《Silver Lucky's Lovely Wubbles》WP 014 - Describe color


He did not know how to colour it with a single word. It could not be done justice. How can one encase beauty with a single colour? A single tone?

One could not.

Yet, he could describe it in a single word. A moment that showed the warmest of all colours.


That tone, that shade as the sun began to set. It was warmth, affectionate, and vibrant colour. It painted the entire sky with its endless tones and shades.

It is my favourite colour and as I wished for it to forever represent our feelings for each other.

That hot colour, its burning glow and fiery passion fades with time. It leaves behind embers that we must embrace or it will flicker out and die. It could be brought back, but with time and care. One must always remember that it is like the waves of the ocean. Tides that come and go, washing over our fragile hearts.

This warm glow, this love. This is what we forever share. This colour represents what is unbreakable.

Not a hot burning love. That is volatile and could be as easily lost in an all-consuming blaze. This a gentle and strong love. Strong and durable that would last us beyond a lifetime.

This is what I feel whenever you are near, in the body or in thoughts. This warmth is what I crave and only you can paint my skies its colour.

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