《Silver Lucky's Lovely Wubbles》WP 005 - Unluckiest Person


Dear eJournal,

I am starting this up today to make a recording of my life. I guess I should start with who I am. I guess I am unlucky. I meant it. I am Unlucky.

Unlucky was the only way I could ever describe myself. There was simply no adjective that could more perfectly be used to define me.

A good example is when I had a pet rock when I was seven. I had it for months and I kept really good care of it! Then I lost it one day. I left it home since I couldn't bring it to church and my parents told me it had run away. I still miss Rocky for some days.

It wasn't always this way. It seemed to only really start when I hit both puberty and high school. Life really started to suck after that.

Like I was once in class during the history and I raised my hand for a question. The teacher hadn't noticed my hand and then asked about who would approve of the Jewish genocide and gasped as my hand was suddenly noticed.

Combined with my tacky clothes and braces, I became a school joke, and that totally sucked.

You see my family wasn't very rich and I had to wear a lot of hand me downs. They came from my father and would be completely tacky by today's standards. But I understood why and I hold no grudge against anyone. My family just wasn't that great with stocks.

I did get a great girlfriend though. Miley was pretty and very thoughtful, a picture-perfect girlfriend. We usually had a great time except for a few odd nights out like the one time we went to a comedy club and I ended up as the butt of almost every joke.


She was even sooo drunk once that she called the cops on me since she was too drunk to recognize me when I helped her home. That was sorta funny in retrospect. The cops let me go once Mrs. C got involved and vouched for my innocence.

Our relationship came to a sad end when I came back from vacation early and tried to surprise her with flowers. She shrieked in surprise when I saw her. Less happy, more horror as it turned out she was literally cheating on me when I saw her. Needless to say, we broke up. I still wish her and Leon? Liam? Lenard? the best though!

After that, I nearly failed high school since I stayed up all night studying and slept through the exams. I was able to do an equivalency test and it isn't that big of a deal. I will be starting University soon and I am sure that with my work ethics I will do great!

I have also officially gotten over my bad acne problem! Though I think my forehead is growing or my hairline is receding... whichever it is, I am sure it is temporary!

Hmmm... Nothing else to report now.

I will definitely write again soon. I feel really refreshed about this and I am sure glad I listened to my therapist when he said, "Brain, what you need to do is write down your 'moments' of 'Unluckiness' just so that you can see that you are really not all that unlucky."

I guess he was right. I feel better and reading about what I have written just shows me that life isn't all that bad or unfair. I am just highlighting all the worse parts.

Laters! -Brain

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