《Silver Lucky's Lovely Wubbles》WP 012 - Place where Star gave no light


It was here, on this lightless planet that they founded the Order of Irritus. It was an order that grew slowly, but steadily, as its message rippled across the worlds of the galactic core.

Men, women, and everything in-between was welcomed. No race, no gender was turned away. All needed guidance and, perhaps, they could find it here.

They preached no truths, save one, the truth of self. How could a person know someone else if they did not know who they themselves were? A deep question that required an equally deep answer.

They did not try to guide a person to anyplace, save one. Oneself. Self-enlightenment was all they craved, all they aspired for, and all they wished upon travelers.

The people of Irritus were peace-loving and were renowned for their focus on self-discovery. Enough that many people aspiring for greatness visited its solemn walls and mingled with the patient populace.

Greatness comes from within, happiness comes from within, life comes from within. A mantra of their truth, their way of life.

A person could spend years here, searching, and the order would embrace them. Others could spend only but a single hour and the order would only swell with pride as another found their truth. A truth that then would be spread again from enlightened hearts.

It was here, on this lightless planet they one could find a new beginning or, perhaps, a new ending.

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