria online. Words like vengeance, or jihad, or terrorism were thrown around like confetti.

It is a crazy world we live in. No one quiet understands how much we have advanced. Its rather crazy really.

For example, I was literally watching the nuclear missile fly towards my home, the capital. Pictures, live streams, etc. Twitter was confirming the incoming thing as it was seen by others.

Less than five minutes to go.

I cannot flee, nor hide. All bunkers were already full by this point and gridlock prevented any real means for escape.

Hell, could I even run out of the apartment in under five minutes?

I can hear the panicked cries of my neighbors.

I look around my apartment and assess my life. Nothing big or super regretful. Maybe I should have kept a few bad habits after all?


I guess I do have one big regret in life.

I picked the absolute worst time to quit drinking.

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